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'n !~ JAHc~~OOI18

'n !~ JAHc~~OOI18

T-LET-9~TL-~8 NaSI

ABSTRACTFiltkau, Ernst Josef, Reiss, Friedrich & Odwin Hoffrichter. L976.A bibliography of the Chironomidct€. K. Ilorcke Videnok. 5elsk. Mus.Gunneria 26: 1-177.This bibliography contains references to approximately6400 papers on Chironomidae, published up to the end of the year1974. Besides biological journals and books, the bibliographyalso includes some M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses. A rough key to varioussubjects is given by index letters as: C - cytology, E - ecology,G - general, H - history, M - morphology, P - parasitology, Ph ­physiology, and S - systematics.Titles in German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese,and Latin are given in their original language. Titles in otherlanguages are translated, mainly to English.Erllat Jose.." "1 ;'au, Zoologl:sche Staatssamnlung, MaPia-Wco.'d­St"t'aSse 1 b, D-8000 Miinchen 19, B R D.Fried"t'ieh Reiss, Zoologisehe 5taotssammlung, Maria-Ward-Strasse 1 b,D-8000 Miinehen 19, B R D.OdJ,;in HoffPichter, Bioloeisehes IMtitut I der Urriversitiit Freibul'g,Katiuu'inenfitrasse 20, D-7800 Preihu.rg, B R D.

- 5 ­INTRODUCTIONThe family Chironomidae is a group of insects whose taxonomyis incompletely known and difficult to interpret. Larvae and pupaeof this family are found in every aquatic habitat, many semi-aquatic,and some terrestrial and marine littoral habitats in all continents.Comprising almost 25% of the species-rich insect limnetic fauna, theygenerally form an appreciable qualitative and quantitative componentof the ecosystems of lentic and lotic waters. The imaginal stagelasts from several hours to a few days and serves exclusively forreproduction. In waters near housing estates the occurrence ofmassive swarms of chironomids and their attraction to artificial lightsources during the hours of darkness may assume nuisance proport~ons.In spite of the remarkable morphological uniformity within the family,the larvae of many species have a strict correlation with known ecologicalfactors, so much so that they have become established as indicatororganisms in the fields of theoretical and applied limnologicalresearch.It is noteworthy, however, that research on the variousdiagnostic forms of these insects has not been restricted to distributionalstudies or confined to taxonomists and ecologists. For somedecades now the chironomid larvae, because of the giant chromosomesin their salivary glands and other organs, have played a significantrole in the various divisions of cytology such as cytomorphology,cytochemistry, karyosystematics, and genephysiology. Similarly thelarvae of these insects have become established as laboratory experimentalanimals in the various fields of physiology, for studies onthe biochemistry of their haemoglobin, haemolymph, and membrane structure.They have also been used in the disciplines of parasitology,immunology, and embryology.In conjunction with a desired improvement of the taxonomicevaluation of individual species or genera this group of animals hasassumed an unusually large significance for modern phylogenetic andbiogeographical research.Although the chironomids are of considerable importance tolimnologists, fishery biologists and a wide range of researchers inother modern scientific disciplines, there is still relatively little

- 6 ­known about them, taxonomically and faunistically, in many regions ofthe world. Our poor knowledge of the Chironomidae is clearly attributableto the lack of a basic comprehensive literature for speciesdetermination even in central Europe and North America. This imperfectsituation hinders the entire complex of chironomid research.The problem is accentuated by the fact that the literature dealingwith chironomids has been - and undoubtedly will continue to be ­published in widely dispersed journals. It is desirable that chironomidsshould be more systematically investigated in the coming decades,and it was with this intention that the present bibliographyof the chironomid literature was compiled. It is hoped that thiswork will provide a solid basis for further chironomid research,irrespective of the discipline.This bibliography contains references to approximately 6,400works. Those publications concerned purely with taxonomy, cytologyand physiology are most extensively represented. The general limnologyand fishery biology publications are less completely represented,as are other works which only briefly include chironomids within amuch broader spectrum of biological and biochemical investigations.This bibliography will be, nevertheless, a significant help for furtherwork not only for the taxonomists but also for ecologists (particularlythose in the field of benthos investigations), fishery biologists andresearchers in the other disciplines mentioned above.The bibliography in particular considers all biologicaljournals and book publications accessible to us which are concernedwith chironomids. Reports and some M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses have beenincluded, although it is questionable whether or not these should beconsidered as publications in the strict sense.So far as possible the early natural science works in whichchironomids are cited (e.g. Aristotle) are reviewed.Press articles, zoological and entomological text-books, andfaunistic determination keys in which chironomids are only very brieflymentioned are not considered.It was our intention to see each work in its original formator as a photocopy. In cases where this was not possible, we were sometimesnot able to give a complete reference, and thus the volume numberor page numbers may be missing.

- 7 ­This bibliography terminates with the publications in theyear 1974. A supplement is planned for the following years to includeadditions and corrections to the present bibliography. We wouldlike to request users of the bibliography to communicate to any ofthe authors any errors, omissions, or necessary corrections as wellas titles of their new publications so that such amendments may beincluded in the supplement.The titles are arranged in the bibliography alphabeticallywith regard to the name of the author, and then chronologicallyaccording to the year of publication. Where additional reference ismade to works by an author with co-authors, these follow the singlereferences of the principal author.The abbreviations to the various journals follow:Brown, P. and Stratton, G.B. (eds.) 1963-1965: World list of ScientificPeriodicals, Published in the years 1900-1960. 4thedition and Supplements, 1964 ff., Butterworths, London.Porter, K.I. and Koster, C.J. (eds.) 1970: British Union-Catalogueof Periodicals Incorporating World List of ScientificPeriodicals. New Periodical Titles 1960-1968 and Supplements1969 ff., Butterworths, London.Titles in German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese andLatin are not translated into English. Titles in other languages aretranslated for the most part into English but sometimes into Germanor French. Such translations are given in double brackets. Referenceswhich are only cited in double brackets are translations of originaltitles which were not available to us. This unsatisfactory procedurewas most often adopted in the case of citations of Russian workswhich were obtained in the reference literature.Transliteration of the titles of cyrillic publications wasmade primarily in accordance with the "Draft Table for Modern RussianLetters" from the Style Manual for Biological Journals (Second Edition1964), published for the Conference of Biological Editors by theAmerican Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington D.C. We havealso made use of the version employed by the British Standards Institutionand the American Standards Association, Sectional Committee Z 39.Diacritical marks were occasionally omitted.

- 8 ­It was neither intended nor was it possible to arrange thetitles according to subject in the scope of the present bibliography.We considered it appropriate, however, to include a rough key to thevarious subjects in order to alleviate the task of finding pertinentreferences for those users of the bibliography who are from the fringedisciplines of chironomid research. For this reason one or more indexletters are given on the margin beside the reference. The key lettersand the subjects they refer to are as follows:C - Cytology (including cytomorphology, cytochemistry, karyosystematics,genetics, gene-physiology, molecular biology)E - Ecology (including zoogeography, phenology, ethology, cUlturingmethods)G - General (comprehensive works, publications dealing with four ormore of the subject divisions)H - History (including memorials, obituaries, bibliographies ofindividual authors)M - Morphology (including anatomy, histology, morphogenesis, ultramorphology,metamorphoses, terminology)P - Parasitology (including chironomids as parasites and parasitesof chironomids, sYmbiosis, mass outbreaks of chironomids andtheir control)Ph -Physiology (including metabolism, haemolymph, immunology,neurophysiology, experimental morphology)S - Systematics (including taxonomy, nomenclature, evolution, phylogeny)We wish to thank Dr. P. Coffman, Univer$ity of Pittsburgh,who kindly supplied us with an unpublished manuscript "Towards aBibliography of the Chironomidae" (Coffman, P. and Walker, W.H. 1973).A few titles were extracted from this manuscript, the preparation ofwhich was completed in 1973. We are also indebted to several othercolleagues for making available to us their own literature indexcards. When this bibliography was in press, two other lists of amore specialized scope were published

- 9 ­Davies, T. and Davies, B.R. 1976. A bibliography of the Chironomidae(Diptera) of Africa and adjacent islands: Part 1. - Inst.Freshwat. Res. Stud., Grahamstown, 15 p.Grodhaus, G. 1976. Bibliography of Chironomid midge nuisance andcontrol. - Calif. Vector Views 22: 71-81.which furnished us with several additional titles.We thank Dr. M.Kownacka, Polish Academy of Science, Krak6w,for reviewing and translating titles in the Slavonic languages. Thisindispensable contribution was made possible in 1973/1974 by as-monthstipendium from the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Wissenschaften.With great pleasure we thank the Royal Norwegian Society ofSciences and Letters, the Museum, Trondheim, Norway, which has undertakenin a most generous manner the publication of this bibliography.In particular we thank cand.real. K. Aagaard who through his personalsupervision of the printing and proof-reading of the manuscriptcontributed to the formation of the completed volume, and MissA. Vanvik who has done the final typing.Our special thanks are due to the Max-Planck-Institut furLimnologie, Abteilung Tropenokologie, in Plan, where the main part ofthe work were done.Not least we wish to thank all the collaborators who wereconcerned with the initiation and continual compilation of the literatureindex cards and with the typing of the manuscript in the courseof many years: Mrs. I. Birkenhagen, Miss B. Bischewki, Miss G. v.Butow, Miss I. Heisch, Mrs. K. Junk, Miss C. Lanfer, Mrs. E. Lehmann,Mrs. G. Mair-Konopka.Dr. Ernst Josef FittkauDr. Friedrich ReissOdwin HoffrichterZoologische StaatssammlungBiologisches Institut IMaria-Ward-Strasse 1 bder Universitat FreiburgD-8000 Munchen 19, B R D Katharinenstrasse 20D-7800 Freiburg, B R D

- II -Chironomiden immer noch zu den taxonomisch ebenso wie faunistisch vonweiten Gebieten vollig unzureichend bekannten Tieren. Unsereschlechte Kenntnis dieser Organismen wird deutlich im Fehlen brauchbarerzusammenfassender Bestimmungsliteratur, selbst fur Mitteleuropaoder Nordamerika. Diese mangelhaften Voraussetzungen wirkensich hemmend auf den gesamten Komplex der Chironomidenforschung aus.Dies wird noch dadurch verstarkt, dass die vorhandene Literatur, diesich mit Chironomiden befasst, weit gestreut ver6ffentlicht ist, undweiterhin wird. Es werden vermutlich noch Jahrzehnte vergehen, bisdie Chironomiden in befriedigender Weise "systematisch" erfasstworden sind.Um diesem Ziel naher zu kommen und urn eine solidere Basisfur weitere Chironomidenforschung, gleich auf welchem Gebiet, zphaben, ist hier der Versuch unternommen worden, eine Bibliographieder gesamten Chironomidenliteratur zusammenzustellen. In dieser nunvorliegenden Bibliographie sind etwa 6400 Arbeiten aufgefUhrt. Weitgehendvollstandig sind die rein taxonomischen Publikationen vertreten.Gleiches liess sich nicht fur die allgemein limnologischen undfischereibiologischen Titel und auch nicht fur jene Arbeiten erreichen,die zu dem weiten Spektrurn der eingangs angedeuteten weiteren biologischenund biochemischen Forschungsrichtungen geh6ren, die Chironomidenmit einbeziehen. Dennoch wird die Bibliographie keineswegs nur furden Taxonomen sondern in gleicher Weise auch fur den Okologen, insbesondereim Bereich der Benthosforschung, den Fischereibiologen unddie Vertreter der Ubrigen naturwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen einwichtiges Hilfsmittel fur die weitere Arbeit sein.lm einzelnen sind in die Bibliographie alle uns zuganglichennaturwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften- und Buchpublikationen aufgenommenworden, die sich mit Chironomiden befassen oder in denen dieseDipterenfamilie erwahnt wird. Eingeschlossen sind Reports, Diplom-,Staatsexamens- und Doktorarbeiten, obwohl es bei einigen dieserArbeiten fraglich ist, ob es sich im strengen Sinne urn Publikationenhandelt.Soweit als moglich wurden auch die historisch-naturwissenschaftlichenWerke berucksichtigt, in denen schon sehr frUh Chironomidenerwahnt werden (vgl. Aristoteles).Nicht aufgefuhrt wurden Presseartikel, zoologische und

- 12 ­entomologische Lehrbucher sowie faunistische Bestimmungswerke, indenen die Chironomiden nur kursorisch behandelt werden.Wir waren bemuht, m6g1ichst jede Arbeit im Original oderals Kopie einzusehen. Dennoch blieb uns ein Rest unzuganglich. Ineinigen dieser Falle liessen sich unvollstandige Zeitschriftenangaben,wie fehlende Band- oder Seitenzahlen, nicht vermeiden.Die Bibliographie schliesst mit den Publikationen des Jahres1974 ab. Fur die folgenden Jahre ist, zusammen mit den notwendigenErganzungen und Korrekturen, ein Nachtrag geplant. Wir m6chten indiesem Zusammenhang alle Benutzer der vorliegenden Bibliographie zurentsprechenden Mitarbeit auffordern und sie bitten, Korrektur- undErganzungshinweise an einen der Autoren weiterzuleiten.In der Bibliographie sind die Titel alphabetisch nachAutorennamen und chronologisch nach den Erscheinungsjahren geordnet.Publikationen mit Co-Autoren werden im Anschluss an alle Arbeiten desentsprechenden Autors aufgefUhrt.Die Abkurzungen der Zeitschriftenzitate erfolgten nachBrown, P. and Stratton, G.B. (eds.) 1963-1965: World list ofScientific Periodicals, Published in the years 1900-1960.4th edition and Supplements, 1964 ff., Butterworths,London.Porter, K.I. and Koster, C.J. (eds.) 1970: British Union-Catalogueof Periodicals Incorporating World List of ScientificPeriodicals. New Periodical Titles 1960-1968 and Supplements1969 ff., Butterworths, London.Titeln in deutscher, franz6sischer, italienischer, spanischerund portugiesischer Sprache wurde keine englische Ubersetzungbeigefugt. Die 'ritel anderssprachiger Publikationen sind mit einerin doppelten Klammern stehenden, meist englischen, zum Teil auchdeutschen oder franz6sischen Obersetzung, versehen. In Doppelklammernstehende Titel stellen Obersetzungen uns unbekannter Originaltiteldar. Dieser unbefriedigende Weg musste des 6fteren bei russischenArbeiten beschritten werden, die aus referierender Literatur entnommenworden waren.Die Transliteration von Titeln in kyrillischer Schrift erfolgtevorzugsweise gemass der "Draft Table for Modern Russian

- 13 ­Letters" aus dem "Style Manual for Biological Journals (SecondEdition 1964), published for the Conference of Biological Editors bythe American Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington D.C.".Ausserdem benutzten wir die Fassung, die von der British StandardsInstitution und der American Standards Association, SectionalCommittee Z 39, verwendet wird. Diakritische Zeichen wurden gelegentlichUbergangen.Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Bibliographie was es weder vorgesehennoch m6g1ich, die Titel detailliert nach Sachgebieten aufzuschlusseln.Jedoch hielten wir es fur zweckmassig, wenigstens einengroben Sachgebietsschlussel einzufuhren, urn damit besonders denBenutzern aus den Randdisziplinen der Chironomidenkunde die Suchenach entsprechenden Titeln zu erleichtern. Hierfur wurde jederTitel am Rand mit einem oder mehreren Buchstaben folgender Bedeutungversehen:C - Cytologie (einschliesslich Cytomorphologie, Cytochemie, Karyosystematik,Genetik, Gen-Physiologie)E - Okologie (einschliesslich Zoogeographie, Phanologie, Ethologie,Aufzucht, Methodik)G - Allgemeines (umfassende Werke, Publikationen mit mehr als 4 deraufgefuhrten Sachgebiete)H - Geschichte der Chironomidenkunde (einschliesslich Nachrufe)M -Morphologie (einschliesslich Anatomie, Histologie, Morphogenese,Ultramorphologie, Metamorphose, Terminologie)P - Parasitologie (einschliesslich Chironomiden als Parasiten u.Parasiten von Chironomiden, Symbiose, Massenauftreten u. dessenKontrolle)Ph -Physiologie (einschliesslich Stoffwechsel, Hamolymphe, Immunologie,Neurophysiologie, experimentelle Embryologie)S - Systematik (einschliesslich Taxonomie, Nomenklatur, Evolution,Phylogenie)Von Herrn Dr. P. Coffman, University of Pittsburgh, erhieltenwir freundlicherweise ein nicht publiziertes Manuskript zur Einsicht(Coffman, P. and Walker, W.H. 1973: Towards a Bibliography of the

- 14 ­Chironomidae), wofur wir an dieser Stelle danken.Aus diesem Manuskriptsind einige wenige Titel in die vor1iegende BibliographieUbernommen worden, deren Erstellung 1973 schon weitgehend abgeschlossenwar.Auch einigen anderen Kollegen sind wir fur das Bereitstellenvon Literaturkarteien zu Dank verpflichtet.Wahrend des Drucks dieser Bibliographie erschienen zweiBibliographien, die sich mit Teilgebieten der Chironomidenkunde befassen,und aus denen einige zusatzliche Titel Ubernommen werdenkonnten:Davies, T. and Davies, B.R. 1976. A Bibliography of the Chironomidae(Diptera) of Africa and adjacent islands: Part 1. - Inst.Freshwat. Res. Stud., Grahamstown, 15 p.Grodhaus, G. 1976. Bibliography of Chironomid midge nuisance andcontrol. - Calif. Vector Views 22: 71-81.Frau Dr. M. Kownacka, Polnische Akademie der Wissenschaften,Krakau, danken wir fur die Durchsicht und Obersetzung slawischsprachigerTitel. Diese notwendige Arbeit wurden 1973/74 durch ein 5-monatigefStipendium der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur F6rderung der Wissenschaftenerm6glicht.Mit besonderer Freude danken wir der K6nigliche NorwegischeGesellschaft der Wissenschaften, das Museum, Trondheim,Norwegen, die den Druck der Bibliographie in grosszugiger Weise Ubernommenhaben. Dieser Dank gilt vor allem Herrn cand.real. K. Aagaard,der durch seinen pers6nlichen Einsatz das Schreiben des druckfertigenManuskripts Uberwacht und beim Lesen der Korrekturen und der Gesamtgestaltungdes Bandes mitgewirkt hat sowie Frl. A. Vanvik fur dasSchreiben der Druckvorlagen.Ausserdem gilt unser besonderer Dank dem Max-Planck-Institutfur Limnologie, Abteilung Tropen6kologie, in Plan, an dem der Hauptteilder Arbeit geleistet wurde.Nicht zuletzt m6chten wir allen Mitarbeitern danken, die am Aufbauund der Weiterfuhrung der Literaturkartei und am Schreiben desManuskriptes im Verlauf mehrerer Jahre beteiligt waren: Frau I.Birkenhagen, Frl. B. Bischewski, Frl. G. v. Butow, Frl. I. Heisch,

- 15 ­Frau K. Junk, Fr1. C. Lanfer, Frau E. Lehmann, Frau G. Mair-Konopka.Dr.Dr.Ernst Josef FittkauFriedrich ReissOdwin HoffrichterZoologische Staatssamm1ungMaria-Ward-Strasse 1 bD-8000 Munchen 19, B R DBio1ogisches Institut Ider Universitat FreiburgKatharinenstr. 20D-7800 Freiburg, B R D

- 16 ­AAagaard, K. 1973 a. Taxonom~ og biologi hos ETanypodinae (DipteJ'a, ChironomidaeJ iMalsj$en, S$r-Tr$ndelag. «Taxonomy andbiology of the Tanypodinae in Lake I~lsj~en,S~r-Tr~ndelag)). - Diss. UniversitatTrondheim/Norwegen. 96pp.1974 a. Morphological changes caused by Pnematode parasitism in Tanypodinae (Diptera,Chironomidae). - Norsk.ent. Tidsskr. 21:11-14.Aarefjord, F. 1972 a. The use of an air-lift in Efreshwatc'i" bottom sampling. A comparisonwith the Ekman bottom sampler. -into Ver. Limnol. 18: 701-705.Verh.Abramyan, K.S. 1968 a. Ultrastrukturnie Cosobennosti stroeniya yadernoi obolochki Mi vzairoootnoshenii yadra i citoplasmiposle deistviya pronikayushchei radiacii.«Specific ultrastructural features of thenuclear membrane and the interrelationshipsof the nucleus and cytoplasm afterpenetrating radiation). - Biol. Zh. Arm.21: 86-91.Abramyan, K.S. and Reingold. V.N. 1965 a.CElectron-microscopic study on the inter- Mrelation of nucleus and cytoplasm. - Dokl.Akad. Nauk azerb. SSR 161: 1431-1433.Abul-Nasr, S.E. 1950 a. Structure and develop- Mment of the reproductive system of somespecies of Nematocera (Order Diptera: SuborderNematocera). - Phil. Trans. R.$oc.Lond., B 234: 339-396.Abul-Nasr, S., 1sa, A.L. and EI-Tantany. A.N. E1970 a. Control measures of the bloodworms,Chironamus sp., in rice-nurseries(Dipt., Chironomidae). -BuZl. intornol.cc. Egypt., Econ. Ser. 4: 127-133.Abul-Nasr, S., 1sa, A.L. and Kira, M.T. 1970 a. EBiological studies of the blood worms,Chil'onomus sp., injurious to rice seedlingsin U.A.R. (Dipt., Chir.). - Bull. Soc. ent.Egypte. b4: 381-388.Acton, A.B. 1955 a. Larval groups in the sub- Sgenus Chironomus Meigen. - Arch. Hydrobiol.50: 64-75.1956 a. Crossing over within inverted Cregions in Chironomus. - Am. Nat. 90: 63-65.1956 b. The identification and distribution Sof the larvae of some species of Chi~onomus(Diptera). - Froc. R. ent. Soc. Land. 31:10-12 .1956 c. Chromosomal polymorphism in Chiro- CrlOrnr

- 17 ­­biolOgische Ul1terSllchunqen an Fliessgewassern.11. Die rIm. - Z. Fisch. 8:112-16~ •Albrecht, 11. L. und WCinsche, J. 1972 a. Oer PhGehalt an Aminosauren im Protein niederer\'iassertiere und dessen Bedeutung fur dieFlschernahrung. - AI'~h. Tiel',,n'7whr'W'lf/. 22:423-430.Albrccht, O. 1924 a. Die Chirono",ldcnlarven des E~~ttursees bei Lunz (Niederosterreich).Vern. l:>1t. Ver. Lim>:o~. 2: IB3-223.Albu, P. 1959 a. Tendipedide adulte din comp- E1exul de Balti Crapina-Jijila (Nota preliminara). «Adult tendipedids of t.he complexa.c.». - Studii Cpra. Bio~. 11: 205-215.1960 a. Tendipedide adulte din complexul Ede Balti craplna-Jijila (Nota 11). - StudiiCerc. Bio~. 12: 33-43.1960 b. Hm'niGchi", fittkaui n. sp. (Diptera, STendipedidae). - Comunlu Acad. Rep. pop. l'O~.10: 47-53.1960 c. Tendipedidae adulte din complexul Ede Balti Crapina-Jiji1a (Nota LII). -Cel'c. Bio~. 12: 265-272.Studii1963 a. Chironomide (Adulte) din bazinul ESomessului si al Viseululi (MunUi Rodnei). -Studii Cel'c. Bioi. 15: 223-236.1964 a. smit~ia edwardsi Gtgh. as synonym Sof SmiUia atel'l'ima Meigen (Diptera, Chironomidae).- Rel!. Roum. Biol., Sel'. 2001.9:237-243.1964 b. A new species of Chironomiuae S(Diptera) in the Rumanian fauna: Cl'icotopudobl'ogicus n.sp. - Rev. Roum. Biol., SOl'.~ool. 9: 307-312.1964 c. Chil'onomide adulte di>: complexul de EBalti Crapina-JijiLa. - Dizertatie, UniversiteteaBukaresti. 37 pp.1966 a. Chironomi.de din Carpa~ii romanqti E(I). ((Chironomids of the Rumanian Carpahians.(I) ». -S'tudiiCer'c. aiol., Sel'.Zool. 18: 193-205.1966 b. Verzeichnis der bis jetzt aus ERumanien bekannten Chironomiden. -Aowass. 41/43: 145-148.CowaGe.1967 a. Chironomide din Carpa~ii romane9ti E(11). - Studii Cel'e. Biol., SOl'. Zool. 19:15-25.1967 b. Adult chironomids from the lake Scomplex Crapina-Jijila (IV). -Biol., Sel'. ZooZ. 19: 89-94.Studii Cere.1968 a. Pseudo~mittia mathildae sp. n.(Diptera, Chironomidae). - Armls Zool. Fenn.SC: 4-5.1968 b. Chironomide din carpa~ii romane~ti E(Ill). - Studii COl'c. Biel., Sel'. ZooZ. 20:455-465.1968 c. Chironomide din Carpa~ii romanejti E(IV). - Studii Cerc. Bio~'J SOl'. Zoo~. 20:539-546.1970 a. smittia antelobata, a new species Sof the family Chironomidae (Dipt.). - StudiiCora. Biol., Se1.'. Zool. P.2: 101-104.1971 a. On the chironomids (Dipt, Chirono- Emiaae) captured in a light trap in Sinaia(Rumania). - &imnoloyica 8: 157-172.1972 a. Doua specli de Chironomide noi Epcntru sUinta 1n fo'.asivul Retezat. - StudiiCorc. l1ioZ., Sel". "bioZogie animala". 24:15-20.972 b. Chironornidae (Diptera) din citeva Elacuri din Masivu1 R"tezat, - Stu.dii Cere.Riol., SeT'. "b;(·/Ol.i·f! "n~,""Z,,". 24: 309-313.1972 c. Sur les Chironomides captures :ingr. Tekh.Inst. Ryb. ~om. Kho2., 20: 181-186.Alekseev, V.A. 1970 a. ~ssledovanie ostroi fenol Phnoi intoksikatsii nekotorykh rodov vodnykhnasekomykh i paukoobraznykh. ((Study ofacute phenol intoxication of some species ofwater insects and arachnids». -Zh. 6: 29-38.Gidrobiol.1971 a. Sravnitelnaya ustoichivost vodnykh Phnasekomykh i paukoobraznykh k fenolu. ( (Acomparison of resistance in water insectsand arachnids to phenol». - Inf. Byull.Inst. Bio~. vnutr. Vod 12: 49-52.1971 b. Study of acute phenolic intoxica- Elion of certain species of aquatic insectsand arachnids. - HydrobioZ. JOUl'Il. 6: 22-30.1974 a. Zavisimost' toksikorezistentnosti Phnekotorykh vodnykh nasekomykh i paukoobraznykhot temperatury. ((Dependence oftoxico-restistance of some aquatic insectsand arachnids upon temperature». -ByuH. BioZ. Vnutl'. Vod 27: 48-50.Inf.Alekseev, V.A. and Flerov, B.A. 1972 a. Deistvie Phfenola na fotoreaktsii i ustoichivostChironomu.~ plumosu.g i Limnochares aqttatica.«The effect of phenol on photoreaction andresistance of Chil'0110171US pZumosus and Limno­chaf'es aquatica». - 111[, ByuZl. Inst. aiol.vnutl". Vod 13: 33-37.Alcksevnina, M.S. 1971 a. svyaz' lineinykh Mrazmerov i vesa lichinok khironomid iznizovii del'ty i avandel'ty Volgi. (Connec­tion between linear dimensions and weight ofchironomid larvae from the lower delta andavandelta of the Volga). - ~~y oses.nauchno-£o2led. Inst. morsk. {'yb. Kho;;.Okeanogl'. 87: 130-134.1972 a. Pol'khironoroid v pitanii saxana iz Enizovi del ty Volgi. «The role of Chirono­midae in the food of wild carp in the lowerdelta of the Vo1ga River). - TT. Voes.Naucnnc-]/3sled. IlUiC. 110rsk. RzJO. K!;o;;.Okemogl'. (1'NIRO) 90: 35-46.1973 a. Vidovoi sostav lichinok khironooid E

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- 49 ­E­­­­­Edwards, ~.W. 1928 a. The nematocerous oiptera Lcorr 9 nda). -of Corsica. - DiprerG 4: 157-189.05-15EltZZ. !1'. I.,J. "'.at. Hi-t. 9:1928 b. Some nematocerous oipcer from E1937 a. Chlronomid (Diptera) collected by EYunnan and Tibe - Ann. /'.'';. nat. Hi t.Prof. A. Thienemann in Swedish Lappland.Sep. 10, 1: 681-703. •Ann. f:ag. nat. H~s:'. ., .. 1 , 20: 140-148.1928 c. Encomologische Erge nisse er E1937 b. Oxford Un1V si y Exp dition to Sschwedischen Kamtschatk Expedition 1920­NOrth- st Land, 193 Diptera. With a1922. - Ark. Zoo 1 A: 1-3.no on the pupa of (,pt'l ladiu conform1928 d. A note on TeLmatoget n Schin. and SHolmgr. b Thien .ann. - Ann. Mag. nat.related genera (Diptera, Chirono~idae). Hi;1t. ;o·er. 10, 20: 3 0-364.K nol 7: 234-237.1938 Mission Robert Ph. 00l1fus en E1928 e. Diptera Nematocera from the Dutch EEgypte. XIX. Dip era, 11. ChironomidaeEast Indies. - Treubia : 352-370.ITri u de Chironom riae). - ... "I. InBt.1928 f. Nematoce a. - In: Insects of ,oa. Efgy te 37: 2 3-265.- Bull. Br..\lu·. nat.. Hi 6: 23-102.1940 a. On the genera HydY'obae 's Fries, S1929 a. British non-biting midges (Diptera, Eand Tpis Ocl.adiu8 K' f r (Diptera, Chironomidae).- Proe. R. ent. So Lo (B) 9:Chironomidae). - Tr'ana. R. ent. 0 £ond. S77: 279-430.154- 5192 b. Philippine nernatocerous oiptera. - E1941 a. In: Thienemann, A., Lapplandische ENotuZ. ent. 9: 1-14.Chironomiden und ihre Wohngewasser. - Az'ch. S1929 c. An account of a collecting trip to EHlIdr..,b1:oL, Suppl. 77: 211-212, 224-225,Patagonia and Southern Chile. - Trans. 4th226-227, 235.lnt. Congr. Enc. 2: 416-417.Edwards, F.W. and Collin, J.E. 1932 a. A revised E1929 d. Fauna of th Batu Caves, Selangor. E list of the Diptera of St. Kilda.XV. oiptera. - J. fed..aZay t. Mus. 1Entom lo iBt'S mono Ma 68: 262-266.376-377 .Edwards, P.W., Kruger, F. nd Thienemann, A. S1931 a. Diptera of Patagonia and South E1939 a. Lapposmitti pwvibaI'ba n.sp.Chile. - II, 5, Chironomidae: 233-331,Chironomiden aus Lappland V. - Zool. Anz.British Museum London.121: 259-264.1931 b. Oxford University Greenland Expedi- E Ed>iards, F.~I. y Shannon, R.C. 1927 a. Expedtci6n Etion 1928. Diptera Nematocera. - Ann . .~ g.entomo16gica argentino-britanica al Noroestenat. Hist. er. 10, 8: 617-618.de la P tagonia. - Re ta In •. bact., B.1931 c. 7. Myggor - Nematocera. Insekten- EA1:ra. 4: 643-66l.faunan inom Abisko Nationalpark. Ill. - «The Edwards, F.W. und Thiencmann, A. 1938 a. Neuer Sinsectfauna of the Abisko national park. Ill.Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Podonominae (Dipt.7. Midges». - K. Sll .naka Vetenak. Akad.Chironomidae). - Zool. Ana. 122: 152-158.kr. Naturskydd. 8: 32-36.Further con ribut10ns by F.\}. Edwards in:1931 d. Gynandromorphs and mermithogynes in MLenz, F. 1939 a: 183-184.nematocerous Diptera. - Pro R. ent. SOC.Thienemann, A. 1937 b: 99-109.£ond. 6: 4o-4l.Edward , G.A. and Perez Gonzalez, M.D. 1954 a. Ph1932 a. A little-known chironomid fly EThe influence of temperature upon the( aniotoma aurti oata Edw.) c tures by anr spiratory metabolism of certain tropicalErnpid (~ehydro ia sp.). - Prvc. R. enc.a~uatic insects. - Acta phy io latinoam.Soc. La 7: 30-31.4: 121-132.19 2 b. An unusual type of intersex in a /1 Edwards, R.H. 1957 a. Vernal sloughing of sludge Echironomid fly. - h'o~. R. ent. So £ond.deposits in a sewage effluent channel.7: 31-32.Nail

- SO ­E­­£39 eton, F.E. 1935 a. A comparative ~tuuy of E Elbe

- 51 ­Embergen v, S.E. 1972 a. M krDzoohen os Ab ss- E 19'6 a. A study of chironomid larvae in Ekogo zaliva y ga Aralskog morya. «·acro­ lake Bal t n. - In, B>oioqic 1 resources ofzoobenthos of Abassian B y in the south ofI~dies of " ter, ~ ys of re t ring andthe Aral sea». - Cid't'obio 1.11. 8, 89-93. ut· iz· n9 them. - lad. tlauka, 85-87, MOskva.1974 a. 0 makrozoo e tosc v opmov Kh zara- E1966 b. B n hie investigati ns in Lake Esp kogo raiona Khorezmskoi 0 1as i. ( (/o'acrozbenthos of \-later bodies f the LI)azarasp228-232.Bi'llaton. - ;'82·1-:. into ",'. Limncl. 16,region of the Khor zm ob1ast». - u~b. viol.Entz, B., Kot, E., ebestyen, 0., Stiller, R.J., EZfl. 18, 41-43.Ta ~s, G. and vclrga, L. 1954 a. Physiographicaland biological investigation onEmden, F. van. 1927 a. \'las hat aie entomolo- Sgisch Larvensystematik de" anderen entomo­h waters flowing into l~ke Balaton. I.10gischen Diziplinen gegebcn, bzw. was kannThe pecsely Brook. - ,; 'lIS In. t. bio!.sie ihnen geben? - ent. itt. 16, 42-44.,"ihl"!J 2 : 61-227.Enaceanu, V. si Brezeanu, G. 1964 a. Studiul E Entz, B., Ponyi, J.E. und Tam's, G. 1963 a. Ebiocenazelor bentonice din Dunare, sectoralSedimentuntersuchun en im sudwestlichenGiurgiu-Cernavoda. «Ober enthon>scheTeil des Balaton, in der Bucht von Keszthelyin 1962. -Annlc Inst. bioI . . ihany 30,Biozonosen in der Donau im Sektor Giuriu­Cernavoda». - Hidrobiolo ia 5, 51-64.103-125.1966 a. Das Studium der Boden iocoenosen E Entz, G. und Sebestyen, O. 1946 a. Das Leben Edar Donau im Sektor G·ur iu-Cernavoda. ­des Balatonsees. - AnnZ Inyt. bioi. TihanyAT'ah. Hydr'ob ·ol. Sup[,l. 30, 180-192.16, 179-411.1970 a. Repartitia si componenta florei si E I:rbaeva, F.A. 1967 a. «Dynamics of the populat- Efaunei Dunarii de la izvoare la varsave. I.­ing of the Irkutsk reservoir by representativesFauna. «Die Verteilung und d r Bestand derof he genus Chironomus Meig.).Flora und Fauna der Donau von der Quelle bisl~v. biol.-geogr. Tn t. irkutsk. Univ. 20.zur Mundung. I. Fauna». - HydrobioZogia 11:1968 a. Metamorfoz ChiT'onomus m ani Free- M227-264.man i r.h. nigro audata sp.n. (Diptera.Enderlein, G. 1909 a. Die Insekten des antark- EChironomidae) iz vodoemov systemy r. Angary.tischen Gebietes. - D . SUdpoZ-Exped. 10,«~~tamorphosis of Chironomus macani Freeman361-528.and Ch. nigro~ data sp.n. (Diptera, Chironomida) from water reservoirs of the Angara1912 a. Die Insekten des Antarkto-Archipla- Eta-Gebietes. - K. svenska Vetenak. Akad.riv r system». - (BioZoqiya i l'ofiaheskieHandZ. 48, 106-110.J yazi presnovodnykh be pozuono hnykh i ryb.J1931 a. Die Insektenfauna Sud-Georgiens. - EDokZ. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, In t. bi Z. vnutr.Sber. Ges. natur'f. FT' unde ed. 1930,vod., Leningrad 17, 145-150.244-246.1 71 a. Formation of chi onomid fauna in E1940 a. Die Dipterenfauna der Juan-Fernandez Ehe Bratsk VI ter reservoir. - L'rrmoZogi a 8:Inseln und der Osterinsel. - Nat. Hist. u n­105-106.ernandez and Eas er IsZand J, 43-680.Engelhardt, W. 1951 a. Faunistisch-6kologische EUntersuchungen uber Wasserinsekten an den­­sudlichen Zuflussen des Ammersees. - Mitt.Mun~h. ent. GeB. 41, 1-135.Engelm nn, F. 1968 a. Endocrine control of r Phproduction in insects. - A. Rev. Ent. 13,1-26.Engelmann, H.D. 1973 a. ine Lichtfalle fur den EInsektenfang unter W S er. - Ent. Abh. 39,243-246.Engelmann, W. and Shappirio, D.G. 1965 a. Photo- Phperiodic control of the maintenance andermination of larval diapause in Ch-iT'onomust ntans. - Na~ure, Land. 207, 548-549.English, D.S. 1968 a. The developmental genetics Cof h~loglobin synthesis in Chironomu .iss. Abstr. 298, 1264-1265.1969 a. Ontogenetic changes in hemcglobin Phsynthesis of two strains of Chir nomuRtentans. - J. EmbryoZ. .p. ,'1o-rph. 22,465-476.Engstrom, A. and Ruch, F. 1951 a. Distribution Cf mass in salivary gland chromosomes.o . not. Aaad. S i. U.S.A. 37, 459-461.Engstrom-Heg, R. 1968 a. Diet and grow h of I:juvenile salmon in an stuari 1 impoundment.- Wash. Uep. Fish. Re . Pap. ~, 5-26.Engvik, R. 1971 a. Myvatn, et fugleeldorado pa EIsland. «Myvatn, a ird eldorado inIceland». - Faun 24, 25-28.Entz, B. 1954 a. A Balaton t rmelesbio16g1ai Eprobl'm i. «Production biological problemsof Lake Balaton»). - lilA 8io1.. Oc;;t. WE ., 433-461.1964 a. Ernahrung ·untprs ctlungen an Chiro- Enomiden des Bala n. I. 0ua ti iv Ernhrungsuntersuc ungen an Larvcn vanChirono s pZumosU8 L. - Annlo Inst. bioI.Tihany 1, 165-275.1965 a. Untersuchungen an Larven von Chiro- EnOlT/l

- 52 ­E­I. Rameno Erec. «Zoobenthos toter Donau­arnle. 1. F1ussarm Erec». - Biol6gia,Rl'atisl. 18: 743-755.Ertlova, E. 1964 a. Pr; pevok k poznaniu zooben- Etosu popradskeho ple a. «Contribution to theknowledge of the zoobenthos of Poprctd Lake) ) .- BioLJgia, Bl'lItisl. 19: 66 -674.1968 a. Die Mengen des Zoobenthos in den ESchottern d s Don umeclia1s. - Al'con. Hydl'Obi~l.Su ~l. 34: 321-330.1969 a. Ober das vorkommen der Art 7'I'iah:;­ E~iadiuB tri c3~ia Edwa~ds (Chironomidae,Diptera) in der Donau. - Bi l gill, Brat' l.24: 155-157.1970 a. Chironom~ (DiptQra) un Donau- Eaufwuchs. - Bio] gi~, Rrati l. 2 291-30 .1970 b. Quantitative v rha1tnisse des zoo­ Ebenthos in einem urchf1ussarm der Donau.Ri,,16:;ia, 87'ati,oZ. 25: 521-526.1971 a. Vorkommen der Art ~Ikieffel'iellll Elu(P-thol'ax Goetghebuer 1949 (Chironomidae,Diptera) in der Donau. - Biol69ia, Bl'Qt.i Z.26: 139-142.1974 a. ELnig Erkenntnisse uber die Chiro- Enomi n (Diptera, Chironomidae) dUG Bryozoen.- Biol ~i~, hruiial. 29: 869-876.Esaki. T. see Tokunaga, M. 1940 a. p. 226-228.EVdns. A.i·1. 1930 a. Observations on the preda­ ECiOUS habits and prey of Coell.;> ia hWlti/.iaHq. (Anthomyiidae). - Tl'uns. R. ent. OU.!'.,'Uf. 78: 325-329.Ewer, R.F. 1942 a. On the function of haemog1o­ PhbLn in Citil"U'IOIl1US. - J. expo S·i l. 18:197-205.E-,·, s, L.A. nd Boese1, M.I'. 1935 a. The food Eof some Buckeye Lake fishes. -Pish. Soc. 66: 54-70.Tl'ans. Am.

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- 60 ­&­Glime, J.M. and Clemons, R.M. 1972 a. Species Ediversity of stre m insects on Fontii'la11:$spp. compared to dlV rSlty on artificialsubstrates. - E ology 3: 458-464.Glossmann, H., Horse, J., Plagens, U. undPhBraunitzer, G. 1970 a. Haemoglobine, XVIII:Isoelektrisches Fokussieren von Haemoglobinen(Erythrocruorinen) der Insekten (Chiro~~~sthummi thummi, Diptera). - Hopre-SeyZe~ls Z.phy ioZ. rhem. 351: 342-348.Glover, B. 1973 a. The Tanytarsini (Diptera: SChironomidae) of Austral1a. - AU8t. J. EZool. Suppl. 23: 403-478.Goedart, J. 1669 a. Metamorphoseon et Historia Mnaturalis Insectorum. - M dieburgi, J Tei.Z~. SGoeldi, E.A. 1905 a. Os mosquitos no Para. - EMems Mus. paraense HiBt. nat. Ethnogp. 4:134-139.Goltenboth, F. 1974 a. Riesenchromosomen. I. CMorphologie und Verhalten. - Mikrokosm08 63:336-341­1974 b. Riesenchromosomen. 11. Genaktivi- Ctat und Puffs. - Mikrokosmos 63: 379-383.Goetghebuer, M. 1910 a. Description de Dipteres SChironomides nouveaux. - Revue mens. Soc.ent. NwmlP 10: 96-97.1911 a. Chironomides de Belgique. - Annls ESoc. ent. Belg. 55: 95-113.1912 a. Etudes sur les Chironomides de EBelgique. - /18m. Aaad. P. Belg. Cl. S,i. 3:1-26.1912 b. Quelques Chironomides nouveaux de SBelgique. - Annls B1:ol. lacustpe 5: 204-214.1913 a. Un cas de parthenog nese observe Cchez un Diptere Tendipedide (Co~Y1wn paceleripes Winnertz). - Bu l. Aoad. P. Belg.Cl. Soi. J: 231-233.1913 b. Description de Chironomides nou- Sveaux recoltes en Belgique. - Annl Biol.lacus~re 6: 148-172.1914 a. Recherches sur les larves et les Mnymphes des Chironomines de Belgique.M~. Aa d. ~. Belg. Cl. Sci. ~: 3-48.1914 b. Contribution a 1 'etude des Chiro- Enomides de Belgique. - Annls Biol. laaustpe7: 165-229.1919 a. Observation sur les larve et les Mnymphes de quelques Chironomides de Belgique.- Annls Biol. lacust~e 9: 51-78.1921 a. Chironomides de Belgique et Especialement de la zone des Flandres. - Mem.Mus. P. Hist. nat. Belg. 8: 1-211.1921 b. Nouvelle contribution a l'etude des EChironomides de Belgique. - Bu~l. 500. ent.Belg. 3: 167-176.1922 a. Nouveaux materiaux pour l'etude de Ela faune de Chironomides de Belgique. -Annls BioI. laaustpe 11: 38-62.1923 a. Etude critique des Chironomides de Sla collection Meigen conserv~e au Museumd'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. 2e note,Genre Tanypus Meigen. - Bull. Soc. ent.Belg. 5: 120-129.1923 b. Nouveaux materi ux pour l'etude de Ela faune des Chironomides de Belgique. 2enote. - ArmIs Biol. laaustp 12: 103-120.1925 a. Contribution a l'etude des "preman- Mdibules" chez les larves des Dipt~res Nemo­c~res. - Erwy 1. ~t. Sep. B-ll, DiptePG I:143-157.1926 a. Metamorphoses de CUctylo ladius ~distylus Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae). ­Ann s BioI. laeust~e 14: 275-280.1926 b. Une esp ce nouveLle du groupe SDiamesa (Chuonomidae). - f,nay

- 61 ­note). - Bull. An>1Zs .iOt.'. 1'. un'.. ~~t l,J. < ,~: 14 $-14 '.353-36l. ] 936 J. Nouv -110 co,'r ibutioo a la co nais- 5Goetghebuer, M. 1933 e. Chironomides u Green­ 5 sance cles eratopo ~ooid 5 et des Chironumide G­land oriental, du Svalbard t de la Terrede Francors Joseph. - SJa>. ~'va Lbi,mZs ~"'. ". "rI, B.,Z,J,7 : 6 -76.1936 c. 5ur la capture' Zee rU0ge deSmittia !"llpiaoZa Ki ff., iptere CLuo omi­de marin. - Eul 1 • /rp!Z. :- '. r. I )~t. Rt:."tlJ.P Bel iqu . - B~("~. r!'Ut;,J .I l '. l">. }'l:. Rt- J.~.•7~, 319-12 '.1936 e. n ipe. iiJa~ (c.:hironomldae). a) 5Subfar.nlJ." P"lopJ.in e (1'any odinae), A. DreImag ines, - In: Lindn.r, F.. (cd.): D~cF ;8:!t.~~l fi·Jr tl(!Zue .."u'kt 'd_,I'r;n Re 1:';11 1t~b: 1-50.1936 f. CI.Lronomi es du Congo B 1ge. SRe"'t. J ~:ovl. f?u~, i.l.rY'. l..C; 45]-492.1937 a. Quatre Chi onomides nouv aux 5'Allema e. - A,"h. lI~d:r()!;I:Jl. J]: 508-510.1937 b. Une excu.r:sior au "BOerenkreekI.:! ES int-J .an in Eremo. - b>.71. AnnI' S'-'L'. 1".fnl. U",Z'.;I. ri: 35-36.1937 c. C "'" topogonidne et Chironomidae 5nouveaux ou peu connus d'Europe (sep iemenot ). - Bull. An'll" "0,'. r·. lint. Belg. 77:273-280.1~37 d. Note concernant les associa ions Ees Cerato ogonid et des Chironomides desetan s de Dickebu6ch eL de Si11eb ke pr~s'YjOres. - Bull. AnnZ.s SOt'. r. ent. ReZg. 77:32A-33l.1937-1954. Tendipedidae IChironomidae). b) 5Subfami1ie Tendipedinae (Chironomidae). A.Di.e Imagines. - In: Lindner, E. (ed.): DieF1i..:ypn del' paZaearkti.J.hen Region 13c:1-138.1 39 a. Ceratopogonidae et Chironomidae Cnouv aUK 0 pau connus 'Europe (huiti~menote). - 8uZ . Annl 5oc'. :r. ent. Belg. 78:%-64.1938 b. fld Ition au Catalogue des Cerdto- Epogonides et des Chironomides de Be1gique. 5- /Jun. Arm 8 50.... :r. ent. BeZg. 78: 131-136.1938 c. Que1ques Ciironomides nouveaux de 5I'Europe. - BuZl. Annls 50 . !". ent. Belg.7'

2 ­6nouve ux d I Al.lemagne. - AJ'~;I. Hyd-riJbi .~. 3c:;2B8-290.CO"tgheb cr, .. 1941 h, Quelques er ironomides u STyrol. - It. ~'lA • t'. lJi::t. 'lat, fj~I'J' 1/(J?): -8.1941 c. Notes sur la faun" des Hautes- SF gne en Belg~que. V. Oipter : ChUro omi­dae, Ceratopogonidae. - Ell/!/. ,'.Iltat. Belg. Zu:­1- .1950 a. Les Chironomides de la region d SBas-Eec ut. - 8ull. Mml &,,.. 1'. "'It. Belg.86: 141-163.1950 b. ceratopogonidae et Chironomid e Snouveaux ou peu cannus d'Suro e (quatorziemenote). - Bull, I'tl8t. 1'. ",>i. nnt.. fieli:!' 28(47): 1-15.1 50 c, B' olog Le des Ctaronomides (D1pteres E:Nema ceres). - Bioi. aarb. J?: 58-65.1950 d. Tendipe idae (Ch~ronoMidae). h) SSubfamilie Clunioninac. ie 1m3g1ne£.In: Llndn r, E. (ed.): Dr'", Pliegn d"l'pl1lr.o1af'kti. ..?h,m Regio. 13h: l-7.1951 Chironcmini (Diptera) com~uns a la Sregion palearctique et 1 region nearct~que.- Biol. JaaI'u. 18: 77-81.1952 ". Con r 1b tiOJ\ au c t logue des Cl' ;:1- StOpogOl ides ~t de5 Chiro ami es de 8e191 ue.- 8ulL Irpt, ". ':;('~, nac. q"ziJ. 28 (t1~): 1-4.19~ cl. Les C~lironol'Iides des dunes littora- F­Les de Belgique. - '·';fm. 30'. r. ent. 8elg, SU: 239-243.1955 b. Deux Chir-onomides no veauy. d Sre""l nd (Dipt. Nema .). Exp itlonspo1aire~ fran~aises (Groenl nd): (colI cionA. Bauer du ~usee Zoologique de Stras our~) .- B:.dl. AD ...;, P'lt'!L.- ati:. ,.. l.. LCT'r. 9: 167.Goe ghebu r, M. et Dori~. A. 1931 a. Lps me ~morphos dl\l). ;;"r·lldiu,8 (It.1. ·t...·,t(I.!]f..J"i·,.)./")/)1>r',' Go~t.ght::l u~r. - ?rli Shueti etgh. - 'f","aIJ. ,'-71. P(!c:h. u"Jenell-'dad SfI'. D. No . .3: 4 p .C~etghphU r, M., Humphr~es. C.F, a d Fitzgcrald, MA.M. 1 49 a. M' orphosis of th Chuonomidae.I. A descr~ptian of the 1 r ae,upac and imagin s some members of thegen _ EukieffeI'i~ZZ~ (Kieff.) of the larvaof Ol'lhoc'ladi V ""~B.Qi·'v,'ni' (Goetgh.) andof th" Im"go of (2'tit(Jcl,~Jiuo [laveoI e(Goet h.). - Hyd1'ohl:oZog:0 1: 410-424.G etghebuer, M. und Lindroth, C.H. 1931 Die SJns ktenfauna Islands. Fam. c~ratopoyonida8un Chlr nomi ae, - ZODl.id:f'. Upr;iJ. 1.,:274-285.Goetghebuer, M. und Thi nemann, A. 1941 a. :leo- Szavrelia lutea a n.g.n. p. IDipt. Chironomia.) . hironomiden aus em Lunzer Seengebl.t1. - A!'ch. Hyd,·obiol. JIJ: 06-109 .Goetghebuer, ~. et Timon-Odvi', J.T. 19 7 a. SContribution - l'etude des Dipteres halophile~et halo ies du lit oral mediterraneen.Chiron mides et cera opogon~des et l'ilot deP1anier. - Bull, ,4l'lnl' SO'!. 1'. ent. Belg. 77:409-411>.1939 a. Nouvel1 s observations sur les SChlronom1des et eer topogonides m rins desties du Golfe ~tarseil1e. - Bun. AmllsSo . ]'. ent. Belg. 7 63-7.Further contributions by ~1. Goetghebuer in:Gauin, f. 1936 a. p. 167-170, 172.Remy, P. 1928 p. 52-53.R my, P. 1930 n. p. 89-92.Th~enemann, A. 1936 b. p. 17B, 185.Thienemann, A. 1936 c. p. 51-52, 56-57.Tl. n-oavid, J .. 1936 a. p. 48-50.Zavrel, J. 1937 b. p. 9-11.Gotz, P. 1964 d. Der Einflu6 un erschi~licher PBefal1sbed~ngungen auE die mermithogeneIntersexualitli.t von Chil"Onomu (Dipt.).­Z. Pal'tl'it Ktle N: 484-54 .1969 Dip Einkapselun V n par sit n In Pder Iiiimolyrnph" von Chi,',mnmua-Larven (D' pter). - Zool. Anz. Suppl. "05: 610-617.- 1971 d. "ultiple cell diVision" as mode of Preproduction of a cell-parasitic bacterium.- Natu wi88e~, ch~ftel'l 5 : 5 9-570.1972 a. "Rwkettsiella (!hi1'Ctiomi": an Punusua bacter'al pathogen which reproducesby multiple cell d~vision. - J. i'lvCirt.Path. 20: 22-30.1973 Immunreaktionen bei Insekten. - PNaturu. mmd (h. ,?6: 367-375.1973 Hydromfi!T'miB IJontOl'ta (Nem toda). PEind lngen des PaLaeitcn in den WictChi1'o'lomu' t.111QTlmi (Dl.ptera). - In: ~Jolf, C.( .): P.r~y ' opaedio Cin~mntog1'aphi'0. 14 pp.1973 f1urnor le Einkaps~lung von HydJ'o- PmeJ,mi, cm.t 1'10 1H1d TU1,bntl,ix (weti ( matod) in Haemolymphe von Chi1'onomus thwnmi(OipL~a). - in: Wolf, C. (cd.): Enc ~Zop'~ediar'r.e-maw>l'apili{,Q. is p.197 Illllnora 1" E~nka selung von Hyd1'c- Pmerwti" I.mntorta un TU1'bat1'ix aceti ( ema 0­­da) in Haernolymphe von ChiI'Qno"~ thummijOi tera). - Publr.en wias. Pilmen 7: 67-79.1974 b. Hym'om,

- 63 ­ripa2'Jiuu Meig n. - ""vc hit:..; /;c..)..; ,16:d{l b~tri~ als SChdGig8r er Fischeier».243-244.L'uZ, 2;. 2J: 87-18B.Col sch ..idt, E. 1942 a. (( f, 'v;] '(~').l -inv ..',jf-·:- c Gostaw kl,' s. 935 3. DL~ na un doS E Gg

- t6Go"in, F. und Thienem nn, A. 194 a. Z"e. neu" SOrlhocladi lnen-Arten aus Lunz Uliederdona ).Chironomld"" a s dsm L nzer Seen ,eLlet. VII.- Zool. Anz. 140: 101-109.Go"in, 1'". un zavrel. J. 1944 a. Novy 1:'1"()("lad~~'3 Sz Vysok;ick "aLer. Proclaail,s iatl"em,is GO~I.I.Sp. «( ne\', Pro,'kldilA' _ram t 19h'r na Mts.». - Ern, List. 7: 87- O.Graf, \':., Blanck, J. und Scheler, vI. L962 a. hVergleic ende Untersuchu .en Gber dieBildungskin tik von Komplexen ver chipdenerMethiimoglo ine. - A~'W .1>1:" I. med. ",el'm.-12.Grandi1Qvskaya-Deksbakh, . L. 1926 a. Lichinki EC ironom,d i toralnykh zaroslei KosinskH:hozer. «Chironomidenlarven der l'toralenBestandc er een z KOSSLno. Dtsche Zusi\nunenfassung)).- 1'r'uciy IWI'!:,I. biol. ::ira.4: 35-45.1928 a. K faune lichinok Chironomidae £emnykh oz,~ i melkik. vodoem v Yaroslavskoli KostromSKOi gub. «(Die Chironomidenlarvendes Obprsch"ernmungsgebietes derehenflusse der Wolga-Kostroma und Malogaund in1ger kleiner Ge"asser di,eses Gebietes»).- 2't'udy jar'?" laV. e t t.. -idtO'. Ob heil. 1:55-64.19 8 b. Chironomiden1arv n aus er Li ral- Eregion des Pereslawlschen Sees (Zentralrussland).- 'h'udy Pel"eal.avl-iialesckogo.[ 8 tOY'ik0-Khu.doaegtvemlOg(, i /Q'a"l}",dnogo""us. 11.193 a. K biologii donnykh Chironomidae EPereslavskogo ozera. (Zur Biologi derChiron~nid n des PereslavskojP Sees. DtscheZusammenf 5 ung». - Tru y Zim1101. Sta.KOHin 13-14: 191-211.1935 a. Materialy k b~ologii Chlronomidae Erazlichnikh vodoemov. (K voprosu 0 kole­baniyakh kolir.hestv i iomassy lich! ok).«!~teri li_n zur Chironamidenbiologie verschiedenerBecken». - ~'udy limnol. Sra.Jsine 1Y: 145-182.1939 a. K voprosu 0 vyzhivanii lichinok EChiponomuli v iskusstvennykh usloviyak. (Kmetodlke sod rzhaniya lichi nok "hirononn, L.v kvariumakh). «Some data On the surv'valof the larvae of Chil"onomus, gr. plumo8!tB,under arti ficlal conditions. (A contribut~onto the method,~ of their keepIng in aquarIa)).- Zool. Zh. 8: 70-85.19 5 a. «(0 er die Ckologie der Chironomiden Eund deren B deutung fur die Produktivitat derGewasser des Ural». - vop. GidPobiol. Nau:~,;,los!axl : 104-l05.Grardllevskaya-Deksbakh, M.L. i Shilova, E.V. £1971 a. Donnay fauna i pi anle ryb Irik­1 inskogo vod khranilishcha. (Bottom awellillgfauna n the diet of fish in theIriklinsk reservoIr». - Trr«dy t,,'al. -td. si-.r~ehn -issZed. In t. b. Khoz. B: 5~-71.GrandfJevskay -Dek akh, M.t,. nd Sokolov ,G.A. E1971 i\. 'l'he chironom~ds f some flowi ng" ters of the eastern slope of the Mid-Urals.- LimncZogiea t: 111-1l3.1972 a. The chironomid of some f10l

- 65 -­­­Gri 5, U. 1965 a. Erfects of impoundment in E riv r K fila t Oinoe so toyanie VoZgi".burg, 46 pp. : raiov: 13 -137.Griorash, V.A. 1966 a. ((Growth and feeding of E 1971 Changes in the cnironomid fauna of Ethe roach larvae Ru tiZus r·utiZus of genera­the river Kama 1n the vicinity of the towntions differing in numb r in the Utcha of Okhansk from 1935 to 1961. - Limno Zogicas rvoir (UOSSR)). - Vop. Ikhtiol. 6: 13: 79-81.168-171- 1972 a. Changes in the chironomid fauna of EGripekoven, H. 1913 a. Mini r nde Tendipedidcn. E the riv r Kama in the vi inity of the town- Ar h. HydrobioZ. SUp Z. 2: 129-230. of Okh nsk from 1935 to 1961. - PT'0~. 13.Grodhaus, G. 1963 a. Chironom1d midges (Diptera) P Int. r.ol~Jr. Ent. Mosuvw 196 3: 457-458.as a nuisance. I. Review of biology. - Gromov, V.V. i Ponomar va, N. I. 1966 a. Benthos E'·l:'f. Vectm' Vie s 10: 1 -24.votkinskogo vodokhr nilishcha na reke Kame­1963 b. Chironomid midges as a nuisance. P a pervye gody ego sushches vovaniya (1962­II. The nature of nuisance and remarks on 1963). «Benthos of the Votkinks water reitscontrol. - Ca if. Ve'tor Ve' 8 10: 27-37. servoir on tIe Kama river in the first years1967 a. Identificati.on of h'r nomld midges P of the r servoir's existence 1962-1963»).commonly associated with wa te sta ilization Zool. Zh. 4~: 808-8 7,lagoons in California. - ell, . V".~t. r Vie/13 Gross, J. and Dud wski, P. 1 66 a. Conversions Ph1-1: 1-11. of carot noids in " vitamins Al and A2 in19 8 a. Consid ations In control1,ng P t,~ 'pecies of freshwater fish. - 8io~hem.Chironcmids. - Pl·O.... Pflp. J ch Ann. C~n ,f. 101: 747-754.caZ f. NOSqL, 'trJ C

- 66 ­6­­Gr::JSS ch, u. L971 a. Chromosomen-S I k ur nd CZell-F'unk .on. - /oJ,.; t . ,':u.£-Fl(Jn

- 67 -Haas, H. 1956 a. Der Einfluss d r 02-Spannung Ph ecologic 1 remarks. - .~"f'Ll·7 3: 1-43.de' Wassers auf d,e En wic lung der Tu' u' i H gen, H.IL 186 a. ·~is ell n. - ~·rt:. ~tir: t?n~. Eund Anal apillen von ~nipG~u ( thUmMt. - 2t~. 21: 12 -226. HBiol. ZbZ. 75: 712-732. Hagv r, S. and 0stbye, E. 1973 a. No es on some E1957 a. GroSsen-Modlfizi rung der ubuli Ph wint r-activ Chlrono~i ae. - Nop k ant.von Chil"Ol".orm.. hal?philt... und h. (Campt:o- ;d8~kr. 20: 253-257 .. hironomw) .ent r: durch di 02-Spannung Hajduk, Z. 1963 a. Zoopl n On and its part in Edes W ssers. - Naturviasenechaften 44: the food of carp-fry (y r~nu' carpi L. ­472-473. Z~ z. Przy. opol. Towarz. Prz jaci I Nauk1958 a. Ober Eigenschaften der Korperhaut- Ph 3: 3-51.Permeabilitat und Korrelation mit anderen, Haliday, A.H. 1855 a. Desert lions of insects Sdie Atrnung betreffend n Faktoren bei aqua­i ured, and r ferences to plates illustrat­tisch n Chironomiden-Larven und CoreL 'a. ­ing the noLes on Kerry insects. 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- 75 ­su, T.C. and L~u, 9olf! ·~~crogeogr hic C 97 b. The l~ttor 1 fauna of L1yn Ce1yn, Ednalysis of chromosomal va.ria ion in a uorth 1·la1es. -

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Description de quelques Chiron~ni- S80-86.d s exotiques. - Annl Soc. scient:. ~.1924 g. Chironomiden d r Hochmoore Nord- S40: 181-186.europas und des ostlichen Mitteleuropas. - E1921 d. Synopse de la trihu des Chirono- SIn: Dampf, A.: Zur Kenntnis der estlandischenmariae (Dipt~res). - Annls Soc. aient .Hochmoorfauna (Ill. Beitr.). - Beitr. Kunde. 40: 269-276.E tl. 10: 145-163.1921 e. Chironom1 es de CO rlande. - S1925 a. C 1ronomides de la Republiq e SAnnls SOt:. 'ent. 8ru.r. 40: 275-298. EArgentine. - Annls SO". s ient. lirux. 44: E192 f. ouv aux representations de genre S73-92.Polypedilwn (Chironomi 5). - AmI 500.1925 b. Nouveaux representants du groupe Sedent. B1'1;.". LYO'! 68: 145-148.1925 c. Chironomi es cap ur6s s~~ les bards S1 21 h. otes synonymiqu s, - BulZ. ::ot:?de la ier Ba 1tique. Mm l8 Soc. cien Co EBru". 4 : 227-230.

9 ­Ki ffer, J.J. 1925 d. Nouveaux repr'sen ant. de S1 5 a. P nktsional'ny~ !zmeneniya glgant- Cla trib des or hocladlal ac. J re par ie.ski'r khromosom v uslovlynkh lng; irovdnnog- Annl S ,'. eit! t. EJru;;. /';: 382-388.sinteza RNK. «Func lonal "hang s of giant1925 e. Deux genres nouveaux et p usi 'rSromosom~s dcr co d,lions of irr.ibitedspi!ces nOUv 11ps du group" e Orthocl dic:­RNA yn h si ». - •.';U! .ii.,.., 7: )lJ-318.riae. - Annls Se . daien . B~ux. 44:1 'i h. The S_1'1 c ural and cylochern.cal C555-566.ch rac oristlcs _ chromosome puffs. - In:1925 f. Chironorni s d'Egypte ( ipc.). - 5Synrp. :.tlltatiu>: PPo eJ.J, 1'r'1~/le: 177-J81.Bull. oa. ent. Egy te 8: 244-313.1 65 c. An Ltz r boty puffov na fone C1925 g. D ux nouveaux genres des groupes 5ek perimen l'nykh voz islvil. «AnalysisCoryneura et Bezzia (Dipt. Chironomidae).0_ puff c on by xperi ~n al In luences».Annl So. nt. Fr. 94: 54.- In: KletoC'hnaya di el'f!>! 1','1 vka ~. i ukt­925 h. Description de deux Chironomi es 5'ionn~e makfwnizmy: 127-140. tzd. Nauka,remdrquabl s d'Esthonie (Dipt.). - Bull.HOskv .lC. ~nt. Fr. 30: 15-16.966 a. Funktsional'nye izm neniya khromo- C1925 i. Quatre nouveaux repr'sentants du 5som. «Func ional chang of chro some».9 nre Thienemanlliella Kieff. ( i t. Chirono­- In: Rukovoda vo pO tsitoLogii. 2: 329-346.mides). - Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 30: 285.~oskva, Leningrad.1926 a. QU lquQS nouveaux Dipteres du 51967 Stroenie yadryshkovogo organizatora Cgroupe Chironominae. - Annls Soa. soient.u Chironomu dorsalis. «The structure ofBrux. 45: 97-103.the nuc1eolar organizer in Chironomua1926 b. Neue Chironomiden aus dem Deutschen S dorsalis». - Taitologiya 9: 901-910.Entomologischen Institut zu Berlin-Dahlem.1967 b. Funktsional'nay organinatsiya C- Ent. Mitt. 15: 103-106.khi'omo om. ((F ~1a-r;ionaZ ol"gani a~ion 0,1926 c. Chironomiden der 2. Fram-Expedition Sahr-omosomes)). - Dokt. diss., Novos.ibirsk.(1898-1902). - No~sk ellt. Tidss/a-. 2: 78-89. E1 70 a. Tsitog~neticheskje aspeKty ontoge- C1927 a. Weitere Beitrage zur Chironomiden- 5neza: zakonomernosti transkriptsionnoifauna Estlands. - In: Dampf, A.: Zur Ektivnosti khromosom pri differentsirovke.K nntnis day- BB 'lCindis hell Hoahmoorfau TV.«Cytogenetical aspect· of cell differentia­PPotok. Obshch. E et., Yure '3: 59-70.tion: transcriptional activity of the1929 a. Zur Kenntnis der Chironomiden Schromosomes». - Ontogenez 1: 17-27.(Zuckmucken) des Zehlaubruches. - S hr. E1971 a. Politennye khromosomy kak modely Cphys.-okon. Gas. Ko i so. 66: 287-312.interfaznoi khromosomy. «Polytene chromo­Kieffer, J.J. und Lundbeck, W. 1911 a. Diptera. 5somes as a m 1 of an interphase chromo­In: Kon' , A. (ed.): Avifau itsbelogen- E'lome». - TsitoZogiya 13: 716-732.si. Forschungsreisen na h der RaPen-In el1971 b. Funktsionalnaya organizatsiya Curui dem Spitzbergen-Ai'chipeZ, mit ihrenkhromosom. «Functional organization ofaunistischen und floristis hen Ergebni n:chromosomes». - In: Us ekhi sovremennoi272-275, Bonn.9 netik': 175-205. Izd. Nauka, Moskva.Kieffer, J.J. und Thienemann, A. 1906 a. Ober S1971 c. Funktsionirovanie khromosom v Cdie Chironomidengattung Ortho ladius. ­ontog neze khironomid. «Chromosome functionZ. t.l"iS8. I>lsekt8ioL 2: 143-156.in chironomi ontogenosis». - Proc. 13.1908 a. Neue und bekannte Chironomiden und SIn-r;. ~o~~ . Ent. Mo~aow 1968. 1: ]41-342.ihre Metamorphose. I. Neue und bek nnte M Kiknadze, 1.1. i Belyaeva, E.S. 1967 a. Yadryshko,CChironomiden (Kieffer, J.J: 1-10; 33-39;zakonomernosti ego formirovaniya i geneticheskayarol. «Nucleolus the prinCiples78-84). 11. Chironomidenmetamorphosen(Thienemann, A.: 124-128; 184-190; 214-219;of its formation and its genetic significan­256-259; 277-286). - Z. wiss. In ektBiol. 4:ce»). - Genetika 8: 149-161.1. c.Kiknadze, 1.1. i Filatova, I.T. 1961 a. Funkt- C1909 a. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der west- Ssionalnye izmeneniya soderzhaniya RNK vfa ischen Susswasserfauna. I. Chironomiden. Eyadrakh slyunnykh zhelez Ch. dorsalis pri- 37. Jb. d. zoo. Sekt. d. Westf. Provinz.metamorphoze. ( (Func tiona 1 changes of RNAVel'. f. "liss. Z!. Kuns!.., MUn ter 1909: 30-37.1919 a. Chi onomiden gesammelt von Dr. A. S­Koch (Munster i.W.) auf den Lofoten, der EBareninsel und Spitzbergen (Dipt.). «Vorwortvon A. Kock: 38-39». Chironomiden dernordlichen Polarregion (Kieffer, J.J.: 40­48; 110-120). Chironornidenlarven und-puppen von der Bareninsel und Spitzbergen.(Thienemann, A.: 120-124). - Ent. Ni t. 8:38-48; 110-124.Further contributions by J.J. Kieffer in:M rcier, L. 1923 a: 9-20.Kiener, A. et allies, J. 1970 a. Contribution a El'etude ecologique et biologiqu de laRivi~re le Gapeau (Var.). - Hydrobiol ia6: 189- 52.Kiger, J.L. et M:ria, M. 1968 a. M thode prati- Phque d'apprecia ion xicologi ue compartive par essais ioJogiques s r la larve deChironome. - Annls I harm. ')'. 26: 54l-54 .1973 a. Application d la method d'appre- PhciaClonde «sic:»toxicolo iq com arativ>a l'aid de larve~ e Chironomes, a des talcsrenfermant de 1 'hexachlorophen". - AnnZ"plu:.rm. fr. 1: 37-44.Kiknadze, 1.1. 1961 a. 0 vz imo eistvii yadr sh- Cka i khromosom. «On t e I.nterrela tion ofnucleol 5 nd chL·om scmes». - T itcloJiy:.l3: 3-19.content of Ch. dorsalis salivary glandnuclei during metamorphosis»). - J~v. r.ibir.Otd. Akad. ~auk S SR, Ser. biol.-med..i2:131-134.196] a. Izmeneniya RNK v gigantskikh Ckhromosom motylya pri met morphoze i ekspe­Krimentalnykh vozdeistviya h. «Change~ inribOnucleic acid (RNA) in giant chromosomesof Chiro".omu dor alia in metamorphosis» .- Dokl. Akad. N uk SR 152: 450-453.Kiknadze, 1.1. i Gruzdev, A.D. 1970 a. Izmenenie Cdliny khromosom slyunnykh zhelez khironomidv svyazi s poll ten!i. «Change in chromo­SOmes length of chironomid salivary gland inrelation of polyteny». - Ts 'toZogiya 12:953-960.~iknadze, I.J. i Panova, T.M. 1972 a. 0 getero- Cm rfl~e puffov u Chironomus -r;hummi. «Onpuff heteromorp ism in hironomus thwnmi»).- TsitoZogiy~ 14: 1084-1091.Kimha 11, J. H. 1968 a. Carp for chironomid midge Pcon 01. - ;.Iosqui ~i4J" 28: 147-148.lme le, R.A. 1969 a. P-1''Jduc:tl.~l': ioZogyof E,; lypto .er.dipe bm'cip a (t:taeger) (T:tiptera.­Cht:rono~l{ dce) in a U'lste s tabi Li~ationlClgO"·~l. - Ph. D. hes.ls, Oregon Stateuniv., Corval1i~. 125 pp.Kim ·rl", , R.A. an Anderson, N.H. 19 7 a. EEvaluation of aquatic insect emergence

- 90 ­K­traps. - J. e ~n. E~t. 60: 1255-1259.Kimerle, R.A. and Anderson, N.r!. 1971 . Produc- Etion and bioenergetic role of the mi 9Glypt tendipes rbipe (Staeger) in d wastestabilizdtion lagoon. - &imnol. Oce ~Ogl"16: 646-659.Kimerle, R.A. and Enns, N.R. 1968 a. Aquatic Einsects associ ted with midwestern wastestabiliza ion lagoons. - J. Wat. Poll o.COltroZ Fed. 2: 31-4l.King, D.L. and Ball, R.C. 1967 a. Comparative Eenerg tics of a polluted stream. - imnol.Oceanogr. 12: 27-33.King, R.L. and Beams, H.W. 1934 a. Somatic syn- Copsis in Chil'onomus, with special referenceto the individuality of the chromosomes.J. Morph. 56: 577-591.Kirby, W. 1821 a. Land invertebrate anim 15. - EIn: Parry, W.E. (ed.): A supplement -0 theappendix oJ aptain Parry's voyage for thediscavel'Y of North-West p'ISIJage, in theyears 1819-20. Containing an ~oount of thesubjeat of na ral history: 218-219, London(240 pp.).Kirchberg, Eo 1957 a. Die "New Jersey MOsqUito ELight Trap" als Hilfsmittel der limnologischenForschung. - Z. Fisch. 5: 517-523.KHiakofE, S.G. 1962 a. In mem riam: Dr. 1'. r!Goetghebuer. - Bull. Annls Soc. r. Snt.Belg. 98: 240-247.Kirkland, D.W. and Anderson, R.Y. 1969 a. Syste- Ematic list of fossils in the Rita Blancalake deposits. - In: Anderson, R.Y. andKirkland, D.W. (eds.): Paleoeaology of anearly Pleistoaene lake on the High Plainvof exas. - Mem. geol. Soc. Am. 113: 77-81.Kirpichenko, M.Ya. 1940 a. Donne travinne nase- Elennya zaplavnikh vodoim r. Dnipra Ciganskei Pidbirne. «Bottom animal population ofDnieper river flood plain basins Tsynganskoyeand Podbornoye in connection with thedetermination of their type and productivity».- TFudy hydrobiol. Sta., Kyyviv 19:3-73.1961 a. Novaya forma lichinki Cl'ypto- Schironomus serpancus sp.n. (Diptera, Tendiproidae). «(A new form of the larvaeCryptoahironomus serpanous sp.n.». - Zool.::lh. 40: 780-781.1965 a. Fauna skoplenii nitchatykh vodo- Eroslei v Kuibyshevskom vodokhranilishche.«(The fauna of filamentous algae coenosis inthe Kujbyshev reservoir». - Trudy Inst.BioI. vnutr. Vod 8: 137-139.Kirrman, A. 1930 a. COntribution a l'etude des Phhemoglobines. Le roupe prosthetique del'hemoglobine de Chironome. - BuZl. So .ChiM. bioZ. ]2: 1146-1150.Kiseleva, V.A. 1959 a. K gidrobiologicheskoi Ekharakteristike Ust-Kamenogorskogo vodokhrani1ishcha.«Contributions to hydrobiologicalcharacteristics of the ust-Kamenog rsk water reservoir». - In:Zhadin, V.I., Kuzin, B.S. Kuznetsov, S.l. iPavZovskii, E.N. (eds.) ]959 G: 495-498.Kltagawa, A. 1962 a. Thirty species of chirono- Emid 1 rvae from Japan. - TanBui .eibutBu 8:21-36.1965 a. Chironomid larvae from Japan (Ill. E- Tanau1: SeiblltBu 10: 38-46.1969 a. Study on the growth of Spaniotorna Elarvae in the Yoshino River. - Jp. J.LiI nolo 30: 59-67.Kitazawa, Y. 1959 a. Bioeconornic study of natu- Eral popl11ations of animals. - Jap. J. ZooL1 : 401-448.Kitazawa, y. and Kurasawa, H. 1951 S udies En the biological production of r~k SUWd.I. Standing crop of herbiv rous zooben hOB.- l1ise. ep. Re . Innt. Nat. He aO/lrc:.j 24:1-15.1952 a. S d~es on Lhe _~ologiC 1 prod ctlon Eon Lake SUWd. 11. An cological study on hemicrostr tification of zoobenthos in the mud.- Miac:. Rep. Res. In t. 'tat. Resollrc'es 25:1-13.1952 b. Studies on the biological production Eof Lake Suwa. Ill. The horizontal strati i­cation of zoo enthos. - Ni ep. Rea. In.t.NuL. Resource 27: 1-6.Kitching, R.L. 1969 a. A preLiminary note on the Efauna of waterfilled tree-holes. - Entomologit 102: 7-9.1969 b. 7'he fauna of tree-ho Zes in l'elation ELo environmental fa tors. - Ph. D. thesis,Univ. Oxford.1969 c. Population studies of insects in Ewater-f illed tree-holes. - J. Anim. ;;;u

- 91 ­ot , A.B. und Klots, E.B. 1959 a. Familie S Kck iya, A.B. 19 J a. t~ateri y pi aniyu ryb EChironomidae (Tendip ida). Zuck",ucken, T ilisskogo vodok ran1l1Shch (0 ta onSchwarmmucken, Tanzmucke • - In: Knaur t e foo 0 fishe in Tbil1si reservoir»). ­ Kiarr i It in Far'ben, In. ekt£n, p. 252.Droemersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Hunchen,Zurich.Klyuchareva, O.A. 1963 a. 0 skate i sutochnykh E­­vertikalnykh migratsiyakh donnykh espozvonochnykhAmura. «On downstre m andGY'uz. SSR Inst. 200'. ]"d. :.!,,' w'eY'ebaV • eTOO G:ruz;Z;. 2, Ozero ';t a. Ak liawkdiurnal vertical migrations of ben hic'1'biZ' '1: l21-131.invertebrates in the Amur». - looZ. Zlt. 42:Kol. E. and Tamas, G. 1954 a. A pecsely-patak E1601-1612.Knab, F. 1905 a. A Chironomid inhabitan of Emikroveg tacioja.Pecsely Bro k)). -«Microveg tation of theAnnl8 In. t. biol. TihanySfU'Y'aaenia ple , !·letrio nemu' knabi Coq.2 : 87-106.- Jl. ~.Y. ent. Co . 13: 69-73.I~lenati, F.A. l859 a. Naturhistorische Durch- EKnapp, F.W. and Pa s, B.C. 1966 a. Effectiveness Pforschung des Altvatergebirg s. - JaJwesf.of low volume aerial sprays for mosquitonat. Sekt. n~hr.- ahles. Gee. AckeY'bau,control. - Mosquito News 26: 128-l32.NatuY'- und Landeskunde, 1858: l-83.Knauf, W. and Schulz , E.-P. 1973 a. New find- Ph Kolkwitz, R. 1950 a. Oekologie der Saprobien, Eings on the toxicity of endosulfan and itsiiber die Beziehungen der Wasserorganismenmetabolites to aquatic organisms. - .leded.zur Umwelt. - SahrReihe Vel'. Was8.-Boden.-u.Fae. LandbWet. Ri ·ksuniv. G nt. 38: 717-732.Lufthy . 4: 5-64.Knowltown, G.F. 1931 a. Notes on Utah Diptera. E Kolkwitz, R. and Marsson, M. 1909 a. Ecology of E- Can. Ent. 6 : 152-157.animal saprobia. - nt. Re ue ge . HydY'obiol.HydY'ogY'. 2: 126-152.Kobayashi, T. and Kurohagi, T. 1968 a. A study Eof the ecology of chum salmon fry, Onao­Kollar, V. 1858 a. Zoologische Mittheilungen. EY'ltynchus keta (Walbaum), in Aba hiri Lake11. Ober das massenhafte Auftreten einerand its protection. - Saient. Rep. Hokkaidobisher in Oesterrei h noch nicht beobachtetenSalm. Hatch. 22: 37-71.Fliege, des Hydro a nUB lugubY"s Fries.Koch, H.J. 1934 a. Essai d'interpretation de la EVeY'h. 2ool.-bot. Ges. Wien 18 8: 425-426.soi-disant "reduction vitale" de seIsPh Kollmer, W. und Fleischmann, W. 1928 a. Beob- Cd'arg nt par certains organes d'arthropodes.achtungen an den Speicheldrusen von ChiY'onomu-Arten. Konsist nz der Kernbestandteile,- AnnZ Soc. r. Sci. ed. not. Br'ux. (B),54: 346.Vorhalten bei Vitalfarbungen. - Pro opZasma1938 a. The absorption of chloride ions by Ph4: 358-366.the anal papillae of Diptera larvae. Kolosova, N.N. and Lyakhov, S.M. 1957 a. Lichinka SJ. ex . Biol. : 152-160.Einfe di iz. gr. Jar na1'ia ~~. f.l. Y'eduata1954 a. L'intervention de cholinesterases PhTsh n (Diptera, Tendipedida ), i ee biologiya.«The larvae 0 Ein eldia of the groupdans l'absorption et le transport actif dematieres minerales par les branchies du Crabearbonaria 11g. f.1. reduct Tshern. (Diptera,"EY'ioaheiY' sinensis M. E. "- Archs intoTendip idae) , and its biology)}. - Zool.Physiol. 62: l36.Zh. 36: l101-l104.1965 a. Transcellular active transport of Ph Koltroff, N. 1934 a. The structure of the Cmineral ions by epitheli 1 membranes ofchrOIDOsom s in th salivary glands ofarthropods. - AY'ahs. 8iol., i ge 76:Drosop iZ aienae N.Y. 80: 312-313.17 5-187.Kondur, L.V. 1 71 a. «Feeding habits of theKoch, H.J. et Krogh, A. 1936 a. La fonction des Phpapilles des larves de Dipteres. -AnnZsSoc. Sci. Br'UX. ·eY'. B 6: 459-461.Koeppel, A. 1924 a. Ein Laich-Skelett. - EikY'okosmOB 18: 57-58.Kogan, A.V. 1970 a. Age-related and seasonal L;;'r ..4 J I r,[" r. Z"'0 ~ . J ~., 1 ia~: ~ .1965 Pitani

- 92 ­KKonstantinov, A.S. 1951 b. Iscoriya fauny Estimation of chironomids in the fo ofkhironomid nekotorykh OZer zapovednikfish. 11. /·lethods for es imation of the reconstructedw ight). - Y'udy SQPO . Otd."Borovoe" (Severny Kazakh t n). (Hist ryof the chironoml.d fallna of sem lakes in theKasp. FiZ. se'. nauchno-i sled. Inst. ~ 1"sk."Borovoje" Res rvation (Northern Khazaks an).Tl"yb. Khoz. Okeano r. J: 356-358.- Tr'udy Lab. geneza saprope1. inst. Le a1954 d. Opyt poluproizvodostvennogo razvede- EA.N. SSSR 5: 97-L07.niya motylya. ((Exp iment of the mass1951 c. 0 razvedenii lichinok khiro omid Ecultiva ion of Chipo'WMI' larvae»). - Ryb.kak korma iskusstvenno vyrashchivaemol.Khoz. 11: 4l-44.moLodi ryb. (On the propagation of chiro­1955 a. Instruktsiya po razvedeniyu khiro- Enomid Larvae as foed for fish». - Tl"'udynomid - korma dlya r.Jolodi ryb. «(Instruct' onsaratov. Otd. vses. nau Imo-issLed. Inst.to the prop gation of chironomids a foodmcrsk. ryb. Khoz. 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- ')3 -Cl hos of the river Vo1qa near ra ov». Z ? L~. 4~: 26-6 7.- T~dy BU--'at. (.,r;d. .er. 1~:~.~· Y:'J-1'e

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- 135 ­­­­River and iLS connecLing lakes, ChillicoLheLO GrafLon: iLS valuaLion, iLS sources offood supply. - Bull. Ill. St. nat. Hist.SUI'V. 13: 363-522.Richardson, R.E. 1921 b. Changes in Lhe bOLLom Eand shore fauna of Lhe middle IllinoisRiver and iLS connecLing lakes since 1913­15 as a resulL of increase souLhward ofsewage pollution. - Bull. Ill. St. ant.Hist. SUI'V. 14: 33-75.1925 a. Changes in Lhe small bOLtom fauna Eof Peoria Lake, 1920 LO 1922. - Bull. Ill.St. nat. Hist. SUI'V. 15: 328-388.1925 b. Illinois river bOLLom fauna in 1923. E- Bull. Ill. St. nat. Hist. SUI'V. 15:391-422.1929 a. The bOLLom fauna of Lhe middle EIllinois River, 1913-25; its disLribution,abundance, valuaLion and index value in LhesLudy of SLream pollution. - Bull. Ill. St.nat. Hist. SUI'V. 17: 387-475.Richter, S. 1971 a. Zurn Feinbau von MermiLhiden P(Nematoda) I. Der Bohrapparat der vorparasi­Lischen Larven von Hydromermis contorta(LinsLow, 1889) Hagmeier, 1912.Z. ParasitKde 36: 32-50.RichLer, V.A. 1968 a. Spisok novykh taksonov i Snovykh sinonimov opublikovannykh v zhurnale"Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie" za 1945-1967 gg.«The list of new taxa and new synon~Ds publishedin "Entomological Review" for 1945­1967»). - Ent. Obozr. 47: 380-425.Rickards, J.C. 1943 a. Overcoming a bloodworm P(chironomid) problem. - Pub~. Wks N.Y. 74:11-12, 38.Ricker, W.E. 1934 a. An L'c;ulogical classifica- Etion of cerLain OnLario sLreams. - Univ.Toronto Stud. biol. Ser. 37: 7-114.1952 a. The benLhos of CulLus Lake. - EJ. biol. Bd Can. 9: 204-212.Ridder, M. de. 1963 a. In memo lam Dr. M. Goet- Hghebuer. - Arch. HydrobioZ. 59: 134-135.Riley, N.D. 1940 a. Dr. F. Edwards. -Lond. 146: 739.Nature, HRimball, J.H. 1968 a. Carp for chironomid midge EconLrol. - Mosquito Ne 8 28: 147-148.Ringborg, U., DaneholL, B., EdsLr6m, J.-E., CEgyhazi, E. and LamberL, B. 1970 a. ElecLrophoreticcharacterizaLion of nucleolar RNAfrom Chironomus tlJntans alivary gland c 11s.- J. molee. Biol. 1: 327-340.Ringborg, U., Daneholt, B., Edstrom, J.-E., CEgyhazi, E. and Rydlander, L. 1970 b. Evidencefor ransporL of preribosomal RNA from Lhenucleolus to Lhe chromosom s in Chironomutentans salivary gland cells. - J. molec.Bio. 1: 679-686.Ringborg, U., Egyhazl, E., 0 neholt. B. and CLa erL, B. 1968 a. Ag ros -acrylamidecomposite gels for microf aCLionaLion of RNA.- Nature, Land. 220: 1037-1039.Ringborg, U. and Rydlander. L. 1971 a. Nucleolar- Cderived ribonucleic acid in chromosomes,nuclear sap, and ytoplasm of Chiro Btentan salivary gland cells. - J. C IIBi l. 51: 355-368.Ringe, F. 1970 a. Einige bemerkenswerte Chirono- Emiden (Dipt.l aus Norddeutschland.Faunisti.C!h-l} lo i.1_Itp Mitt. 3: 312-322.1 73 d. Ch~I'onol.ri.den-I':mp.Y':Jmlz 1970 in EBrcitenbach U'1 ohY'f,JiO! r.muac·h. - SchliLzer SProduktionsbiologische tlJdien (';). Diss.Univ. Kiel. 192 pp.1974 a. Chironomiden-Emerqenz 1970 in EBreitenbach und Rollrwiesenbach. Schli zpr SPro uk ion biologis he Studien (10).M' h. Hydrobiol. • uppl. 4.S: 212-304.Risbec, J. 1951 a. Les dipt~res nuisibles au Priz de Camargue au d~but de son d~veloppement.- Revue Path. veg. E'lt. flar'i,..:. Fr..3211-227.1951 b. Les lnsects nuisibles au riz dans PR­le Midi de la France. - P coma 4: 11-17.Ristow, H. and Arends, S. 1968 a. A sY~Lem in Cvitro for th ynthesis of RNA and proteinby isolaLQd s livary glands and by nucleifrom hil'Ono s. - 8io

- 136 ­R­Coelotanypu. from Mexico and Central America Ewith a key to the new world species south ofthe Unit d 5 ates (Dip era: Tendipedi e).Ent. NmJR 76: 29-41.Roback, 5.5. 1965 b. A new subgenus and species 5of Symbio Zadius fr m South America (Diptera:Tendipedidae). - 6nt. News 76: 113-122.1965 c. The pupa of Anat?py ia enu to I~(Coquillet) (Dipt ra, Tendipedidae, Pelopii­nae). - Ent. N~s 7 : 190-191.1966 a. Notes on Tanypodinae types in Euro- Spean mus urns (Dipt.: Chironomidae). - Ent.~ewG 77: 113-132.1966 b. The immature stages of Stictochiro- 5nomus nnuliaru., Townes (Dipt. Chironomidae 1. M- Ent. N~ws 77: 169-173.1966 c. A new ProaladiuG species with des- Mcription of th. imma ure stages (Dipt.: 5Chironomidae). - Ent. Newn 77: 177-184.1966 d. The Catherwood founda ion Peruvian- MAmazon Expedition. XII. Diptera, with some Eobservations on the salivary glands of thTendipedidae. - Uono r. Ac d. nat. ci.Phi lad. 14: 305-375.1966 e. 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- 137 -Bakte!'ien. - Di, lomarbeit Univ. Freiburg,R­­­­­Rodova, R.A. 1969 c. Samki khi~onomid (Diptera, r1nor77U\-;-!tt:::rlh l n (IJ2flPt-.tu.J {Jirt ~ ]-(1' gjJg{'t1 7i'm)ologi"u z. .~(Jl"i!.,t::' 78: 5 + 13 pp.Chironomidae). IV. «Females of chironomids.82 pp.IV». - Trudy Ins. Bioi.. un il'. Vud 19:Rogers, P.A. 1965 a. San Francisc Bay a~pa solid E196-206.waste management and planning prob1em$. - P1970 a. Stroenie rotovogo apparata 8ndo- MCaLif. Vector Vie 3 12: 51-60.ahironomus aZbipenni (Mg.) (Diptera,Rogers, W.A. 1965 a. Pr liminary attempts to in- ECh'ronomidae). «Mouth parts of &ndoeh'ron~nuscrease midges (Tendipedidae-Dip ~ra) inalbipennis (I~.) (Dipte~a, Chironomi­hatchery ponds. - Pro~. Q. ronf. E dt. Acs.dae) ». - In". ByuZL In,c. Bl:0Z. umH:r.l~e Fin C mmn. 1963: 339-346.Vod 6: 36-40.Rogoz, T. 1973 a. Research on the benthos in the E1970 b. Samki khironomid (Diptera, Chiro- flregion of the futur' dam lakE; in the uppernomidae) V. 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- 142 ­sseglungsreiseder k. Fregatte Novara mitge­ 301-302.brachten Dipteren. - ern. zool.-bot. Ges. 1887 a. Ober den Darmkanal der Insekten. - MWien 16 (Abhandl.): 927-934. Zool. Beitr. 2: 82-94.Schiner, J.R. 1868 a. Diptera. - In: WGller- E Schneider, J. 1905 a. Untersuchungen Gber die Estorf-Urbair: Reise der 'sterreichischenTiefsee-Fauna des Bieldersees mit besondererFregattc Novara. Zool., Vol. 2 Abt. 1 Sect.B., 388 pp., Wien.Further contributions by J.R. Schiner in:Frauenfeld, G. 1866 a.Schiodte, J.G. 1859 a. Naturhistoriske Till~g Etil Rink: "Grl/lnland geographisk og statistiskbeskrevet". (Natural History appendix toScholander, P.F., Flagg, W., Hock, R.J. and PhRink "Greenland geographicaly and statistcalydescribed"». - Berl. ent. Z.: 134-157.of frozen plants and animals in the Arctic.Irving, L. 1953 a. Studies on the physiologySchlechtendahl, D.H.R. und WGnsche, O. 1879 a.- J. oell. oomp. Physiol. 42 Suppl. 1: 1-55.Die Insecten. Eine Anleitung zup KenntnisScholl, H. 1956 a. Die Chromosomen parthenogene- Cderselben. - Leipzig, Teubner Verlag, 707 pp.tischer MGcken. - Naturwissenschaften 43:Schlee, D. 1965 a. Ein automatisches Fangkarus- E91-92.sel zur Freiland-Untersuchung der tageszeitlichenSchlupfrhythmik bei Wasserinsekten.tischer Orthocladiinen (Diptera). ­1960 a. Die Oogenese einiger parthenogene- M- Arch. Hydrobiol. 61: 215-227.Chromo8oma 11: 308-401.1966 a. Praparation und Ermittlung von S Scholtz, H. 1848-1850 a. Ober den Aufenthalt der EMesswerten an Chironomiden (Diptera). ­Dipteren wahrend ihrer ersten Stande. ­Gewass. Abwaas. 41/42: 169-193.Z. Ent. 8: 19 pp. ,.10: 22 + 23, 15: 27-33.1968 a. Zur Praparation von Chironomiden. S Schoonbee, H.J. 1963 a. Pollution studies in the E11. Die Behandlung ausgeblichenen bzw. ge­Umgeni Basin (Natal). Part 1. The lowertrockneten Materials und das ReparierenUmgeni at Durban. - A report on Estuarineschadhafter Praparate. - Ann. zool. fenn. 5:Pollution. CSIR Special Report W23~ 42 p.127-129. .1963 b. 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PartSchoonbee, H.J. and Kemp, P.H. 1963 a. Pollution ESchlee, D. und Dietrich, H.-G. 1970 a. Insekten- SIV. A biological and chemical survey of thefGhrender Bernstein aus der Unterkreide desUmsunduzi River at Pietermaritzburg. - CSIRLibanon. - Neues Jb. Geol. Palaont. Mh. 1:Special Report W26: 48 p.40-50.1965 a. An account of the Umgeni River ESchlick, W. 1925 a. Die festsitzenden Organismen ESurvey. - CSIR Research Report 325, 52 p.als Mittel zur Kennzeichnung der Vorgange in Schrader, T. 1941 a. Fischereibiologische Unter- Eeiner Klaranlage. - Int. Revue gea. HydPo­suchungebiol. 13: 215-281.Biologie und Fischerei der Unter- und Aussen­im Wesergebiet. 11. Hydrographie,Schmassmann, H. 1951 a. Untersuchungen Gber den Eweser. - Z. Fisch. 39: 527-693.Stoffhaushalt fliessender Gewasser. -1958 a. Chemische und biologische Auswir- ESohweiz. Z. Hydrol. 13: 300-335.kungen von Sulfitablaugen in den Grosstalsperrenan der oberen Saale (ThGringen). ­Schmassmann, W. 1924 a. 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Die Tierwelt eines astatischen EGa.r e.nbeckens in vier aufeinanderfolgendenJahren. - Sc;~eiz. Z. Hydl~l. 11: 15-41.1 49 a. Die Metamorphose von 5tempellina Elnontivaga Goetgh. (Chironomiden aus demLunzer Seengebiet IX). - Ent. Tidskr. 70:12-18.1949 b. Sten~elZina montivaga Goetgh. F(Dipt.: Chironomidae), subfossil in einernorddeutschen warmezeitlichen Postglazial­ablagerung. - Entomon 1: 139-140.1950 a. Lunzer Chironomiden. Ergebnisse Evon Untersuchungen der stehenden Gewasserdes Lunzer Seengebietes (Nieder6sterreich).- AiY:Iz. liydrobiol. Suppl. 11:1: 1-202.1950 b. Ober hochalpine Diamesa-Formen. - EApeh. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 18: 203-206.1950 C. Verbrei ungsgeschichte der Suss- Ewassertierwelt Europas. Versuch einerhistorischen Tiergeographie der europaischenBinnengewasser. - Binncngewiissep 18: 809 pp.1950 d. Lebensraum: Lebensbedingung und ELebenshindernis. - 01'ion 5: 1-5.1951 a. Tanytar Hs-Studien II. Die Sub- Ssec io Pa:l'atanytarsus. Auf Grnnd der nachgelassenn Papiere Friedrlch Wilh. earlKruger's. - A~.h. HydrobioZ. Suppl. 18:595-632.

- 159 -­­plicity of hemoglobins in the genuspuff patt rns in polytene chromosomes.Cur'Nmia mo . Biol. 2: 333-338.Thompson, P. E. 1968 a. The duplica lion of hemo- Cglobin genes in CJd"'"momu . - Genr ti s 60:230.L971 a. Male and female heterogamety in Cpopulations of Chironomus tentons (Diptera:Chironomidae). - Can. ~·nt. 103: 369-372.1972 a. Selee ive effects on two hemoglobin Cloci of Chironomus by a regulatory mutant.Ceneti s 71: 4.Thompson, P.E., Bleecker, W. and English, D. Ph1968 a. Molecular size and subunit structureof hemog10bins of Chil'O>lOmu t.ent.aru;. ­J. biuZ. Ch m. 243: 4463-44 7.Thompson, P.g. and Bowen, J.S. 1972 a. Inter- Caction of differentiated primary sex factorsin G~i1'onomus tentans. - G neties 70:491-493.Thompson. P.E. and English, 0.5. 1966 a. Multi-Chirono­Ph­­Thicllemann, A. 19~1 b. lirnnnmi en dl der Etions on the fauna and flora of a small manunt reo Penne, gesamrnel und 9 "zilchtl't vanmade lake in the West African savanna.F . .

- 160 ­TThorup, J. 1964 a. Subs rat~ type and its valu~ Eas a basis for the delimit tion of bot mfauna communities in running wat rs. - In:Ol"ganism-subst:r>ate :r>eZatiollships in streams.~dm. Symp. E ol. 4: 59-74.1970 a. The influence of a short-terme Eflood on a springbrook community. - Aro).Hydrobiol. 66: 447-457.1970 b. Frequ~ncy analysis in running Swaters and its application on a springbrookcommunity. - Arch. Hydrobiol. 68: 126-142.Thurnm, J. 1908 a. Die Gefahrlichkeit der roten EMuckenlarven. - Wsahr'. Aquul".-u. Te:r>rarienk.46: 640.1908 b. Lebendes Fischfutter im Winter. 11. E- Natur Haus 16: 157-159.1911 a. Ein Beitrag zur Fischfutterung mit EColl. Addis Abeba (C) 4: 21 pp.Tobias, W. 1974 a. Kriterien fur die oko10gische EBeurteilung des unceren Mains. - Cour.Forsch.-Inst. Senokenberg 11: 1-136.Tobias, W. und Thomas, E. 1967 a. Die Ober- Eflachendrift dls Indikator periodischerAktivitatsverlaufe bei Insekten. - ),'nt. Z.77: 153-163.Tobor, J.G. 1972 a. The food and feeding habits Eof some Lake Chad commercial fishes. -BulZ. I.F.A.N. 34: 179-211.Tolp, O. 1956 a. Emajoe bentosest. «(Benthos Eof Emaiyga river». - Eesti NSV TeadusteAkad emia jUUI'es QSUVa Loodusuurijate Se [t iAstaraamat. 49: 143-160.1957 a. Bentos r. Emaiygi i estestvennye Ekornpleksy. «Benthos of Emaiyga river androten Muckenlarven. - Bl. AquuI'.-u. Torra­ natural complexes»). - T7~ pro lemnykh irienk. 22: 828-830.tematioheskikh coveshohanii ZIN. 7: 195-199.1911 b. Rote Muckenlarven als Fischfutter. E1958 a. Khironomidy T'oki Emaiygi i ikh E- Wschr. Aquul".-u. Tel'Parienk. 8: 741-742.znachenie v sostave donnoi fauny. ((ChironomiOOeof Emaiyga 1'ivei' and theiT' significanoeThut, R.N. 1969 a. Feeding habits of larvae of Eseven Thyacophila (Trichopter : Rhyacophilidae)species with no es On other life­Avtoref. Diss.: 1-14.in the oonsistenae Of bottom fauna)). ­history features. - Ann. ent. oc. Am. 62:1958 b. Eesti surusaasklaste (Chironomidae) E894-898.vastsete faunast. ((Ober die Fauna der1969 b. A study of the profunda1 bottom EChironomidenlarven Estlands». - Eeati NSVfauna of Lake Washington. - Eool. onogr.Tead. Akad. Toim. 51: 203-212.39: 79-100.1958 c. 0 faune khironomid ozera Vyrtsyarv. ETichi, M.I. 1938 a. Materia1y 0 pitanii molodi E((Ober die Chironomidenfauna des Seesforelei Sevanskogo ozera. ((Materials onvortsjarv». - Gidrobiol. rasled., Tartuthe feeding of young trout in lake Sevan».(Hudrobiol. Uurim.) 1: 166-180.- TruWJ sevan. gidrobiol. Sta. 6: 9-21.1959 a. Surusaasklaste vastsete jaotumusest ETichy, H. 1966 a. A multisample electrophoresis PhVOrtsjarves. «Ober die Verteilung derapparatus using vertical polyacrylamide gelChironomidenl rven irn See VOrtsjarv». ­slabs. - Analyt. Bioahem. 17: 320-326.Entomoloogiline kogumik 1: 156-172, Eesti NSV1968 a. Hemoglobins of Chil'onomus tentans PhTA Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituut.and pallidivitcatus. Biochernic 1 and cytologicalstudies. - 4. Wiss. Konf. Ges. dt.ozer Estonii. «Materialien zur Bodenfauna1962 a. Nekotorye materialy po donnoi faune ENaturf. ~rate: 248-252.der Seen Estlands»). - Gidrobiol. Issled.1970 a. Biochemische und cytogenetische CTartu (Hudrobiol. Uurim.) J: 169-173.Untersuchungen zur Natur des Hamoglobin- Ph1962 b. 0 faune lichinok khironomid ozer EPolymorphismus bei Chironomus tentans undEstonii. «(Ober die FaW1a der Chironomidenlarvender estlandischen Seen». - Trudy VIIChironomus palZidivittatus. - L~mosoma 29:131-188.nauch konf. po Izuahen. vnutr. vodoemov1973 a. Hemoglobin gen s in the gnus CPribaltiki, Petroaavodsk, 1959: 177-180.Chironomus. - Genetics 74: 276-277.1965 a. «Complexes of chironomid larvae ETilbury, M.R. 1913 a. Notes on the feeding and Ein the lakes of Estonia and their role inrearing of the midge Chironomus aayugaebream feeding»). - Vopr. Gidrobiol.: 424.Johannsen. - Jl N. Y, ent. So. I: 305-308.1966 a. 0 bentose Chudsko-Pskovskogo ozeraTimms, B.V. 1973 a. A limnological survey of the E(1962 i 1963 gg.). (On the benthos of lakefreshwater coastal l

- 161 ­darum. - Tel'flleszetr·. ia. 7. 19-20. Chironomidae). - Eel~ii

- 162 ­TTownes, H.K. 1952 a. Tribe Tendipedini (= S Nauk SSSR M kwa-£{mingrad: 293-305.Chironomini). - In: JoJumnsen, a.A. and Tseeb, ¥a.Ya. i Maistrenko, Yu.G. 1972 a. ETownes, H.K. Jr.: Guide to the insects ofKievskoe vodokhranilishche (gidrokhimiya,COrlnectiaut. Part VI. The Di tepa or truebiologia, produktivnost). «Kiev reservoirfLies of Connecticut. Fifth f, scide.(hydrochemistry, biology, productivity»). ­o1idges and gnats. Tendipedidae (Chir'onomi­ Izd. "Naukova dwnka", Kiev 1972.dac). Bull. Conn. St. geol. nat. Hist.Further papers by Tseeb see under Zeeb, Ja.Ja.SW''1.!. 80: 3-147, 232-250.Tskhomelidze, 0.1., Sergeeva, Zh.P. i Ovinikova, EV.V. 1961 a. Kormovye resursy vysokogornykh1959 a. Notes on the types of nearctic Sozer Madatapa , Khanchaly i Bereti. «NutritionTendipedini in London and Copenhagen. -sources of the high mountain lakes Madatap,ProC. ent. So . Wash. 6 : 135-136.Khanchal and Bereti». - Trudy nauchn.-issled.1969 a. Tendipe plumo us (Dipt., Tendipe- Erybokho:

- 163 -uUdrea, v. 1971 a. Possibilities for developing Emarine pisciculture in the br ckish waterlakes of th Romani n Black Sea coast. ­CBrcet. Mar. Inst. Rom. Reah. Aar. 2: 131-148.Ueno, M. 1930 May-fly nymph and ch1ronomid Plarvae. - Trana. Kan ai nt. Soc. 1: 46-48.1938 a. Bottom fauna of lake Abasiri and Ethe neighbouring waters in Hokkaido. - Trana.Sapporo nat. Hist. Soc. 1': 140-1 7.1938 b. The .rat r 1 kes 01' Mt. Kirisima.A limnological study with special referenceto biocoenosis. - ~ p. J. LimnoZ. 8: 348-360.Uhlmann, D. 195 /59 a. untersuchungen Uber die Ebiologische Selbstreinigung hauslichenAbwassers in Teichen. - Wi 8. Z. ~Z-Marx­Univ. Lpz. 8: 17-66.1967 a. Zur Limnologie saprotropher Flach- Egewasser. - Arch. HydrobioZ. 63: 1-85.Ulfstr nd, S. 1968 a. Benthic nimal communities Ein Lapland streams. - Oikoa, SuppZ. 10:120 pp.Ulfstrand, S., Nilsson, L.M. and Stergar, A. E1974 a. Composition and diversity of benthicspecies collectives colonizing implanted substratesin a South Swedish stream. - Ent.acand. 5: 115-122.Ulfstrand, S., Svensson, B., Enckell, P.H., EHagerman, L. and atto, C. 1971 a. Benthicinsect communities of streams in Stora Sj6­f llet National Park, Swedish Lapland. -Ent. scand. 2: 309-336.Ulmer, G. 1902 a. Ober die Anpassung einiger EWasserlarven an das Leben in fliessendenGewassern. - Jb 1". Hbg. Le}ll'erver. Naturkd. 1.1903 a. Zur Trichopter nfauna von Hessen. - EAZ~. Z. Ent. 8: 397-406.1911 a. Unsere WasBerinsekten. - Queile undMeyer, Leipzig, 165 pp.Ulomskii, S.N. 1941 a. ((A new form of larVa of MChironomidae G.? larva RA.». - Trudy UT-aL.Otd. vaea. nauchno-issied. Inst. oaer. rech.ryb. Khoz. 3: 223-226.Underhill, J. and Cole, G.A. 1967 a. The summer Estanding crop, growch and distribution ofChironomus pZumoaus, in Lake Ita ca, Minnesota.- J. Minn. Aoad. Sai. 34: 181-186.Usinger, R.L. 1956 d. Aquatic insects of Cali- Efornia. With keys of North American generaand Californian species. - Univ. C Lif. Pre s.BerkeZey, Los AngeZes: 503 pp.Usinger, R.L. and Kclle , W.R. 1955 a. The rol~ Eof insects in sewage disposal beds. ­Hi~aT'dia 2 : 2 3-321.Ustyuzhanlna-Gurova, L.A. 1971 a. Pitanie i Epishchevye vzaimootnosheniya bentoyadnykhryb. ((Fe ing and food 1n errelationshipsof benthophagic fishes)). - In: Bekman, M.Yred.; 19? a: 132-157.Utermohl, H. 1956 d. Hydrobiologie mittel- Eamerikanischer Flachseen und limnolog1scheUntersuchungen an Maaren El Salvadors(Mittelaroerika). - 2. Pisoh. 5: 573-575.1958 a. Zur Gewassertypenfrage tropischer ESeen. - Ve1"h. into Vet'. f.,irrmoL. 13: 236-251­1963 a. atto Harnisch t. - Zooi. Anz. HSuppZ. 26: 724-726.

- 164 ­vVadgama, M.R. and Kamat, D.N. 1971 a. The C suchungen Uber die Bodenfouna des Seesoccurrence of hya1uroni acid and/or hyalu­ Paijanne, Mitte1finnland. - Ann. zool.ronidase labile substances in the salivary Soc. "Vanamo" 2 : 1-50.­­gland cells of insects witll diverse feedingValovirt , E.J. and Segerstr'1e, S.G. 1956 a. Ehabits. - Acta histoohem. 40: 108-115.Vaillant, F. 1955 a. Rech rches sur la faune Emadicole de France, de Corse, et d' Afriquedu Nord. - Thes. Fao. Sai. Univ. Pal'is.A-2744, No. 3617: 258 pp.1960 a. Experiences rel tives a la resi- Estance de quelques insectes madicoles uxmodification de leur habitat. -ent. Fr. 65: 7-16.BuZZ. Soc.1970 a. Les dipt~res Thaumaleidae de la ECorse. - Trav. Lab. Pisoio. Grenoble 61:l65-l7l.pedidae, Diptera) n. sp. neotropical procedentede Chi pas, Mexico. - Revta Inst.1970 b. Transformations de la faune de El'Isere a Grenoble sous l'effect de laSalubl'. Enfer'1ll. trop., Mex. 7: 79-84.pollution. - Tra. b. Pisoia. renobZe1952 a. Tendipes (LimnochironomusJ cali- S61: 17-32.fomicus y Tendipes (LimnoohironomusJ1972 a. Une zonation thermique des cours Efiguel'oai n. sp. (Dptera, Tendipedidae).d'eau alpestres basee sur la repartition deRevta So • mex. Hist. nat. 13: 47-51.que1ques invertebr's. - Trav. Lab. Hydro­ Varshney, C.K. 1971 a. Water pollution in Delhi Ebiol. 63: 177-188.lakes. - Sahweiz. Z. Hydrol. 33: 114-116.Vaillant, F., D gr nge, Ch. e Serra-Tosio, 8. E Vazquez-Nin, G. and Bernhard, W. 1971 a. Compa- M1972 a. La faune de l'Isere et de quelquesunsde ses tributaires. - Trav. Lab. Hydro­tin- and Balbiani ring granules.rative ultrastructural study of perichroma- Cbiol. 63: 189-213.Vainshtein, B.A. 1969 a. 0 statisticheskoi Edostovernosti kolichestvennykh uchetovpresnovodnykh bespozvonochnykh. ((On thestatistical veracity of quantitative calculationSpol. 31: 88-95.of freshwater invertebrates». -Velikoretskaja, J.J. and Forsh, L.F. 1972 a. EInf. Byull. Inst. Biol. vnutr. Vod 3: 44-53.Lakes of different landscapes of the KolaVakulko, L.P. 1966 a. Lichinki khironomid EPeninsula. - Verh. into Ver. Limnol. 18:8ukhtarroinskogo vodokhranilishcha v pervye5l7-52l.gody ego nakopleniya. ((Chironomid larvaeVerbeke , J. 1957 a. Recherches ecologiques sur Efound in the 8ukhtarminsk reservoir in thela faune des grands lacs de l'Est du Congofirst years of its filling). - Biologi­Belgear.eskie osnovy rybnogo khozyaistva na vodD­Laos K'-vu. Edouard, Elbert 3: 5-177.- Rssult. saient. Explor. hydrobiol.emakh Srednei Azii i Kazakhstana, pp. 302­Verduin, J. 1964 a. Changes in western Lake Erie E304, Alma-Ata.during the period 1948-1962. - Verh. intoValeeva, F.S. i Kiknadze, 1.1. 1971 a. IzmenenieVel'. Limnol. 1 : 639-644.massy DNK v yadrakh kletok slyunnoiVerloren, M.C. 1847 a. Memoire en reponse ~ la Phshelezy khironomid pri politenizatsii.((Changes in the amount of DNA followingquestion suivante: Eclaircir par des observationsnouvelles le phenomene de la circulationdans les insectes, en recherchan~ si onthe polytenization of nuclei in salivaryglands of chironomids». - Ontogen a 2:peut la reconnaitre dans les larves des406-410.differentes ordr s de ces animaux. - M~.Valkanov, A. 1940/41. varkhu nakhodkata na ana- EeOI~. M4m. Sav. 6tr. A ad. r. Sai. Belg. 19:biotichni Dipteri v 8algariya. ((Ober daB2-3.Auffinden von anabiot1schen Dipter n inVerneaux, J. 1968 a. Contribution a l'etudeBulgarien». - d. of. Univ. B 3 Na~. J7:d'une petite riviere de plaine, Les DoulonnesE(Jura). Reference particuli~re aux201-205.1949 a. ThalasBomyia rauenfeldi Schiner EDipt~res Chironomides. Remarques ecologi­at Cherno 11ore. ( (ThaZas8omyia fmuen eldiSchiner v m Schwarzen Meer)). - Trud.cheT'nOmoy·sk. bio l. SUI. Vna 14: 103-112.Valkanov, A. und Michoi1ova, P. 1974 a. Unter- Csuchungen Uber den Karyotypus un ChromosomenPolymarphismus bei ThalasBcmyia fY-

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Received January 1976Printed July1977

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