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Ministry’s Regional Office at Bangalore. Implementation of such program shall beensured accordingly in a time bound manner.(xix)Provision shall be made for the housing of construction labour within the site withall necessary infrastructure and facilities such as fuel for cooking, mobile toilets,mobile STP, Safe drinking water, medical health care, crèche etc. The housingmay be in the form of temporary structures to be removed after the completion ofthe project.2.2.7. Cement Plant (Clinker- 2 MTPA; Cement 1.5 MTPA) and CPP (50 MW) atVillages Itgi & Digaon and Captive limestone Mines at Itga & Mogla Villages,Taluk Chittapur, District Gulbarga in Karnataka by M/s Orient Cement (A unitof Orient paper & Industries Limited) - regarding EC.The project authorities and their consultant, M/s. B.S Envitech (P) Ltd.,Hyderabad, gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of the project andproposed environmental protection measures to be undertaken as per Terms ofReference (TORs) awarded during the 26 th Meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee(Industry-1) held during 22.7.2011 – 23.7.2011 for preparation of EIA/EMP report. TheToRs for limestone mining were obtained. All the Cement Plants (> 1.0 MTPA) are listedat S.No. 3(b) under Category ‘A’ of the schedule of EIA Notification, 2006 and appraisedby the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) of MoEF.M/s Orient Cement have proposed for Cement Plant (Clinker-2 MTPA; Cement-3.0 MTPA) and CPP (50 MW) at Villages Itgi & Digaon and Captive limestone Mines(602.054 Ha area to produce required Limestone of 3.0 MTPA) at Itgi & Mogla Villages,Taluk Chittapur, District Gulbarga in Karnataka. The project area is 266 ha and greenbelt will be developed in 85 ha. of area. There is no National Park/WildlifeSanctuary/Biosphere Reserve within 10 km radius of the project site. River Kagna flowsat a distance of 6.2 km in NW. The total project cost is Rs.1,500 Crores. The capital costtowards EMP will be about Rs 135 Crores and the recurring cost will be about Rs 8crores annually.Limestone, Bauxite/laterite, Iron Ore, Gypsum, Coal and fly ash are the rawmaterials that will be used. Coal required for the cement plant and power plant isenvisaged to be sourced from coal fields of Singareni Collieries Company Limited(SCCL) and through E-auction. Proof of e-auction purchase for coal by the company forthe unit in A.P is submitted. All the raw materials will be stored in closed sheds. Clinkerand Cement will be stored in silos. The limestone produced from the mine will betransported by dumpers to crusher in mining lease area and from crusher to Cementplant site by covered belt conveyor. The manufacturing process involves raw materialsgrinding, blending of raw materials, coal grinding and fine coal handling, Preheating ofraw meal in the six stage precalciner string, pyro processing and calcination in the kiln,Clinker cooling and storage, and finally Cement grinding & packingIt is proposed to install Bag house for raw mill/ Kiln, ESP for Cooler, Bag filter forCoal Mill and Cement Mill. The pollution control equipment will have efficiency of 99.9%and the outlet emission will be restricted to less than 50 mg/Nm 3 . Stack of 95m height isproposed for the power plant. Base line data of ambient air quality monitored at 8locations indicate that concentration of PM 10 , PM 2.5 , SO 2 andNO x are varying from 59

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