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4. Secondary fugitive emissions from all the sources shall be controlled within thelatest permissible limits issued by the Ministry and regularly monitored.Guidelines / Code of Practice issued by the CPCB shall be followed.5. Regular monitoring of influent and effluent surface, sub-surface and ground watershall be ensured and treated wastewater shall meet the norms prescribed by theState Pollution Control Board or described under the Environment (Protection)Act, 1986 whichever are more stringent. Leachate study for the effluentgenerated and analysis should also be regularly carried out and report submittedto the Ministry’s Regional Office at Bhubaneswar, SPCB and CPCB.6. The total water requirement shall not exceed 30 m 3 /day. The water requirementshall be met from ADDA and not ground water. ‘Zero’ effluent discharge shall bestrictly followed and no wastewater should be discharged outside the premises.7. Efforts shall be made to make use of rain water harvested. If needed, capacity ofthe reservoir should be enhanced to meet the maximum water requirement. Onlybalance water requirement should be met from other sources.8. Slag produced in Ferro Manganese (Fe-Mn) production shall be used inmanufacture of Silico Manganese (Si-Mn). The Si-Mn slag shall be used in thepreparation of building materials.9. No Ferro Chrome shall be manufactured without prior approval from the Ministryof Environment & Forests.10. An action plan for control of Cr and As in air and water should be prepared andsubmitted to the Ministry’s Regional Office at Bhubaneswar, SPCB and CPCBwithin 3 months of issue of environment clearance letter.11. Risk and Disaster Management Plan along with the mitigation measures shouldbe prepared and submitted to the Ministry’s Regional Office at Bhubaneswar,SPCB and CPCB within 3 months of issue of environment clearance letter.12. As proposed, green belt should be developed in at least 33 % of the project area.Selection of plant species shall be as per the CPCB guidelines in consultationwith the DFO.13. At least 5 % of the total cost of the project should be earmarked towards theEnterprise Social Commitment based on locals need and item-wise details alongwith time bound action plan should be prepared and submitted to the Ministry’sRegional Office at Bhubaneswar. Implementation of such program shall beensured accordingly in a time bound manner.2.2.5. Expansion of Ferro alloys capacity from 0.1 MTPA to 0.1725 MTPA byinstallation of 1X45 MVA Submerged Electric Arc Furnace & 4 MW Gas basedPower Plant at MEL Chandrapur in Maharashtra by M/s MaharashtraElektrosmelt Limited - regarding EC.The project authorities and their consultant, M/s Anacon Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.,Nagpurgave a detailed presentation on the salient features of the project and proposed

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