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aBBeY theatremaeve’s houseWritten and performed byEamon MorrisseyDirected by Oonagh MurphyMaeve Brennan (1917-1993) was one ofour greatest short story writers. Althoughshe lived in New York, she set most of herfinest stories in the house in which shewas brought up, in Ranelagh, <strong>Dublin</strong>. Bycoincidence actor Eamon Morrissey wasbrought up in the same house.Using some of her delightful contributionsto the New Yorker magazine and her <strong>Dublin</strong>stories, Morrissey, in Maeve’s house, tellsof the life, times, and writings of this brilliant,witty, yet tragic woman.abbey theatre, on the Peacock stage,oct 11 & 12, 1pm. tickets €6artists’ eventsirish theatre instituteinternational theatre exChangeThe annual International Theatre Exchangeis a one day gathering of influential worldwidearts presenters and producers. Invitedby Irish Theatre Institute, they will engagewith Irish companies and artists who have‘ready for export’ productions or are workingon projects with an attractive internationaldimension. Comprising bespoke one-toonemeetings and networking events, theExchange is a must for all Irish theatreproducers with an eye to buildinginternational touring networks. Sinceits inception in 1994, ITI has pioneeredinternational networking and promotionfor Irish theatre companies and artists. Inthe past two years alone, as a result of thisevent, Irish work has been invited to performin London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Hong Kong,Auckland, Sydney, Tasmania, Tampere, Paris,Wiesbaden and New York.For further information and to book online,visit www.irishtheatreinstitute.ieBook early as spaces are limited.DCC Wood Quay venue, oct 4SupporteD By the artS councIL anDcuLture IreLanD.the next stageDuBlin theatre festival in assoCiationWith theatre forumDescribed by past participants as “careerchanging”, a “rare amount of inspiration”and “a once in a lifetime opportunity”, TheNext Stage is an artist development strandof the Festival. This challenging programme,spanning all 18 days of the Festival, is anintense combination of exposure to thehighest quality theatre and activeparticipation. In addition to a busy scheduleof performances, there is a series of talks,masterclasses and physical workshops ledby some of the world's leading theatremakers. Past workshop leaders/ speakersinclude Colm Tóibín, Stephen Rea, Ivo vanHove, Fiona Shaw, Deborah Warner, LloydNewson, Emma Rice, Arpad Schilling, DeclanDonnellan, Anne Bogart and Tim Crouch.The intention is to expose 18 artists to a rareselection of world class art during the festival,to broaden and deepen their experience,to create an opportunity for engagementwith the visiting artists through workshopsand interviews and to encourage futurecollaborations between the participants.By application only. For further informationsee www.theatreforumireland.comSupporteD By the artS councIL theatreDeVeLopMent FunD.sept 27 – oct 13Panel Discussionsa series of lively panel discussionscurated by Dylan haskins on themesand topics arising from this year’sfestival programme. all paneldiscussions are free. tickets onthe door. Please arrive on time.small DifferenCes BetWeennations: narCissism or neCessitY?Ireland and the UK are closely intertwinedyet there are enduring differences in allspheres including the arts and culture. Thecurrent evolution of the relationship betweenIreland and the UK in the context of theeconomic shifts and the visit of QueenElizabeth suggest a political will for a positive59

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