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lead acid batteries and waste oil will be sent to authorized recyclers/re-processor. Flyash will be sent to bricks manufacturers /cement manufacturers.Green belt will be developed in 10 acres out of 25 acres total land. Powerrequirement will be 1000 KVA, which will be met from APTRANSCO. Coal (40 TPD) willbe consumed. Thermic Fluid Boiler (4 Lakhs K cal/hr) is proposed. DG set (3 x 300 KVA)will be installed.The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Boardon 28 th March, 2012. The issues raised during public hearing were impact of pollution onnearby fields and surrounding habitation, ground water extraction, water scarcity in thearea, health hazards, impact of air pollution on health of surrounding people, rain waterharvesting etc.In response, project proponent informed that nearest water body islocated at 1 Km. Regarding ground water extraction, prior permission will be obtainedfrom the State Ground water authority. Extensive rain water harvesting system will beinstalled. Besides, project proponent also agreed to earmark 5 % of the total cost of theproject towards the corporate social responsibility.In addition treated water will berecycled. Greenbelt will be developed in 10 acres of land. All the issues havesatisfactorily been responded by the project proponent and incorporated in the finalEIA/EMP report.After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the final EIA/EMP report adequate andsatisfactory and suggested to stipulate following specific conditions alongwith otherenvironmental conditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance:i) Multi-cyclone followed by bag filter should be provided to the boilers to controlparticulate emissions within permissible limit. The gaseous emissions should bedispersed through stack of adequate height as per CPCB/APPCB guidelines.ii)iii)iv)The levels of PM 10 , SO 2 , NO X and VOC should be monitored in ambient air.Adequate scrubbing system should be provided to process vents to controlprocess emissions. The scrubbing media should be sent to effluent treatmentplant (ETP) for treatment. Efficiency of scrubber should be monitored regularlyand maintained properly. At no time, the emission levels should go beyond theprescribed standards.Fugitive emissions in the work zone environment, product, raw materials storagearea etc. should be regularly monitored. The emissions should conform to thelimits imposed by APPCB.v) Total fresh water requirement from ground water source and rain water reservoirshould not exceed 194 m 3 /day and prior permission should be obtained from theCGWA/SGWA. As proposed, adequate capacity of rain water reservoir shall becreated.

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