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EIA/EMP. Leather/skin/hide processing industry is listed at Item 4(f) of the schedule ofEIA Notification, 2006 and categorized as A or B depending on the location of the unit innotified industrial area. Since the project site falls within 10 km radius of Delhi-HaryanaInterstate Boundary, as per the General Condition of EIA Notification 2006 the proposalhas been appraised by the EAC (Industry) of MoEF.M/s Supreme Fashions have proposed to set up a new leather finishing unit atPlot No. 524 D & E, HSIIDC, I.E.Barhi, Phase -II, District Sonipat in Haryana. The totalproject area is 2,025 sq. m. and green belt is proposed on approx. 40% of the coveredarea. There is no National Park/Wildlife Sanctuary within 10 km radius of the project site.The total cost of project is about Rs. 2.35 Crores and the cost for environmentmanagement is Rs. 0.25 Crore.The proposed leather finishing unit shall involve only finishing of leather and notanning of raw hides/skins would be involved. The capacity of the plant is about 25,000sq. ft. of finished leather per day for which about 5,000 pieces of wet blue hides andskins (Semi Finished /Tanned Leather) will be required daily along with chemicals forFinishing Operations. No chromium based dye will be used in the process. The rawmaterial used will be only tanned leather (wet blue skins and hides / semi finishedleather along with finishing chemicals like Fat Liquors, Pigments, Binders, FeelModifiers, Syntans and Dyes. The main stages in Finishing Operations are Sammying,Splitting, Shaving & Trimming, Neutralization, Dyeing, Fat Liquoring, Spraying andFinishing of leather. Total power requirement of 250 KW will be sourced from the stategrid supply. Provision has been made for power backup for 200 KVA DG SET.Base line data on ambient air quality monitored at 8 locations indicates thatmaximum concentrations of PM 10 , PM 2.5 , SO 2 and NO x at different locations within thestudy area are 145.7 µg/m 3 , 64.3 µg/m 3 , 12.5 µg/m 3 and 34 µg/m 3 . The values of SO 2 andNO x are within the NAAQS, whereas those of PM 10 and PM 2.5 are exceeding the NAAQSdue to the proximity from Highway and Industrial area. There is no source of air pollutionexcept DG sets, for which stack height will be provided as per the CPCB norms. Thewater requirement will be 25 m 3 /d, which will be provided by HSIIDC, Barhi. Effluent willbe generated from dyeing and fat liquoring operations only and the same will be treatedin the own ETP and subsequently it will be sent through existing pipeline to CETPmaintained by HSIIDC, Barhi. Wet blue shaving waste (Puff) -15 MT/month will be soldto vendors like cardboard manufacturers. ETP sludge (0.5 MT/month) will be dried &stored in leak proof storage pits and will be dispatched to Haryana EnvironmentalManagement Society, Gurgaon, Haryana authorized for management of HW.Public Hearing/Public Consultation was not required if a Gazette Notification forthe Industrial Area is submitted. After the issuance of ToRs, the proponent submitted acopy of the Notification No. 2/6/6-1 IBII-97 dated 4.11.2003 issued under Section 6 ofthe Land Acquisition Act for Industrial Estate, Barhi, Phase- II, Sonipat. The EIA reportwas submitted without conducting PH. The Committee decided that, MoEF shall write toDirector (Industries) of the State Govt. for clarification regarding Notified Industrial Area.After detailed deliberation, the Committee recommended the project forenvironmental clearance. However, the proposal shall be placed before the Committeeafter having clarity on exemption of Public Hearing/Public Consultation.

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