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Julius von Bismarck,richard Wilhelmerand Benjamin mausgermanYPhoto © Arne Fehmelart/sCienCe salon:PUBLIC (INTER)FACEA panel of speakers from arts,science and academia inIreland discuss issues andresponses arising from the‘Public Face III’ installation.Chaired by Ariane Koek.venue Science Gallery,Oct 3, 6pmpreSenteD In aSSocIatIon wIthScIence GaLLery, an InItIatIVeoF trInIty coLLeGe DuBLIn.PuBliC faCe iiiVisible at night on the <strong>Dublin</strong> skyline from a distance of severalkilometres, public Face III is a giant neon smiley created byJulius von Bismarck, Richard Wilhelmer and Benjamin Maus,which will reflect the mood of the city. Using sophisticatedsoftware developed by the Fraunhofer Institute to read facialexpressions of passersby, this interactive installation willcapture the humour of <strong>Dublin</strong> and <strong>Dublin</strong>ers in real time –displaying a smile, a frown or an indifferent grimace…For his role in this and other innovative art and technologyprojects, Julius von Bismarck became the first artist to beawarded the Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN, a newinternational prize for digital artists.public Face III will be visible on the city skyline throughoutthe Festival – look up, see how the city’s feeling.preSenteD aS part oF DuBLIn cIty oF ScIence 2012, a year LonGceLeBratIon oF ScIence that BrInGS toGether a coMMunIty oFcuLturaL InStItutIonS, orGanISatIonS anD InDIVIDuaLS who arepaSSIonate aBout ShowcaSInG the BeSt oF IrISh cuLture, artSanD ScIence.6 dublintheatrefestival.com

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