Motionless as an Idol - Columbus State University

Motionless as an Idol - Columbus State University

Motionless as an Idol - Columbus State University

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Bullock 37townspeople, readers c<strong>an</strong> sense the sympathy Faulkner harbors for Emily <strong>an</strong>d also forAddie <strong>an</strong>d Caddy in their <strong>an</strong>alogous circumst<strong>an</strong>ces <strong>an</strong>d the value ch<strong>an</strong>ge for which headvocates. However, it is worth noting that Faulkner presents his views throughmetaphors, shielding himself behind his own art. This intentional dist<strong>an</strong>cing perhapssuggests that he recognizes the presence of the culturally engrained beliefs he iscriticizing within himself, <strong>as</strong> a Southern m<strong>an</strong>.The system present in each of the works discussed is one that employs thearchetype of belle/spinster. All of the male authorities in the pieces believe the womenfor whom they are responsible must maintain their purity at all costs or be ostracized <strong>an</strong>dcondemned for their sins. As I Lay Dying ends before Dewey DelFs secret pregn<strong>an</strong>cy isexposed, leaving the reader to speculate on her future. Caddy, in The Sound <strong>an</strong>d the Fury,goes through painful rom<strong>an</strong>ces <strong>as</strong> a result of her family's lack of guid<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>an</strong>d also theirextreme disapproval <strong>an</strong>d shunning of her. Miss Emily, in "A Rose for Emily,' 1floutsconvention <strong>an</strong>d yet keeps her deviation secret, protecting herself from the inevitablepunishment of her community <strong>an</strong>d, thereby, creating her own private torment. In eachwork, the communal h<strong>an</strong>d of morality <strong>an</strong>d conformity directs the women's experiences,<strong>an</strong>d that h<strong>an</strong>d is distinctly male.Returning to the concept of Faulkner shielding himself behind his intricatelyconstructed metaphors, we must explore two possibilities for this effect. The firstpossibility is that Faulkner w<strong>as</strong> maximizing the Modernist practice of layering. Faulkner,<strong>as</strong> author, is directing the depiction of his female characters on the page, choosing to c<strong>as</strong>tthem in metaphor <strong>an</strong>d, thereby, removing them one layer from the reader. This issignific<strong>an</strong>t because it doubles the layered effect readers perceive from the text - the first

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