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31 st October, 20122.7.0 Consideration of the Projects:2.7.1. Laying of Petroleum Product Pipeline with Associated Facilities fromRewari, Haryana to Kanpur, U.P.by M/s Hindustan Petroleum CorporationLtd. (TOR to EC).The project authorities and their consultant (SECON Pvt. Ltd, Vadodara) gave adetailed presentation on the salient features of the project and proposed environmentalprotection measures to be undertaken as per Draft Terms of References (TORs)awarded during the 25 th Meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) heldduring 28 th –30 th July, 2011 for preparation of EIA/EMP.All the Petroleum product storageand transportations facilities are listed at S.N. 6(a) under Category ‘B’ and should havebeen appraised at the State level. However, due to applicability of general condition,pipeline passing through interstate boundary, project is treated as category ‘A’ andappraised at the Central Level.M/s Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. have proposed for laying of PetroleumProduct Pipeline with Associated Facilities from Rewari to Kanpur. Total laying ofpipeline in Haryana, Rajasthan and U.P. will be 1020 km, 137 km & 288.8 kmrespectively alongwith 437 km (final survey length is 441.12 Km) pipeline betweenRewari, Haryana and Kanpur, UP. The design capacity of the proposed pipeline is 7.98MMTPA. Following facilities will be installed:1. 18” Dia Pipeline from Rewari (Haryana) to Kanpur (approx. Length 441.12 Km)a) Dispatch Station at Rewarib) SV/CP Station with associated facilities – 11 Nos. along the pipeline routec) IPS Station with associated facilities – Saiyyadpur Pran (Uttar Pradesh)d) Receipt, Storage cum Marketing Terminal at Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh)e) Pumping station at Bahadurgarh2. Additional Tankage Facilities for the storagea) Additional Tankage facilities at Bharatpur (Rajasthan)b) Additional Tankage facilities at Mathura (Uttar Pradesh)c) Additional Tankage facilities at Palanpur (Gujarat)No national park/wildlife sanctuary/ tiger reserve/elephant reserve/turtle nestingground /core zone of biosphere reserve is located within study area. Duringpresentation, project proponent confirmed that Bharatpur bird sanctuary is 11 km awayfrom the project site.Rewari to Kanpur pipeline will cross state highway (15 nos.), otherroads (268 Nos.), canals (58 Nos.), drains (5 Nos.), nalas (19 Nos.), rivers (15 Nos.),other pipeline (9 Nos), National Highways (12 Nos.), Railways (12 Nos.), social forests(6 Nos.) and protected forests (8 Nos.).Additionally, PAs informed the Committee that ambient air quality monitoring was carriedout at 16 locations and submitted data indicates PM 2.5 (5-10ug/m 3 ), PM 10 (20-30 ug/m 3 ),SO 2 (7.0-30 ug/m 3 ) and NO x (8-14 ug/m 3 ). DG set (1x 160 KVA) and DG Set (1x 100KVA) will be installed at Rewari terminal and Bhartpur. Source of water requirement will

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