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4 p-Methoxy Phenylacetic acidWorst case (Any one shallbe manufactured out o 1 to4)Total(Module 1 +Module 2+Module 312002400Unit has existing coal fired boiler (2x5 TPH, 2 x 10 TPH) and Husk fired boiler (1 x 54TPH). Thermic fluid heater is proposed to be installed. Scrubber will be provided toproposed incinerator. DG sets (6 x 1500 KVA) will be installed.Water requirement from ground water source will be increased from 2415 m3/day to3320 m3/day. Industrial effluent generation will be increased from 1131 m3/day to 1317.4m3/day and treated in ETP consist of stripper, MEE and biological treatment. Treatedwater will be reused for cooling tower makeup.Ash will be sent for filling of low lying area. ETP Sludge, waste lron sludge, IncineratorAsh and inorganic salts will be sent to TSDF. Used oil/batteries will be sent to authorizedrecyclers.After detailed deliberations, the Expert Appraisal Committee prescribed thefollowing TORs for preparation of EIA/EMP report:1. A separate chapter on status of compliance of Environmental Conditions grantedby State/Centre to be provided. As per circular dated 30 th May, 2012 issued byMoEF, a certified report by RO, MoEF on status of compliance of conditions onexisting unit to be provided in EIA/EMP report.2. Executive summary of the project3. Justification of the project.4. Promoters and their back ground.5. Regulatory framework.6. A map indicating location of the project and distance from severely polluted area.7. Project location and plant layout.8. Infrastructure facilities including power sources.9. Total cost of the project alongwith total capital cost and recurring cost/annum forenvironmental pollution control measures.10. Project site location alongwith site map of 10 km area and site details providingvarious industries, surface water bodies, forests etc.11. Data for the stack emissions, fugitive emissions; water requirement and waterbalance chart; wastewater generation, treated effluent quality, re-utilization anddisposal of solid/hazardous waste for the existing unit.12. Present land use based on satellite imagery for the study area of 10 km radius.Details of land availability for the project alongwith supporting document.13. Location of National Park/Wild life sanctuary/Reserve forest within 10 km radiusof the project.14. Permission from the State Forest Department regarding the impact of theproposed plant on the surrounding reserve forests.15. Details of the total land and break-up of the land use for green belt and otheruses.

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