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with a capacity of 4.5 KL/day. No National Park Wild Life Sanctuary/ Biosphere reservesetc is located within 10 km radius of the project site. Project is located at a distance of 14Km from Arabian Sea. Total plot area is Rs. 60 acres. Total project cost is Rs. 30 crores.Rs. 271.6 lakhs and Rs. 18.5 Lakhs are earmarked towards capital cost and recurringcost per annum for pollution control measures. List of products along with theirproduction capacity are given below:S.N.NAME OF PRODUCTEXISTING(KLPA)1 Mineral Turpentine Oil 55,000 KLPA2 Ink Oil3 White Oil4 Aluminum Oil5 Spray Oil6 De-odorized Kerosene7 C-9, C-108 Oil recovered from waste Oil and tankbottomsCAPACITYAFTEREXPANSION(KLPA)1,08,000 KLPA30,000 KLPAAmbient air quality monitoring was carried out at 8 locations during March 2011 –May 2011 and submitted data indicates as PM 10 (28–54 ug/m 3 ), SO 2 (6.0 – 11 ug/m 3 )and NO x (6-8 ug/m 3 ). Predicted value of ground level concentration due to proposedproject is SPM (7.41 ug/m 3 ), NOx (9.15 ug/m 3 ) and SO 2 (8.57 ug/m 3 ).Multi-cyclonealongwith stack height of 32 m will be provided to coal fired thermic fluid heater. Waterrequirement will increase from 1.5 m 3 /dayto 16.5 m3/day after expansion, which will bemet through the Narmada water canal. The Committee noted that actual waterrequirement will be high due to cooling water make up requirement. Therefore waterrequirement needs to be recalculated. Industrial effluent generation will be mainly fromcooling tower blow down 2.3 m 3 /day, which will be treated in effluent treatment plant.Treated water will be used for gardening after meeting the standards. Domestic effluent(4 m 3 /day) will be disposed through soak pit/septic tank. Bottom residues from finalfractionation column will be sent to authorized industries as fuel. Ash from fuelcombustion in thermic fluid heart will be sent to brick manufacturers.Used oil /wastelubricant oil will be sent authorized recyclers/re-processors. Used containers (200nos/month) will be partly used for packing and partly will be sold to GPCB consenteddealers. Power requirement of 500 KVA will be met from the Gujarat Electricity Board.Fuel for thermic fluid heater will be HSD (2000 lts/day). Greenbelt will be developed in12.5 acres. Solar based power plant (0.5 MW) will be installed.The Committee deliberated on the issues raised during the Public Hearing /Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board on 8 thMay, 2012. The issues raised during public hearing were regarding whether any adverseimpact on surrounding due to the proposed expansion, facilities to be provided tocompany employee, raw materials to be used, local employment, development of thearea, development and maintenance of village road, medical facilities, facilities for firefighting etc. and have satisfactorily been responded by the project proponent andincorporated in the final EIA/EMP report.

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