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hearing for the project was conducted on 14 th March, 2007. The Committee exemptedthe public hearing under 7 (ii) of EIA Notification, 2006.MoEF vide letter no. J-11011/299/2007-IA II (I) dated 11 th September, 2007 hasaccorded environmental clearance for the existing unit. The Committee deliberated uponthe monitoring report by the Ministry’s regional office, Bangalore. Project proponentcommitted to carry out monitoring of PM 2.5 levels in ambient at plant premises. Misteliminator performance by increasing the no. of candles and reduced the acid mistcontent. Greenbelt target will be achieved by planting 6000 no. of trees in another twoyears. Project proponent has responded satisfactorily to the observations made by theRegional Office.After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the final EIA/EMP reportadequate and satisfactory and suggested to stipulate following specific conditionsalongwith other environmental conditions while considering for accord of environmentalclearance:i) All the conditions stipulated in environmental clearance J-11011/299/2007-IA(II) dated 11 th September, 2007 accorded for the existing projects should besatisfactorily implemented.ii)iii)iv)The gaseous emissions (SO 2 , HCl, NOx) and particulate matter from variousprocess units shall conform to the norms prescribed by the CPCB/SPCB fromtime to time. At no time, the emission levels shall go beyond the prescribedstandards. In the event of failure of any pollution control system adopted by theunit, the respective unit shall not be restarted until the control measures arerectified to achieve the desired efficiency. Stack emissions shall be monitoredregularly.Two stage chilled water/caustic scrubber shall be provided to process vents tocontrol HCl. Two stage scrubber with caustic lye media solution shall beprovided to process vents to control SO 2 . The scrubbing media shall be sent toeffluent treatment plant (ETP) for treatment. Efficiency of scrubber shall bemonitored regularly and maintained properly. At no time, the emission levelsshall go beyond the prescribed standards.Cyclone followed by bagfilter shall be provided to grinding operation of bauxitev) In plant control measures for checking fugitive emissions from all thevulnerable sources shall be provided. Fugitive emissions shall be controlled byproviding closed storage, closed handling &conveyance of chemicals/materials,multi cyclone separator and water sprinkling system. Fugitive emissions in thework zone environment, product, raw materials storage area etc. shall beregularly monitored. The emissions should conform to the limits stipulated bythe APPCB.vi)Additional water requirement from Samalkot canal for the expansion plantshould not exceed 768 m 3 /dayand prior permission shall be obtained from

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