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in DevelopmentJulie feeneYBirDBird is the first opera by acclaimed composerperformerJulie Feeney, commissioned by<strong>Dublin</strong> Theatre Festival, Cork MidsummerFestival, Galway Arts Festival and KilkennyArts Festival. Bird is the inaugural commissionfrom Festival Firsts, an initiative of IFCN (IrishFestivals’ Co-production Network).Julie Feeney’s avant garde approach toher one-of–a-kind sound is certain to bringan innovative and exciting vision to theopera stage. Based on Oscar Wilde’s muchlovedstory, the happy prince, with scoreand libretto by Feeney, Bird will featuresoloists, chorus, orchestra and a creativeteam including director Mikel Murfi andfashion designer Joanne Hynes.thIS DeVeLopMent phaSe anD preSentatIonhaVe Been FunDeD By the artS councILopera project awarDS.Project arts Centre, oct 4, 1pmthe emergenCY room/DouBle m artsanD events nYriverrunadapted and performed by Olwen Fouéréthrough the voice of the river in Finneganswake by James Joyce.A work-in-progress celebrating the elementalfigure of ALP (Anna Livia Plurabelle), in herguise as the river ‘Life’ (Liffey), on her coursefrom the twilight of dawn to her end in Joyce’sfamous ‘book of the night’. Developed incollaboration with New York based composerMikel Rouse.Project arts Centre, oct 5, 12 noontheatreclub: historYSt. Michael’s Estate is a 14 acre site inInchicore, in <strong>Dublin</strong>’s south inner city. Forhundreds of years, it was a place wherepeople lived. This is where our history wasmade. There’s nothing there now but poppies.HISTORY is a story about Ireland’s future.HISTORY, a new project by THEATREclub,is a Public Art Commision from <strong>Dublin</strong> CityCouncil to mark the regeneration of St.Michael’s Estate. THEATREclub are makinga trilogy of work about the social history ofIreland: HEROIN (2010) and THE FAMILY(2012) are the first two parts, HISTORY willbe the third and final part.theatreclub are part oF project cataLySt,an InItIatIVe oF project artS centre.Project arts Centre, oct 5, 3pmreadingsPlaY onPlay On is the Festival’s new artistdevelopment programme to discover andencourage new playwrights.Following an open call, 30 playwrights wereselected and offered individual meetingsand writers’ groups to inspire them to writenew plays, with the artistic support ofinternational playwriting mentor GrahamWhybrow, inviting an artistic response to thequestion: “Who are we and what are we doingto each other in contemporary Ireland?”These two programmes of script-in-handreadings will showcase the quality and rangeof their work. Play On is a catalyst: it aims toget new plays written to get new plays on.SupporteD By IrISh theatre truSt.Project arts Centre, oct 9 & 10, 1pmfishamBle: the neW PlaY ComPanYanD arts anD DisaBilitY irelanDmainstreamBy Rosaleen McDonaghDirected by Jim Culleton“we share a history, we share a memoryand they both share my heart.”It’s that time of the year. A time that Eoin,Mary Anne and Jack all remember. Theyhave all agreed to take part in a documentary.They have lied to each other about what theyare going to say on camera. They have a lotto explain.Rosaleen McDonagh's new play is abouttruth, lies and the mainstreaming of peoplewith disabilities.Project arts Centre, oct 13, 12 noon58 dublintheatrefestival.com

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