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Download - Visit Dublin

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Concept andDirection byMiet WarlopPerformersChristian BakalovKristof CoenenSofie DurnezIan GyselinckWietse TangheLaura VanbormMiet WarlopOut of the darkness on stage, a procession of surrealfigures step into the light, setting performers and objectsin motion. Renowned for creating anarchic, animatedsculptures on stage, Belgian visual artist and theatremakerMiet Warlop lets her vivid imagination run riot inthis exuberant new performance.Mystery Magnet draws our attention towards a panoramicspace, a stage on which Warlop unleashes a fantasticalsuccession of images, evoking a demented world wherehumour is born from sadness and magic from the prosaic.Inspired by contemporary animation, Mystery Magnet’sdazzling panoply of characters, animals and machinesconjures a wordless universe where freakish cuteness andcartoonish cruelty lead to a startling and unforgettableperformance.a caMpo proDuctIon wIth kunStenFeStIVaLDeSartS, BruSSeLS& GöteBorGS DanS & teater FeStIVaL project co-proDuceD BynxtStp, wIth the Support oF the cuLture proGraMMe oF theeuropean unIon; In coLLaBoratIon wIth VooruIt, Gent.contaInS nuDIty.mYsterYmagnetBy Miet Warlop25

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