Annual Report 2009 - webfiles its vmware

Annual Report 2009 - webfiles its vmware

Annual Report 2009 - webfiles its vmware

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and in a way that maximizes their respective benefit. In this context, managementof power markets to ensure reliable operation of power systems becomes a criticalissue, and is the centre of this course. The course brings about the optimalintegration of technical requirements of power system operation and the economicprinciples of power markets. The main focus is on how the markets work,responsibilities of different market actors, management of power system security,requirement on system reserve, pricing for transmission and ancillary services,investment on generation and transmission facilities. Throughout the course,students will gain experience in project work that simulates power markets andtheir associated problems.EEK221 Applied computational electromagnetic(7.5 cred<strong>its</strong>) Yuriy SerdyukThis course aims to introduce students to fundamental concepts of low frequencyelectromagnetics with examples from electrical power engineering, to give basicknowledge on numerical techniques and computer software for field calculations.The course focuses on developing practical skills in using computational tools andanalyzing results of computer simulations. An essential part of the course isdevoted to solving a set of electric, magnetic, thermal and coupled (multiphysics)problems related to different power frequency applications using commercial finiteelementsoftware.ENM050 Power system analysis(7.5 cred<strong>its</strong>) Tuan Le and Per NorbergThis course covers a wide range of topics in power system analysis. Theemphasis is first on development of mathematical models of major power systemcomponents (e.g., transmission lines, power transformers, loads). Derivation ofnetwork matrices is then treated. The models and network matrices developedearlier are then used in power-flow analysis for large power systems, which is oneof the most widely used applications in power system studies. Well-knownalgorithms for power-flow computation are introduced, and advantages anddisadvantages of each algorithm are highlighted. Means to control the power flowand voltages in the network will also be discussed. In addition to analyzing powersystems in normal operating conditions, students also learn how to analyze themin faulted conditions (symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults). The course providesstudents with practical experience in laboratory work related to different topicstreated in the course.ENM055 Electric drives I(7.5 cred<strong>its</strong>) Sonja Tidblad LundmarkThis course provides an understanding of the design of electric drive systems ingeneral and an ability to choose the relevant drive system for a given application.18 |

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