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BrokentalkersirelanD“Brokentalkers, one of the country’smost fearless and path breakingtheatre companies…” the irish timesWritten and Directed byFeidlim Cannonand Gary Keegantalking theatreFeidlim Cannon and GaryKeegan in conversation.Sept 29, Post-show 8.45pm(approx.)venue Project Arts Centre(Cube)Dates Sept 28 – Oct 6PrevieW Sept 27matinée Sept 29times Sept 27-29, 7.45pmOct 4-6, 6pm. Matinée,2.45pm. Sept 30, 2.45pmPriCes €12 – €20Duration 60mins(approx., no interval)have inomouthFeidlim Cannon’s father died 11 years ago. His death couldhave been prevented.This powerful new play by one of Ireland’s most daringindependent theatre companies, explores the changingnature of the relationship between a mother and son in theaftermath of a family tragedy. Feidlim and his mother Anntake a brave, unflinching look at their past and attempt topiece together the truth.Brokentalkers (the Blue Boy, Silver Stars) have beenacclaimed internationally for their pioneering approach totheatre. have I no Mouth continues to explore the world welive in with honesty, originality and courage.BrokentaLkerS are part oF project cataLySt, an InItIatIVe oFproject artS centre.contaInS StronG LanGuaGe.45

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