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shared narrative between Ireland and the UK.But what impact does this have on art andcultural exchange?Has the rather lopsided relationship Irelandhas with the UK cast a shadow which cutsIreland off from European influences andpartnerships? Are artists and cultural leadersin Ireland and now in Scotland and Walesfocused on the narcissism of small differences?In this session, leading international playwrightsfrom Ireland and England will discussthe dynamics of Irish and British theatre andthe relevance of national identity in their work.thIS eVent IS part oF the next Door neIGhBourSproGraMMe In SeVen artS FeStIVaL In IreLanDIn 2012. throuGh the next Door neIGhBourSproGraMMe, BrItISh councIL IreLanD anDthe artS councIL/an choMhaIrLe eaLaíon, InparaLLeL wIth the LonDon2012 oLyMpIc GaMeSanD the cuLturaL oLyMpIaD, wILL BeStrenGthenInG anD DeepenInG the reLatIonShIpBetween uk anD IreLanD In the artS.Project arts Centre, sept 29, 4pmBig lights Will insPire You?New York is a place of constant reinvention,supported by a strong tradition ofexperimentation, and has given birth tocountless movements in contemporary artand culture, from Pop Art to hip hop andgenerations of innovative theatre and dancepractitioners. With three companies fromNew York City presenting in the festival, thepanel will discuss the unique opportunitiesthe city offers and if it can hold onto itsinfluential role in an era where culture isglobalised and there is no centre?oreilly theatre, Belvedere, oct 6, 4pmWriting DuBlin noWIn recent years there has been a proliferationof new cultural, academic, business andpolitical initiatives in <strong>Dublin</strong>, pointing the wayto an alternative vision for our city.If we agree that a new <strong>Dublin</strong> is desirable, whyhave so many recent plays by Irish writersbeen concerned with histories of the city? Isit necessary to conclude certain historiesbefore we can move forward? Or is theexamination of these histories a morepractical means of imagining a better future?Panel includes Fintan O' Toole (The IrishTimes), Grace Dyas (THEATREclub) and more.Project arts Centre, oct 13, 2pmarts – sCienCe osCillations: Withariane koekAs head of Collide@CERN, Ariane Koek hascreated an artists’ residency programme atthe world’s largest particle physics laboratoryand home to the Large Hadron Collider. In thisevent Koek and other cultural programmersdiscuss ambitions, challenges and dangerswhen negotiating the oscillations betweenscience and art in their respectiveorganisations.preSenteD In aSSocIatIon wIth ScIence GaLLery,an InItIatIVe oF trInIty coLLeGe DuBLIn. preSenteDaS part oF DuBLIn cIty oF ScIence 2012.science gallery, oct 4, 6pmpublic Face III will be visible on the cityskyline throughout the Festival – look up,see how the city’s feeling.international CritiCs’ forumIrish Theatre Magazine hosts its annualInternational Critics' Forum, at which leading theatre critics from home andabroad offer lively discussion and analysisof the highlights of the Festival programme.The panel will be chaired by the academicand critic, Patrick Lonergan. Audienceparticipation welcome.preSenteD In aSSocIatIon wIthIrISh theatre MaGaZIne.Project arts Centre, oct 12, 4pmYoung CritiCs’ PanelYoung Critics is a programme of the NationalAssociation for Youth Drama (NAYD). Everyyear, 16 youth theatre members from acrossIreland come together to watch, workshop,discuss and critique high quality national andinternational theatre, bringing their uniqueperspective to the Festival. This event isopen to people of all ages.For further information, see www.nayd.ieand www.dublintheatrefestival.comProject arts Centre, oct 5, 1.15pm60 dublintheatrefestival.com

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