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By-products1 HCl 0 16.95 16.952 Ammonium Carbonate Solution(25-28%) from CPC Blue0 148.5 148.5Additionally, PAs informed the Committee that ambient air quality monitoring wascarried out at 6 locations during January, 2011 – May, 2011 and submitted dataindicates PM 10 (53.78-90.28 ug/m 3 ), SO 2 (17.26-35.84 ug/m 3 ), NO x (17.26-23.00 ug/m 3 )and VOC (0.5-1.9 ug/m 3 ). Incremental concentration due to proposed project wasestimated to be PM10 (0.004 ug/m 3 ), SO 2 (0.128 ug/m 3 ) and NOx (0.002 ug/m 3 ).Stack (11m) is provided to existing FO/LDO fired boiler-I & II and Thermopack.Stack (11m) will be provided to proposed FO/NG fired boiler III, Thermopac and hot airdryer. Cyclone followed by bagfilter alongwith stack (11 m) will be provided to pulveriser.Water followed by alkali scrubber will be provided to control HCl less than 10mg/Nm 3 /Cl 2 less than 5 mg/Nm 3 . Water followed by acid scrubber will be provided tocontrol NH 3 less than 175 mg/Nm 3 . Solvent (Xylene/Butanol) will be recovered andrecycled in the process. Total water requirement from GIDC water supply will beincreased from 83.0 m 3 /day to 222.82 m 3 /day after expansion. Effluent generation will beincreased from 70.0 m 3 /day to 208.42 m 3 /day after expansion. Domestic effluent will bedisposed off through septic tank/soak pit. In the existing unit process effluent is treated inETP comprising primary and secondary. Treated effluent is further sent to CETP fortreatment. In the proposed expansion, effluent will be treated in ETP comprising primary,secondary and tertiary treatment and treated effluent will be discharged into CETP forfurther treatment. Final treated effluent from CETP is disposed off into the Arabian sea.ETP Sludge will be Sent to TSDF, Vapi. Used Oil will be Sent to authorized recycler/reprocessor.DiscardedContainers will be sold to authorized recycler.Green belt will be developed in 1100 m 2 out of total plant area. Powerrequirement will be increased from 250 HP to 350 HP. LDO/FO will be consumed 450Kg/day as a fuel. Natural gas will be consumed around 3600 SCM/day. DG set (63KVA) will be installed.After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the final EIA/EMP reportadequate and suggested to stipulate following specific conditions alongwith otherenvironmental conditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance:i) Adequate stack height should be provided to oil/gas fired boiler/thermopack.ii) The levels of PM 10 , SO 2 , NO X , CO, NH 3 , HCl, Cl 2 and VOC should be monitored inambient air.iii) Adequate scrubbing system shall be provided to process vents to control HCl, Cl 2and SO 2 . The scrubbing media should be sent to effluent treatment plant (ETP) fortreatment. Cyclone followed by bag filter shall be provided to pulveriser.Efficiency ofscrubber should be monitored regularly and maintained properly. At no time, theemission levels should go beyond the prescribed standards.iv) Fugitive emissions in the work zone environment, product, raw materials storagearea etc. should be regularly monitored. The emissions should conform to the limitsimposed by GPCB.

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