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e ground water. Oily effluent will be treated in ETP of 75 KLH at Rewari and 100 KLHETP at Bharatpur.The Committee deliberated on the issues raised during the Public Hearing /Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Rajasthan State Pollution Control Boardon 10 th April, 2012 for Bharatpur terminal. The issues raised during public hearing wereabout project pipeline, land acquisition, rout of pipeline, no pipeline laying in populatedarea, fire safety and positive environmental impact on environment etc.and havesatisfactorily been responded by the project proponent and incorporated in the finalEIA/EMP report.The Committee deliberated on the issues raised for the separate Public Hearing /Public Consultation meeting conducted by the UP Pollution Control Board on 14 th May,2012 for Mathura Terminal. The issues raised during public hearing were regardingsocial development program for public residing at Village Brari, health facility scheme,compensation against land, any negative impact due to proposed project onsurrounding, tree plantation on waste land etc. and have satisfactorily been respondedby the project proponent and incorporated in the final EIA/EMP report.The Committee deliberated on the issues raised during the Public Hearing /Public Consultation meeting conducted by the UP Pollution Control Board on 4 th May,2012 for Kanpur Terminal. The issues raised during public hearing were regarding landacquisition, facility against the land acquisition, involvement of locals in the project etc.and have satisfactorily been responded by the project proponent and incorporated in thefinal EIA/EMP report.The Committee deliberated on the issues raised during the Public Hearing /Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board on 3 rdApril, 2012 for Palanpur Terminal. The issues raised during public hearing wereregarding fire safety, village development welfare activity, local employment etc. andhave satisfactorily been responded by the project proponent and incorporated in the finalEIA/EMP report.After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the final EIA/EMP reportadequate and suggested to stipulate following specific conditions along with otherenvironmental conditions while considering the grant of environmental clearance:i. The project authority i.e. M/s HPCL shall ensure restoration of the Right of Way topreconstruction level as soon as construction activity completed. To ensureprevention of soil erosion, backfilled areas should be properly compacted.ii.iii.iv.Adequate buffer zone around the oil tankage shall be maintained, as may berequired as per OISD or other statutory requirements.The company shall monitor PM10, SO2, NOx& HC and displayed periodically onthe company’s web site.Regularly monitoring of VOC and HC in the work zone area in the tankagespremises shall be carried and data be submitted to Ministry’s Regional Office atLucknow.

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