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obtained for disposal of solid / hazardous waste in the TSDF. Measures shouldbe taken for fire fighting facilities in case of emergency.x) Solvent management should be as follows :‣ Reactor should be connected to chilled brine condenser system‣ Reactor and solvent handling pump should have mechanical seals to preventleakages.‣ The condensers should be provided with sufficient Heat Transfer Area (HTA)and residence time so as to achieve more than 95% recovery‣ Solvents should be stored in a separate space specified with all safetymeasures.‣ Proper earthing should be provided in all the electrical equipments whereversolvent handling is done.‣ Entire plant where solvents are used should be flame proof. The solventstorage tanks should be provided with breather valve to prevent losses.xi) Green belt should be developed in 33% of the plant area.xii) Occupational health surveillance of the workers should be done on a regularbasis and records maintained as per the Factories Act.2.7.8. Manufacture of Laminate Sheet and Resin (Phenol Formaldehyde & MelamineFormaldehyde) at Plot No. 24/p1, Near Lilapar Road, Navagam Taluka Morbi,District Rajkot, Gujarat by M/s Suntouch Laminate(TOR to EC)The project authorities and their consultant (San Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.) gave adetailed presentation on the salient features of the project and proposed environmentalprotection measures to be undertaken as per Draft Terms of References (TORs)awarded during the 25 th Meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) heldduring 28 th –30 th July, 2011for preparation of EIA/EMP. All the Synthetic OrganicChemicals Industry located outside the notified industrial area/estate are listed at S.N.5(f) under category ‘A’ and appraised at Central level.M/s Suntouch Laminate have proposed for the manufacturing of Laminate Sheetand Resin (Phenol Formaldehyde & Melamine Formaldehyde) at Plot No.24/p1, NearLilapar Road, Navagam Taluka Morbi, District Rajkot, Gujarat. Total plot area is 10,927m 2 . No national park/wildlife sanctuary/reserve forest is located within 10 Km distance.Total cost of the expansion project is Rs.0.6 Crore. Following products will bemanufactured:S.N. Products Existing Proposed Total1 LaminatesSheet4,50,000 Nos./Month or1800 MTPMNil 4,50,000Nos./Month or 1800MTPM2 P. F. Resin 0.0 700 MTPM 700 MTPM3 M.F. resin 0.0 165 MTPM 165 MTPMAdditionally, PAs informed the Committee that ambient air quality monitoring wascarried out at 6 locations during November, 2011 to January, 2012 and submitted dataindicates as PM 10 (47.4–94.0 ug/m3), SO2 (5.7 – 27.3 ug/m3), NOx (6.4-25.5 ug/m3)and VOC (24–52 ug/m3). Incremental ground level concentration due to proposed

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