Annual Report 2009 - webfiles its vmware

Annual Report 2009 - webfiles its vmware

Annual Report 2009 - webfiles its vmware

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Chalmers Energy Initiative - CEIEnergy is currently one of Chalmers' foremost areas of strength. Starting in <strong>2009</strong>,Chalmers launched the new “Chalmers Energy Initiative” to raise the level ofChalmers energy research even higher. The Chalmers Energy Initiative is born outof the increased level of funding for strategically important research areasappointed by the Swedish Government in the Bill “A Boost to Research andInnovation.” The Swedish Energy Agency, responsible for the application process,recommended the Government invest SEK 58 million annually in the ChalmersEnergy Initiative. Chalmers has decided to further strongly support the energyarea, with at least an extra 50 percent of the sum granted by the Government.The Chalmers Energy Initiative includes the areas energy combines, electricpropulsion systems and hybrid vehicles, and large-scale renewable electricitygeneration and grid integration. In addition, the Chalmers Energy Initiative providescomprehensive analyses of the conditions under which targeted technologiescan expect successfully commercialization.The Division takes part in the areas of: large-scale renewable electricitygeneration and grid integration (with program leader Lina Bertling), and the electricpropulsion systems and hybrid vehicles.Chalmers Energy Centre - CECChalmers Energy Centre is a centre for research, education and innovationfocusing on the field of energy at Chalmers University of Technology with the aimof developing energy systems for a sustainable society.The mission of Chalmers Energy Centre is to be an internationally competitivecentre for the development of sustainable energy systems as a collaborationamong the academic world, civil society, and industry. One important task is topresent and market Chalmers University of Technology‟s energy-related researchand education activities. The initiation and co-ordination of interdisciplinaryresearch relating to energy is another central assignment for Chalmers EnergyCentre, together with the application of results associated with technological andsystems development in the field.The programs of Chalmers Energy Centre are funded by Chalmers University ofTechnology, the Swedish Energy Agency, the Västra Götaland Region, GöteborgEnergi AB, E.ON, Preem, Södra, Framtidenkoncernen and Akademiska Husamong others.Chalmers Energy Centre‟s platforms are important tools for research workfocusing on the development of sustainable energy systems. The platforms serveas forums for dialogue and initiatives, as well as development of knowledge,technology and expertise for the promotion of innovations and commercialization38 |

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