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2.5.14. Setting up of Di-methyl Sulphate, Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid, Alum(Ferric/Non ferric) and Chloro Sulphonic Acid Plants at Sy No. 23/3, 22/2, 22/3,Village Biccavolu & Balabhadrapuram, Mandal Biccavolu, District East Godavari,Andhra Pradesh by M/s K.P.R. Fertilizers Ltd. (TOR to EC).The project authorities and their consultant (Pioneer Enviro Laboratories &Consultants Pvt. Ltd.) gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of the projectand proposed environmental protection measures to be undertaken as per Draft Termsof References (TORs) awarded during the 31 st Meeting of the Expert AppraisalCommittee (Industry) held during 12 th –13 th January, 2012for preparation of EIA/EMP.M/s K.P.R. Fertilizers Ltd. have proposed for setting up of Di-methyl Sulphate,Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid, Alum (Ferric/Non ferric) and Chloro SulphonicAcid Plants at Sy No.23/3, 22/2, 22/3, Village Biccavolu & Balabhadrapuram, MandalBiccavolu, District East Godavari, Andhra Pradesh. Existing land is 19.53 acres andadditional 20.25 acres land is acquired for the expansion. No national park/wildlifesanctuary/reserve forest is located within 10 Km. Lingala Cheruvu is located at 0.8 Km.Total cost of the project is Rs. 20.00 Crores. Following will be manufactured:S.N. Products Production CapacityExisting:1 Single Super Phosphate 500 TPD2 NPK Mixtures 800 TPD3 Di-Calcium Phosphate 40 TPD4 Sulphuric Acid 300 TPD5 Co-generation Power 3 MWExpansion:1 Di Methyl Sulphase 50 TPD2 Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid 40 TPD3 Alum (Ferric/Non-Ferric) 50 TPD4 Chlorosulphonic Acid 50 TPDEmission from methanol recovery plant will be passed through packed scrubber.Alkali scrubbing system will be provided to control process emissions viz. SO 2 and HCl.Cyclone followed by bagfilter will be provided to grinding operation of bauxite.Adequatestack height will be provided to oil fired boiler. Total ground water requirement fromSamalkot canal for the expansion plant will be increased from 721 m 3 /day to 768m 3 /day. Total water requirement for the proposed expansion will be 47 m 3 /day. Totalwaste water generation will be increased from 72 to 88.6 m 3 /day after expansion will betreated in ETP and treated effluent will be recycled/reused after confirming to thestandards of CPCB/APPCB. Domestic effluent will be treated in the existing SewageTreatment Plant (STP). Bauxite sludge (2850 kg./day) will be used as filler material inexisting SSP plant. ETP sludge will be sent to TSDF. Spent catalyst / Waste oil (50l/annum) will be sold to authorized recyclers / re-processors.Out of 39.78 acres, green belt is proposed in 10 acres. Total power requirementfor the expansion project will be 6.100 kwh/day and met from existing captive power.The committee noted that unit has obtained environmental clearance videMinistry’s letter no. J-11011/299/2007-IA II (I) dated 11 th September, 2007 and public

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