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xvii.xviii.xix.xx.xxi.xxii.xxiii.xxiv.xxv.provided as per the regulatory requirements and emissions from stacks will meetthe MOEF/CPCB guidelines.The design, material of construction, assembly, inspection, testing and safetyaspects of operation and maintenance of pipeline and transporting the naturalgas/oil should be governed by ASME/ANSI B 31.8/B31.4 and OISD standard141.The project authorities should install SCADA system with dedicated optical fibrebased telecommunication link for safe operation of pipeline and Leak DetectionSystem. Intelligent pigging facility should be provided for the entire pipelinesystem for internal corrosion monitoring. Coating and impressed current cathodicprotection system should be provided to prevent external corrosion.The project proponent should also comply with the environmental protectionmeasures and safeguards recommended in the EIA /EMP /RA/NIO report.On completion of activities, the well should be either plugged and suspended (ifthe well evaluation indicates commercial quantities of hydrocarbon) or killed andpermanently abandoned with mechanical plugs and well cap. If well issuspended, it should be filled with a brine solution containing small quantities ofinhibitors to protect the well.Recommendations mentioned in the Risk Assessment & Consequence Analysisand Disaster Management Plan should be followed. For any design estimation ofrig facility, maximum period for which data is available shall be taken intoaccount.Adequate funds both recurring and non-recurring should be earmarked toimplement the conditions stipulated by the Ministry of Environment and Forestsas well as the State Government alongwith the implementation schedule for allthe conditions stipulated herein. The funds so provided should not be divertedfor any other purposes.A brief report on environmental status & safety related information in whatform it is generated and measures taken as well as frequency of such reportingto the higher Authority should be submitted to this Ministry and its respectiveRegional Office.Petroleum and Natural Gas (safety in Offshore Operations) Rules 2008 ofOISD should be strictly adhered to.An independent audit should be done to ensure that the EnvironmentManagement Plan is in place in totality.2.5.23. Drilling Exploratory drilling in Offshore NELP Block AN-DWN-2009/1, 2009/2,2009/3, 2009/4, 2009/5, 2009/13, 2009/18, MBA Basin by M/s ONGC (TOR).The project authorities gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of theproject and proposed environmental protection measures to be undertaken alongwith thedraft Term of References for the preparation of EIA/EMP.All the Offshore and Onshoreoil and gas exploration, development and production projects are listed at S.N. 1(b)under Category ‘A’ and appraised at the Central level.M/s ONGC has proposed for exploratory drilling of 3 wells in offshore NELP blockAN-DWN-2009/1. The block was awarded to ONGC (70%) &OIL (30%) with ONGC as

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