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20. Ambient air quality monitoring at 6 locations within the study area of 10 km.,aerial coverage from project site as per NAAQES notified on 16 th September,2009. Location of one AAQMS in downwind direction.21. One season site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relativehumidity, hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall and AAQ data (exceptmonsoon) for PM 10 , PM 2.5 , SO 2 , NOx, CO, NH 3 , Fluoride, Benzene includingVOCs should be collected. The monitoring stations should take into account thepre-dominant wind direction, population zone and sensitive receptors includingreserved forests. Data for surface and ground water and noise monitoring shouldalso be included.22. Air pollution control measures proposed for the effective control of gaseousemissions within permissible limits. Control of fluorine emissions at source.23. Plant-wise air pollution control measures proposed for the control of emissionsfrom all the sources particularly uncontrolled NOx emission and method tocontrol NOx.24. Details of water and air pollution and its mitigation plan.25. Action plan to control ambient air quality as per NAAQES Standards notified bythe Ministry on 16 th September, 2009.26. Determination of atmospheric inversion level at the project site and assessmentof ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack emission based on sitespecificmeteorological features. Air quality modelling for proposed plant.27. Details of water requirement for the proposed and expansion project. Waterbalance chart including water intake, effluent generated, recycled and reusedand discharged is to be provided.28. Reduce fresh water requirement. Methods adopted/to be adopted for the waterconservation should be included.29. Recheck the water requirement figure, which seems to be higher side.‘Permission’ for the drawl of proposed water from the Competent authority.30. Design details of the ETP and STP as well as air pollution control equipments(Bag filters/ wet scrubber etc.).31. Action plan for Zero Discharge of effluent as proposed should be included.32. Ground water monitoring minimum at 6 locations should be carried out.Geological features and Geo-hydrological status of the study area and ecologicalstatus (Terrestrial and Aquatic).33. Baseline data for fluoride levels in surface water, ground water, soil in andaround plant site.34. The details of solid and hazardous wastes generation, storage, utilization anddisposal particularly related to the hazardous waste calorific value of hazardouswaste and detailed characteristic of the hazardous waste. Action plan for thedisposal of fly ash generated from boiler should be included.35. Precautions to be taken during storage and transportation of hazardouschemicals should be clearly mentioned and incorporated.36. Plan for the implementation of the recommendations made for the fertilizer plantsin the CREP guidelines must be prepared and included.37. Action plan for regular monitoring of worker and population for fluoride in theworking area and population within 1 Km.38. Details of captive landfill alongwith design details as per CPCB guidelines.Location of secured land fill/TSDF.39. Authorization/Membership for the disposal of solid/hazardous waste in TSDF.40. An action plan to develop green belt in 33 % area

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