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viii) Occupational health surveillance of the workers should be done on a regularbasis and records maintained as per the Factories Act.ix) All the commitments made to the public during the Public Hearing/PublicConsultation meeting held on 28 th February, 2012 should be satisfactorilyimplemented and a separate budget for implementing the same should beallocated and information submitted to the Ministry’s Regional Office at Bhopal.x) At least 5 % of the total cost of the project should be earmarked towards thecorporate social responsibility and item-wise details along with time bound actionplan should be prepared and submitted to the Ministry’s Regional Officeat Bhopal. Implementation of such program should be ensured accordingly in atime bound manner.2.5.13. Exploratory Drilling in Offshore NELP Block KG-OSN-2004/1, KG Basin in AP byM/s ONGC Ltd.-regarding amendment in environmental clearance.The project authorities gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of theproject and proposed environmental protection measures to be undertaken. All theOffshore and Onshore oil and gas exploration, development and production projects arelisted at S.N. 1(b) under Category ‘A’ and appraised at the Central level.M/s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. have proposed for the expansion ofexploratory drilling in Offshore NELP Block KG-OSN-2004/1, KG Basin. Now, projectproponent intends to add five wells. Environmental clearance was granted by the MoEFvide letter no J-11011/541/2007-IA II (I) dated 3 rd June, 2009 for drilling of 7 wells.Drilling of 2 wells completed and hydrocarbons were discovered in these wells. Drilling of3 wells are in progress. Balance 2 wells will be drilled as per schedule. Apllication issubmitted for additional 5 wells but M/s ONGC has informed that there is commitment todrill atleast one addional well in extension of existing environmental clearance.Followingare the details of proposed wells:Name of prospects Target Depth (m) Water Depth (m) Distnce fromCoast (Km)Prospect 1 1970 12 11Prospect 2 2200 14 10Prospect 3 2600 13 10Prospect 4 2400 12 10.5Prospect 5 2200 19 12.8EIA report for the existing project was prepared by the NEERI in January, 2009. Area ofblock is 1131 Km 2 . Water based mud will be used for drilling. Water requirement will be25-30 m 3 /day. Quantity of drill cuttings will be generated around 300-400 m 3 for eachwell. 8-12 KL/day of diesel will be consumed. DG sets (5x 1500 KVA) will be installed.After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the information satisfactory andrecommended the proposal for drilling of 1 additional well in Offshore subject to thecompliance of the following Specific and General Conditions:

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