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ChairmanDeclan CollierCounCilMichael ColganMichael M. CollinsPeter CrowleyGarry HynesPauline McLynnTerence O’RourkeGavin QuinnartistiC DireCtoranD Chief exeCutiveWillie WhiteDireCtor of ProgrammeanD ProDuCtionStephen McManusgeneral managerTríona Ní DhuibhirDeveloPment managerChloë O’ConnoraDministrator /Box offiCe managerMaeve Whelanmarketing managerShauna Lyons (until May 2012)marketing ConsultantAnnette Nugent (from June 2012)Programme eDitorCaroline Williamsirish theatre trustThe Trust funds projects andinitiatives aimed at inspiring,cultivating and celebratingemerging and established artistsand enhancing the vitality of Irishtheatre. We would like to thankthe following patrons for theirgenerous support of the Trust:Founding PatronsDeclan Collier & Jan WinterPeter Crowley, FL PartnersDenis DesmondDermot DesmondMoya Doherty & John McColganDenis O’BrienRosaleen O’KanePatronGay Moloneyfestival frienDsDirectors’ CircleDermot S. L. ButlerPeter Crowley & Clodagh O’BrienGay MoloneyVincent O’DohertyAndrew & Delyth ParkesDarren RoddyProducers’ ClubAisling DalyCarmel NaughtonAnthony Mourek &Dr Karole SchaferFriends’ CouncilGabrielle Croke – ChairDearbhail Shannon – Deputy ChairDympna Murray – SecretaryAnn-Marie CarrollDeirdre DunnySharon McIntyreMadeleine NesbittVincent O’DohertyAndrew ParkesDarren RoddyMary StephensonBenefit nightEvery year a group of corporateand individual patrons support theFestival through their attendanceat our Benefit Night. We would liketo thank all our patrons for theirsupport. For more informationcontact:aoife@dublintheatrefestival.comfestival PartnersAbbey TheatreThe Ark, A Cultural Centre for ChildrenGate TheatrevolunteersEach year the Festival benefitsfrom the dedicated commitmentof a large team of enthusiasticvolunteers who give generouslyof their time, energy and expertise.In return we offer a stimulatingand engaging work environmentand an insight into the businessof organising <strong>Dublin</strong> TheatreFestival. Volunteers are requiredfrom September and primarilyfor the duration of the Festival,27 September – 14 October. Formore information and an applicationform please contact the Festivaloffice on 01 677 8439, look up thewebsite: dublintheatrefestival.comor emailvolunteer@dublintheatrefestival.comsPeCial thanks2012 Volunteers and InternsBusiness to ArtsFreshFusioHudson Killeen2 dublintheatrefestival.com


Contents4DuBlinersGaiety Theatre20the ComingstormSamuel Beckett Theatre6PuBliC faCe iii22everYone isking lear inhis oWn homeSmock Alley Theatre8DruiDmurPhYConversationson a homeComingGaiety Theatre24mYsterY magnetSamuel Beckett Theatre10DruiDmurPhYa Whistle in the DarkGaiety Theatre26tristan unDisolDeBord Gáis Energy Theatre12DruiDmurPhYfamineGaiety Theatre28the lastsummerGate Theatre1416the talk ofthe toWnProject Arts Centrethe seleCt (thesun also rises)OReilly Theatre303232the PiCture ofDorian graYAbbey Theatre,on the Abbey stagehalCYon DaYsSmock Alley Theatre18hamletOReilly Theatre2 dublintheatrefestival.com

34the BoYs offoleY streetThe LAB47BeYonD theBrooklYn skYFestival On Tour36PolitikSamuel Beckett Theatre49BirD With BoY12 Henrietta Street38shiBariAbbey Theatre,on the Peacock stage50eternal risingof the sunThe Lir40Your Brother.rememBer?Project Arts Centre51PineaPPleThe Lir42the 14 th taleProject Arts Centre52familY season44the house thatJaCk filleDProject Arts Centre57sPeCial events45have ino mouthProject Arts Centre70timetaBle46reCorDThe New Theatre3

the Corn exchange and<strong>Dublin</strong> theatre festivalirelanDPhoto © Richard Gilligan4 dublintheatrefestival.com

adapted byMichael Westand Annie RyanDirected byAnnie Ryanset and Costumes byJoe Vaněkmusic and sound byConor Linehanlighting Design bySinéad McKennavideo Design byJack PhelanCastDerbhle CrottyMark O’HalloranBarbara BerginJanice ByrneJack HickeyStephen JonesMark LambertNick LeeRuth McGillGus McDonagh“Better pass boldly into that other world,in the full glory of some passion, thanfade and wither dismally with age.” The DeadIn <strong>Dublin</strong>ers, James Joyce offers an astonishing andenduring portrayal of the city – a mirror in which the peopleof <strong>Dublin</strong>, as Joyce once wrote, could take “one good lookat themselves.” Nearly a hundred years since its publication,<strong>Dublin</strong> Theatre Festival and Ireland’s acclaimed ensemblecompany The Corn Exchange presents an extraordinaryopportunity to experience a collection of Joyce's storiesstaged on a large scale for the first time in the city oftheir origin.Following the award-winning productions <strong>Dublin</strong> ByLamplight, Freefall and Man of Valour, The Corn Exchangedeftly captures the rich humour, the small cruelties andthe celebrated epiphanies of Joyce’s iconic stories inthe company’s ground-breaking transformational style.<strong>Dublin</strong> Theatre Festival is proud to present this worldpremière of The Corn Exchange’s adaptation of <strong>Dublin</strong>ers,which promises to be a provocative and startlingly relevantwitness to a masterpiece.SupporteD By IrISh theatre truSt.DuBlinersBy James Joycetalking theatreAnnie Ryan, Michael West andmembers of the company.Sept 28, Post-show 10.30pm(approx.)ProuDlY suPPorteD BYvenue Gaiety TheatreDates Sept 27-30PrevieW Sept 26times 7.30pm. Sept 30, 6.30pmmatinées Sept 29, 2pmSept 30, 1pmPriCes €10 – €35Duration 2hrs 45mins(approx., incl. interval)5

Julius von Bismarck,richard Wilhelmerand Benjamin mausgermanYPhoto © Arne Fehmelart/sCienCe salon:PUBLIC (INTER)FACEA panel of speakers from arts,science and academia inIreland discuss issues andresponses arising from the‘Public Face III’ installation.Chaired by Ariane Koek.venue Science Gallery,Oct 3, 6pmpreSenteD In aSSocIatIon wIthScIence GaLLery, an InItIatIVeoF trInIty coLLeGe DuBLIn.PuBliC faCe iiiVisible at night on the <strong>Dublin</strong> skyline from a distance of severalkilometres, public Face III is a giant neon smiley created byJulius von Bismarck, Richard Wilhelmer and Benjamin Maus,which will reflect the mood of the city. Using sophisticatedsoftware developed by the Fraunhofer Institute to read facialexpressions of passersby, this interactive installation willcapture the humour of <strong>Dublin</strong> and <strong>Dublin</strong>ers in real time –displaying a smile, a frown or an indifferent grimace…For his role in this and other innovative art and technologyprojects, Julius von Bismarck became the first artist to beawarded the Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN, a newinternational prize for digital artists.public Face III will be visible on the city skyline throughoutthe Festival – look up, see how the city’s feeling.preSenteD aS part oF DuBLIn cIty oF ScIence 2012, a year LonGceLeBratIon oF ScIence that BrInGS toGether a coMMunIty oFcuLturaL InStItutIonS, orGanISatIonS anD InDIVIDuaLS who arepaSSIonate aBout ShowcaSInG the BeSt oF IrISh cuLture, artSanD ScIence.6 dublintheatrefestival.com

Directed byGarry Hynesassociate DirectorDesign Francis O’Connorassociate DirectorMovement David BolgerCostume Design byJoan O’Clerylighting Design byChris Daveysound Design byGregory ClarkeComposerSam JacksonDramaturgyThomas Conwaythe festival is delighted to welcome back Druid with thisunique celebration of one of ireland’s most acclaimedliving dramatists, tom murphy.DruidMurphy is the story of generations of Irish emigration;stories both of those who went and those who were leftbehind. Told through three of Tom Murphy’s greatest plays:Conversations on a Homecoming, A Whistle in the Dark andFamine, it covers the period from The Great Hunger of the19th Century to the ‘new’ Ireland of the 1970s. Reflecting anall too recognisable country, these three extraordinary playsvividly explore what it means to call a place home. With anensemble cast of 16, many of whom play multiple roles, thisremarkable project is not to be missed and is guaranteed tobe the theatrical event of the year.DRUIDMURPHY IS A CO-PRODUCTION WITH QUINNIPIAC UNIVERSITYCONNECTICUT, NUI GALWAY, LINCOLN CENTER FESTIVAL AND GALWAYARTS FESTIVAL.“murphy is, i suspect, the greatestdramatist writing in english.” the finanCial timesDruiDmurPhYPlays by Tom MurphyProuDlY suPPorteD BYPriCessingle show €20 – €35Cycle (all three shows) €48 – €84For the complete DruidMurphyexperience you can see each playindividually over the period oct 2-13or all three plays in a single day,1pm – 10pm on oct 6 & 13.7

DruidirelanD“staged by hynes with abreathtaking poetic realism.”the guarDianPhoto © Catherine Ashmoretalking theatreGarry Hynes and membersof the company. Oct 5,Post-show 9.30pm (approx.)venue Gaiety TheatreDates Oct 2, 5, 6, 9, 12 & 13times 7.30pm. Oct 6 & 13, 1pmDuration 1hr 50mins(no interval)8 dublintheatrefestival.com

CastBeth CookeGarrett LombardAaron MonaghanMarie MullenRory NolanMarty ReaEileen WalshCounty Galway in the 1970s and the humble small-townpub is a magnet for dreamers. The White House, oncefrequented by the hopeful and radical youth of the town,is the arena for a reunion of old friends.Now in his 30s, and recently returned from “living thedream” in New York after a ten year absence – Michaelholds court over a long drinking session on a winter’sevening. Faced with the changes the years have wrought,and with youthful idealism gone, the group begins acomplex process of self-discovery.Conversationson ahomeComingBy Tom Murphy9

DruidirelanD“one of the most bristling, bruising, batteringpieces of theatre you will have the privilegeto experience… it is hard to imagine it couldbe improved from this shattering production.”irish inDePenDentPhoto © Catherine Ashmorevenue Gaiety TheatreDates Oct 3, 6, 7, 10 & 13times Oct 6, 7 &13, 3.30pmOct 3 &10, 7.30pmDuration 2hrs 30mins(incl. interval)10 dublintheatrefestival.com

CastNiall BuggyGavin DreaGarrett LombardAaron MonaghanMichael Glenn MurphyRory NolanMarty ReaEileen WalshIt’s 1960 and Michael Carney is an Irish emigrant living inCoventry, England, with his new wife Betty. Michael hasintegrated well into English society, but the same can’t besaid of his wild brothers who are lodging with him. Tensionsboil over after the arrival of his father and youngest brother,as a hard-drinking, savage reunion ensues.a whistle in the Dark caused controversy when itpremièred in London over half a century ago with criticsdeclaring it as “the most uninhibited display of violencethat the London stage has ever witnessed”. Fifty yearson, its central themes of alienation and identity still ringferociously true.a Whistlein the DarkBy Tom Murphy11

DruidirelanD“as always with this remarkable company, theacting is of a quality to leave you dumbstruckwith admiration.” neW York timesPhoto © Catherine Ashmorevenue Gaiety TheatreDates Oct 4, 6, 11 & 13time 7.30pmDuration 2hrs 45mins(incl. interval)12 dublintheatrefestival.com

CastNiall BuggyEdward ClaytonBeth CookeBrian DohertyGavin DreaGarrett LombardAaron MonaghanMarie MullenMichael Glenn MurphyTreasa Ní MhiolláinRory NolanJohn OlohanFrank O’SullivanIsaac O’SullivanMarty ReaEileen WalshMayo, 1846. John Connor, head of the family, leader of thevillage and son of glorious forefathers, is surrounded bystarvation and poverty when the second crop of potatoesfails in Glanconnor village. The community now faces theprospect of starvation and John Connor must do the rightthing – by himself, by God and by his family.Filled with contemporary resonance, this historical epic,which features all 16 cast members, uncovers how a peoplebattled tragedy and examines the formidable cost of survival.famineBy Tom Murphy13

hatch theatre Company,landmark Productions and<strong>Dublin</strong> theatre festivalirelanDPhoto © Patrick Redmondtalking theatreEmma Donoghue andAnnabelle Comyn inconversation. Sept 30,Post-show 7.45pm (approx.)ProuDlY suPPorteD BYvenue Project Arts Centre(Space Upstairs)Dates Oct 1-14PrevieWs Sept 27-30times 7.30pm. Sept 30,Oct 7 & 14, 6pmmatinées Oct 6 & 13,2.30pm. Oct 7 & 14, 1pmPriCes €25 – €30Duration 1hr 45mins(approx., no interval)14 dublintheatrefestival.com

Directed byAnnabelle Comynset Design byPaul O’MahonyCostume Design byPeter O’Briensound Design byPhilip StewartCast includesLorcan CranitchDarragh KellyOwen McDonnellCatherine Walker“I was born to be a New Yorker.”Ireland and America collide. From the red-brick suburbsof Ranelagh to the giddy heights of 1950s Manhattan,one woman – the iconic Maeve Brennan – made the leap.Daughter of a famous revolutionary father, she threw herselfinto the glamour of New York literary circles while writingheartbreaking stories of a very different world back in <strong>Dublin</strong>.Beautiful, mercurial and devastatingly truthful in her work,she fascinated the world, including the brilliant and volatilemen in her life at The New Yorker.Award-winning Emma Donoghue, author of the world-widebestseller room, returns to the theatre with this dazzlingworld première inspired by the life and work of a pioneeringwriter and remarkable woman.THE TALK OF THE TOWN IS SupporteD By IrISh theatre truSt.hatch IS part oF project cataLySt, an InItIatIVe oF projectartS centre.the talk ofthe toWnBy Emma Donoghue15

elevator repair serviceusa“a brilliantly inventive marriagebetween words, music and anarray of sound effects” the inDePenDentPhoto © Rob Strongvenue OReilly Theatre,BelvedereDates Sept 27-30matinée Sept 29times 7.30pm. Matinée 1.30pm.Sept 30, 1.30pmPriCe range €30 – €35Duration 3hrs 30mins(incl. interval)16 dublintheatrefestival.com

Created and Performed byElevator Repair ServiceDirected byJohn Collinsset and CostumeDesign byDavid Zinnlighting Design byMark Bartonsound Design byMatt TierneyBen WilliamsNew York ensemble Elevator Repair Service return to<strong>Dublin</strong> after electrifying audiences in 2008 with theirworld-dominating, theatrical marathon Gatz.A bold and vivid adaptation of Hemingway's classic novel,the Select (the Sun also rises) follows a group of weary,aimless and frequently intoxicated American expatriates ona search for identity, diversion and redemption. On a stagelittered with liquor bottles and café chairs, the protagonistsroam from Paris to Pamplona, where bullfighting and afiesta rage through the streets. Rooted amongst thedecadence however, lies disillusion, as Hemingway’snarrator carries the heavy burdens of a war injury and hisinability to have the woman he loves.This exceptional moment in history is evoked as thecarousing and revelry of Hemingway’s ‘Lost Generation’is brought to energetic life. The First World War may beover but some battles still rage on.THE SELECT (THE SUN ALSO RISES) IS a co-proDuctIon oFeLeVator repaIr SerVIce anD new york theatre workShop.the seleCt(the sunalso rises)Based on the novelby Ernest Hemingway17

the Wooster groupusa“american theater’s mostinspired company.” the neW York timesPhoto © Paula Courttalking theatreElizabeth LeCompte andmembers of the company.Oct 6, Post-show 10.15pm(approx.)venue OReilly Theatre,BelvedereDates Oct 4-7times 7.30pm. Oct 7, 2.30pmPriCe range €30 – €35Duration 2hrs 40mins(incl. interval)18dublintheatrefestival.com

Directed byElizabeth LeCompteCastAri FliakosKoosil-jaAlessandro MaganiaGreg MehrtenDaniel PettrowScott ShepherdCasey SpoonerKate ValkThe Festival is proud to welcome The Wooster Group, oneof the most innovative theatre companies in the world, to<strong>Dublin</strong> for the first time. Led by visionary director ElizabethLeCompte, The Wooster Group and its associates haveconstantly reimagined classic and devised texts throughits groundbreaking work.The Wooster Group’s haMLet repurposes the film versionof Richard Burton’s legendary 1964 Broadway versionof hamlet – a production that was screened in cinemasacross America. In a rapturous and often hypnoticproduction, they reverse the process, reconstructing theshow from the fragmentary evidence of the edited film,and channelling the ghosts of the 1964 performance.With songs by Casey Spooner (Fischerspooner) andperformances by long-time Wooster members Ari Fliakos,Scott Shepherd and Kate Valk, prepare to be enthralledas this iconic tragedy is transformed.HAMLET IS a co-proDuctIon oF the wooSter Group anDthe 30 FeStIVaL oF BarceLona Grec-InStItute De cuLtura,ajuntaMent oF BarceLona.hamletBy William Shakespeare19

forced entertainmentuk“a clever, entertaining show, performedwith forced entertainment’s customarydeadpan intensity… i could happily watchthese performers for hours.” the guarDianPhoto © Hugo Glendinningtalking theatreMembers of the company.Oct 12, Post-show 9.15pm(approx.)venue Samuel Beckett TheatreDates Oct 11-13matinée Oct 13times 7.30pm. Matinée 2.30pmPriCes €25 – €30Duration 1hr 45mins(no interval)20 dublintheatrefestival.com

Directed byTim EtchellsConceived andDevised byForced EntertainmentPerformersRobin ArthurPhil HayesRichard LowdonClaire MarshallCathy NadenTerry O’ConnorDesign byRichard Lowdonlighting Design byNigel Edwardsmusic byPhil Hayes andForced EntertainmentForced Entertainment are the UK’s most celebrated pioneersof contemporary theatre and have been trailblazers for overa quarter of a century.For their latest show the company turn their attention to anarrative where everything is reshaped and everything iscannibalised. Six performers create, collaborate, ambushand disrupt an epic saga that is resolutely too big for thestage: from love and death to sex and laundry, fromshipwrecks to falling snow, personal anecdotes rubshoulders with imaginary movies, and half-rememberednovels bump into distorted fairytales.Incorporating live music, wrong-headed theatrical tricks andbroken dances, the coming Storm is Forced Entertainmentat their best – trademark black humour, a collage of arrestingimages and an anarchic performance style.THE COMING STORM IS co-proDuceD By pact ZoLLVereIn, eSSen;FeStIVaL aVIGnon; theaterhauS GeSSneraLLe, ZurIch;tanZquartIer, VIenna; LeS SpectacLeS VIVantS – centre poMpIDou,parIS; FeStIVaL D'autoMne à parIS; LIFt, LonDon; BatterSea artScentre, LonDon; SheFFIeLD cIty councIL.preSenteD aS part oF next Door neIGhBourS.the Comingstorm21

Pan PanirelanD“Pan Pan provide an experiencethat is genuinely different fromanything you’ll have encounteredin the theatre before.” irish theatre magaZinePhoto © Ros Kavanaghtalking theatreGavin Quinn and membersof the company. Oct 3,Post-show 9pm (approx.)venue Smock Alley TheatreDates Oct 1-7PrevieWs Sept 28-30matinée Oct 6times 7.30pm. Matinée 3.30pmSept 30, 6pm. Oct 7, 3.30pmPriCe range €15 – €25Duration 1hr 20mins(approx., no interval)22 dublintheatrefestival.com

Directed byGavin QuinnDesignAedín CosgroveCastAndrew BennettJudith Roddyking lear: “No I will be the pattern of allpatience, I will say nothing.”samuel BeCkett: “Do not imagine,because I am silent that I am not present.”The inimitable Pan Pan returns to the Festival with aparable – or perhaps more properly, a cautionary tale –about memory. This is King Lear as never seen before:through the lens of one of Ireland’s most respectedcontemporary theatre companies.Using a cacophony of references, Pan Pan presents a reimaginingof Shakespeare’s famous play of consequenceand madness. Starring Andrew Bennett and Judith Roddy,father and daughter are trapped in an effort to expresssomething true – nothing will come of nothing, after all.Following the phenomenal success of the rehearsal,playing the Dane (winner of Best Production and Best SetDesign at the 2010 Irish Times Irish Theatre Awards), PanPan turns its attention to another Shakespeare play, onceagain reinvigorating a familiar text and offering an originaltestament to the endless possibilities of theatre and theineradicable presence of Shakespeare in our lives.everYone isking lear inhis oWn home23

CamPoBelgiumPhoto © Reinout Hieltalking theatre MietWarlop and members of thecompany. Oct 8, Post-show8.30pm (approx.)venue Samuel Beckett TheatreDates Oct 8-10times 7.30pmPriCe €25Duration 50mins(no interval)24 dublintheatrefestival.com

Concept andDirection byMiet WarlopPerformersChristian BakalovKristof CoenenSofie DurnezIan GyselinckWietse TangheLaura VanbormMiet WarlopOut of the darkness on stage, a procession of surrealfigures step into the light, setting performers and objectsin motion. Renowned for creating anarchic, animatedsculptures on stage, Belgian visual artist and theatremakerMiet Warlop lets her vivid imagination run riot inthis exuberant new performance.Mystery Magnet draws our attention towards a panoramicspace, a stage on which Warlop unleashes a fantasticalsuccession of images, evoking a demented world wherehumour is born from sadness and magic from the prosaic.Inspired by contemporary animation, Mystery Magnet’sdazzling panoply of characters, animals and machinesconjures a wordless universe where freakish cuteness andcartoonish cruelty lead to a startling and unforgettableperformance.a caMpo proDuctIon wIth kunStenFeStIVaLDeSartS, BruSSeLS& GöteBorGS DanS & teater FeStIVaL project co-proDuceD BynxtStp, wIth the Support oF the cuLture proGraMMe oF theeuropean unIon; In coLLaBoratIon wIth VooruIt, Gent.contaInS nuDIty.mYsterYmagnetBy Miet Warlop25

Wide open operairelanDPhoto © Bill Coopervenue Bord Gáis Energy TheatreDates Sept 30, Oct 3, 6times Sept 30 & Oct 6, 5pmOct 3, 6pmPriCes €15 – €85Duration 5hrs(incl. two intervals)26 dublintheatrefestival.com

original ProductionDirected and Designed byYannis Kokkosrevival Directed byPeter Watsonlighting Design byGuido LeviConductorFergus SheilA once in a lifetime event and regarded by many as thegreatest operatic achievement of all time, Wagner’s tristanund Isolde is presented by new Irish opera company WideOpen Opera. Originating from Welsh National Opera, directedand designed by Yannis Kokkos, this stunning productionfeatures leading Irish and international performers alongsidethe 85-member RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra,conducted by Fergus Sheil.The opera opens on a voyage between Ireland and England;the Irish princess Isolde has been captured by the Englishknight Tristan as a trophy wife for his uncle, King Mark. Theunintended drinking of a love potion sets the couple off ona deeply passionate, illicit relationship; an all-consuming,doomed love affair. As Wagner’s contemporary Nietzscheremarked of tristan und Isolde, “even now I am still in searchof a work which exercises such a dangerous fascination,such a spine-tingling and blissful infinity.”Wide Open Opera’s production spans a performance time offive hours, and features Irish singers Miriam Murphy (Isolde)and Imelda Drumm (Brangäne) alongside international artistsLars Cleveman (Tristan), Brett Polegato (Kurwenal) andManfred Hemm (King Mark). This is a unique opportunity tosee opera’s most ravishing love story and the auspiciousdebut production by a significant new Irish opera company.pIcnIc BaSketS wILL Be aVaILaBLe For purchaSe at the Venue.TRISTAN UND ISOLDE IS a wIDe open opera proDuctIon InaSSocIatIon wIth BorD GáIS enerGy theatre, DuBLIn theatreFeStIVaL anD rtÉ natIonaL SyMphony orcheStra. a proDuctIonorIGInatInG FroM weLSh natIonaL opera.SunG In GerMan wIth enGLISh SurtItLeS.Wagner’stristanunD isolDe27

gate theatreirelanDPhoto © Mick Rock 1972, 2012venue Gate TheatreoPens Oct 2PrevieWs Sept 27 – Oct 1matinées Oct 6, 13times 7.30pm. Matinées 2.30pmPriCes €25 – €35Duration 2hrs (approx.)28 dublintheatrefestival.comPhoto © Mick Rock 1972, 2012

Directed byToby Frowset Design byRobert Innes HopkinsCostume Design byJoan O’Clerylighting Design byPaul Keogansound Design byPaul ArdittiCast includesCathy BeltonPeter Hanly“What if we weren't scared of our lives?Imagine who we could be then.”Two days, two summers, thirty years apart.In August 1977, the week before their Leaving results, Paul,Tom, Larry and Kevin plan a stage spectacular at the localdisco to advertise their group’s first gig. But the beautifulCaroline Brady is a distraction, and so are the menacingGlasthule Lads.In August 2007, as Tom and Larry await Paul’s return fromAmerica, a French bank called BNP Paribas is showing signsof distress. But the fundamentals are sound in <strong>Dublin</strong>, as theold friends drink to the absent Kevin. Meanwhile Caroline,Tom's wife, has her own reasons to welcome Paul’s visit.“I think we loved each other. I think we were just kids. I think itwas a long long time ago.”With a soundtrack of ‘70s rock classics, the Last Summeris a bittersweet comedy of love and loss by award-winningnovelist and playwright Declan Hughes, whose return towriting for the stage demonstrates his unrivalled ability tocapture the contemporary Irish moment, the way we live now.the lastsummera new Play byDeclan Hughes29

abbey theatreirelanDPhoto © Ros Kavanagh / ZeroGvenue Abbey Theatre,on the Abbey stageoPens Oct 3PrevieWs Sept 27 – Oct 2matinées Oct 6, 13times 7.30pm. Matinée 2pmPriCes €18 – €40Duration 2hrs 45mins(incl. interval)30 dublintheatrefestival.com

Directed and adapted byNeil Bartlettset and Costume Design byKandis Cooklighting Design byChris DaveyCast includesJane BrennanJasper BrittonTom CantonAaron HeffernanBosco HoganEmmet KirwanAndrew MacklinCharlotte McCurryFrank McCuskerLise Ann McLaughlinBairbre Ní ChaoimhKate O’TooleMichael SheehanAli WhiteSusannah de Wrixon“I represent to you all the sins you havenever had the courage to commit.”The Abbey Theatre presents Wilde’s iconic fable, especiallycommissioned from leading theatre-maker Neil Bartlett forthis year’s Festival.A disturbing tale of a young man’s uncanny ability to remainboth young and beautiful while descending into a life ofheartless debauchery, the picture of Dorian Gray wasconsidered proof of both Wilde’s genius and his perversion.Oscar Wilde’s scandalous best-seller of 1891 was one ofthe most damning pieces of evidence used against him inthe trial that brought about his downfall.With a company of 16 actors, this new staging of his blackheartedmasterpiece brings Wilde’s most dangerous antiheroback to contemporary theatrical life in Bartlett’strademark visual, flamboyant style.A theatre radical, Bartlett returns to the Abbey after theaward-winning an Ideal husband in 2008. One of Britain’smost acclaimed and original theatre-makers, he has been atthe forefront of international theatre, working with namessuch as Complicité, Improbable and Robert Lepage.thePiCture ofDorian graYadapted by Neil Bartlett31

tall tales theatre Companyand solstice arts CentreirelanD“an exquisitely devastating pieceof writing.” CritiCs’ ChoiCe, timeout lonDon on MOMENTPhoto © Patrick Redmondtalking theatre DeirdreKinahan and David Horan inconversation. Oct 11,Post-show 8.45pm (approx.)venue Smock Alley TheatreDates Oct 10-14PrevieW Oct 9matinée Oct 13times 7.30pm. Matinée, 3.30pmOct 14, 3.30pmPriCes €15 – €25Duration 1hr 10mins,(approx., no interval)32 dublintheatrefestival.com

Directed byDavid Horanset and CostumeDesign byMaree Kearnslighting byKevin Smithsound Design byTrevor KnightCastAnita ReevesStephen BrennanSeán sits alone in a nursing-home conservatory,abandoned to his memories, when in storms Patricia, afeisty woman with a zest for life and handsome men inwheelchairs. A wary intimacy soon develops betweenthe two, an unforeseen relationship by turns charmingand combative, tender and funny.Writer of internationally acclaimed plays MoMent andBoGBoy, Deirdre Kinahan’s new drama is infused with herhallmark wry humour and humanity. haLcyon DayS is acelebration of the human spirit and our quest for meaningin even the most seemingly hopeless circumstance.halCYon DaYsBy Deirdre Kinahan33

anu ProductionsirelanDPhoto © Owen Bossvenue The LABDates Sept 27 – Oct 13PrevieWs Sept 25 & 26times Every half hour from11am – 3pm & 4.30pm – 9pmPriCes €13 – €18Duration 60 mins(no interval)For full Festival timetablesee page 7034 dublintheatrefestival.com

Directed byLouise Lowethe Boys of Foley Street is the third instalment of ANUProductions’ four-part Monto Cycle, which explores the socialhistory of this notorious area in <strong>Dublin</strong>’s north inner-city.Following on from the acclaimed world's end Lane andmultiple award-winning Laundry, the Boys of Foley Street isa <strong>Dublin</strong> City Council public art commission and ANU’s mostadventurous project to date. Chronicling the third regenerationof the area, this is a living, breathing exploration of the decadespanning from 1971-1981.Through intimate encounters, installation and cutting-edgetechnology, the audience is brought on an immersive journeythrough Foley Street, to an area history left behind. Theproduction evokes an era where recession and unemploymentfuelled male aggression and thievery. It reflects a time all toosimilar to our present. the Boys of Foley Street is a revelatorysite-specific experience, a further theatrical haunting of FoleyStreet, and ANU’s ambitious, multilayered artistic response towaves of regeneration of <strong>Dublin</strong>.THE BOYS OF FOLEY STREET IS coMMISSIoneD aS part oF the DuBLIncIty puBLIc art proGraMMe wIth FunDInG FroM the DepartMentoF the enVIronMent, coMMunIty anD LocaL GoVernMent unDerthe per cent For art ScheMe.anu proDuctIonS IS SupporteD By the artS councIL’S artIStIn the coMMunIty ScheMe ManaGeD By create – thenatIonaL DeVeLopMent aGency For coLLaBoratIVe artS.contaInS StronG LanGuaGe anD aDuLt content.the BoYs offoleY street35

the CompanyirelanD“engaging, thought-provokingand surreal.”sunDaY inDePenDent on AS YOU ARE NOW SO ONCE WERE WEPhoto © Patricio Cassinonitalking theatreMembers of the company.Oct 4, Post-show 9pmvenue Samuel Beckett TheatreDates Oct 3-6PrevieWs Oct 1-2matinée Oct 6times 7.30pm. Matinée, 1.30pmPriCes €12 – €20Duration 1hr 30mins(no interval)36 dublintheatrefestival.com

Devised andPerformed byThe CompanyDesigned byCiarán O’Meila“Here we are, in the middle of it. We havehit the edge and are now falling. We feelwe’ve been let down and lied to. We knowwe need each other but are findingourselves increasingly alone. We knowwe should do something but we don’tquite know what it is…”Following the acclaimed as you are now so once were weand who is Fergus kilpatrick?, innovative Irish ensemble,The Company, make their Festival debut with a topicalnew production.Trying to find new ideals within a social and economicwhirlwind, they have set themselves a challenge: to makea show not about the world we live in, but the one wecould create. Come, get entangled and find out whatpart you play.The Company is Brian Bennett, José Miguel Jiménez,Robert McDermott, Nyree Yergainharsian and Tanya Wilson.the coMpany IS part oF project cataLySt, an InItIatIVe oFproject artS centre.Politik37

abbey theatreirelanDPhoto © Ros Kavanagh / ZeroGvenue Abbey Theatre,on the Peacock stageoPens Oct 10PrevieWs Oct 4-9matinée Oct 13times 8pm. Matinée 2.30pmPriCes €18 – €25Duration 1hr 40mins(approx.)38 dublintheatrefestival.com

Directed byTom Creedset Design byFrank Conwaylighting Design bySarah Jane ShielsCast includesIan Lloyd AndersonOrion LeeJanet MoranMichael Yare“I've started to recognise completestrangers…”In <strong>Dublin</strong> city, people are more connected than you think. It willonly take something small for six lives to become entwined.A bookshop employee, a restaurant manager, an Englishmovie star, a sales team leader, a journalist and a Japaneseflorist. What binds these people together?Relationships are strained, snapped and formed in thismodern-day look at life in a multi-cultural <strong>Dublin</strong>.Gary Duggan’s first full-length play Monged won the StewartParker Trust Award in 2006. This world première of Shibari isGary’s debut at the Abbey Theatre following his participationin the Abbey’s 2008 Short Play Commission Series, 20: Love.SHIBARI IS an aBBey theatre coMMISSIon.shiBariBy Gary Duggan39

Zachary oberzanusa“if you follow Zachary oberzan downthe rabbit hole, you emerge starryeyedand wondering.” neW York timesPhoto © Sylvie Moristalking theatre ZacharyOberzan in conversation.Oct 11, Post-show 8.45pm(approx.)venue Project Arts Centre(Cube)Dates Oct 11-13times 7.45pmOct 13, 5.45pm & 7.45pmPriCes €15 – €20Duration 60mins(no interval)40 dublintheatrefestival.com

Conceived, Directed,edited and Performed byZachary and Gator OberzanfeaturingGator Oberzan on videolighting, sound andvideo byThomas Barcalassistant DirectorNicole SchuchardtAs children growing up in Maine, Zachary Oberzan and hisolder brother Gator, used to make home videos parodyingscenes from Hollywood movies such as Jean-Claude VanDamme’s karate blockbuster kickboxer and the cult film Facesof Death. Two decades later, Zack has recreated those films,shot for shot, as precisely as possible, but now seen througha twenty-year lens of emotional and physical wear and tear.One brother became an actor and one self-destructed.An elaborate experiment using the concept of before-andafterphotographs, your Brother. remember? splices and diceshome videos, Hollywood film footage and live performance.Challenging our expectations, Oberzan depicts the peculiarparallels with the life of their hero Van Damme, and exploreshow the brothers’ paths diverged from the hopes of their past.Using a personal story as an impulse to call up the humancondition, this touching, unique and funny look at innocenceand sincerity reveals how these brothers try for one last titleshot and redemption.a co-proDuctIon By kunStenFeStIVaLDeSartS 2010, noorDerZonperForMInG artS FeStIVaL, GranD theater GronInGen anD Brut wIen.YourBrother.rememBer?41

fuel and inua ellamsuk“the 14th tale comes as a sharp reminderof the power of language and rhythm intheatre, and of how dramatic poetry cancreate whole worlds through the voiceof a single performer.” the sCotsmanPhoto © Edmund Colliertalking theatre InuaEllams in conversation.Oct 4, Post-show 10.30pm(approx.)venue Project Arts Centre(Cube)Dates Oct 2-7times 9.30pm. Oct 7, 6.30pmPriCes €15 – €20Duration 60mins(no interval)42 dublintheatrefestival.com

Written and Performed byInua EllamsDirected byThierry Lawsonlighting Design byMichael Nabarro“I’m from a long line of trouble makers, ofash-skinned Africans, born with clenchedfists and a natural thirst for battle, onlyquenched by breast milk.”the 14th tale is a free-flowing, mellifluous narrative thatrelates the hilarious exploits of a natural born mischief-maker,propelled from the clay streets of Nigeria to the rooftops of<strong>Dublin</strong>, where he lived as a teenager, and finally to London.Inua Ellams vividly recreates the characters that punctuatehis upbringing in deft and beautiful poetry, while challengingthe audience’s expectations of what it is to be a young,black male in London today. Be swept away by this featof playful story-telling on a poetic journey of family life,friendship and love.wInner oF ScotSMan FrInGe FIrSt awarD 2009.a Bac Scratch coMMISSIon wIth appLeS & SnakeS. a LonDon worDFeStIVaL coMMISSIon.preSenteD aS part oF next Door neIGhBourS.the 14 th taleBy Inua Ellams43

theatre lovettirelanD“lovett is an incrediblyaccomplished physicalactor whose gift dazzleswhen performing forchildren.” irish theatre magaZinePhoto © Mark StedmanWritten byFinegan KruckemeyerDirected byMuireann AhernPerformed byLouis Lovettset and lighting Design byJohn ComiskeyCostume Design byNiamh Lunnymusic and sound Design byCarl Kennedytalking theatreLouis Lovett in conversation.Oct 4, Post-show 1pm(approx.)the house thatJaCk filleDJack McNally’s Hotel has 13 rooms (all of them sunny) for13 people (all of them different).There is old Mrs Chelsea who is noticeably wobbly, Normaand Dorma the Italian twins, and Mr Truro who plays the spoons.Lionel O’Brien talks about trains, and his son Little Lionel doestoo. Brenda and Michael can seem a bit rough – but their heartsare as big as their record collection. Melanie Woodcott dreamsof the sea, while Jack McNally dreams of Melanie Woodcott.But when the visitors stop visiting, and the dust settles on thefurniture, Jack McNally must become a hotel's worth of guests.venue Project Arts Centre(Cube)Dates Oct 3-7times Oct 3, 6pm. Oct 4, 12noon. Oct 5-7, 12 noon & 3pmPriCe €10Duration 60mins(no interval)He takes a deep breath, puts on a wig, and opens the door…The Festival is delighted to welcome back the writer andperformer duo behind the international hit the Girl who Forgotto Sing Badly, for a show that will delight children (7+) and adultsof all ages.coMMISSIoneD By theatre LoVett In partnerShIp wIth StroLLerStourInG network.44 dublintheatrefestival.com

BrokentalkersirelanD“Brokentalkers, one of the country’smost fearless and path breakingtheatre companies…” the irish timesWritten and Directed byFeidlim Cannonand Gary Keegantalking theatreFeidlim Cannon and GaryKeegan in conversation.Sept 29, Post-show 8.45pm(approx.)venue Project Arts Centre(Cube)Dates Sept 28 – Oct 6PrevieW Sept 27matinée Sept 29times Sept 27-29, 7.45pmOct 4-6, 6pm. Matinée,2.45pm. Sept 30, 2.45pmPriCes €12 – €20Duration 60mins(approx., no interval)have inomouthFeidlim Cannon’s father died 11 years ago. His death couldhave been prevented.This powerful new play by one of Ireland’s most daringindependent theatre companies, explores the changingnature of the relationship between a mother and son in theaftermath of a family tragedy. Feidlim and his mother Anntake a brave, unflinching look at their past and attempt topiece together the truth.Brokentalkers (the Blue Boy, Silver Stars) have beenacclaimed internationally for their pioneering approach totheatre. have I no Mouth continues to explore the world welive in with honesty, originality and courage.BrokentaLkerS are part oF project cataLySt, an InItIatIVe oFproject artS centre.contaInS StronG LanGuaGe.45

Dylan tigheirelanD“sharply poignant, politicallyprovocative and deliciously wry.”the irish timesPhoto © Hugh O’ConorDesign: Oonagh Young/Design HQConcept, Direction,songs, textDylan TigheCastMary-Lou Mc CarthyConor MurrayDaniel ReardonDylan TigheDesign and lighting byAedín CosgroveCostume Design byJeni Roddyvideo Design byKilian Waters andDaniel Keanealbum Production byJimmy Eadie16mm film byPaul Prendergastlive sound byBrian MooneyreCorDDylan Tighe, director of The Irish Times Theatre Award-winningno worst there Is none, returns to the Festival with this stirringnew project which explores depression and the concept of“mental illness” with courage, imagination and humour.Sharing his vision of a system that dismissed options andchoice, this alternative opera is based on songs from Dylan’sdebut album, also titled recorD. Using medical records,autobiography, fiction and 16mm film, recorD is a braveand evocative production, which speaks honestly aboutwhat society sometimes deems taboo.Dylan Tighe will also present SAMPLES, a series of freediscussions and other events dealing with mental health.Oct 5, 11am, 1pm & 3pm and Oct 6, 3.15pm at The New Theatre.contaInS nuDIty anD SceneS oF an aDuLt nature.a cork MIDSuMMer FeStIVaL anD DyLan tIGhe proDuctIon. a coproDuctIonwIth DuBLIn theatre FeStIVaL. SupporteD By the artScouncIL’S artISt In the coMMunIty ScheMe ManaGeD By create –the natIonaL DeVeLopMent aGency For coLLaBoratIVe artS.talking theatre DylanTighe in conversation.Oct 7, Post-show 3pm(approx.)venue The New TheatreDates Oct 4-7PrevieWs Oct 2-3matinée Oct 6times 7.30pm. Matinée 1pmOct 7, 1pmPriCes €12 – €20Duration 1hr 55mins(no interval)46 dublintheatrefestival.com

ed kettle and garter laneirelanDPhoto © Murt MulcahyWritten byMichael Hilliard MulcahyDirected byPeter Sheridantalking theatreMembers of the company.Oct 6, Post-show 10pm(approx.)venue Civic Theatre,TallaghtDates Sept 25-29time 8pmPriCes €10 – €20venue Draíocht,BlanchardstownDates Oct 1-2time 8pmPriCe €20BeYonD theBrooklYn skYThey grew up together, dreamed together and emigratedtogether from the Kerry village of Brandon in the late 1980s.America didn’t quite fulfil their dreams and they returnedhome, chastened but wiser.The friends gather once again to welcome home one of theirown, Jack Flynn, who has flown solo across the Atlantic. Itshould be a celebration, but their tangled history threatensto tear them apart. In this debut play by Listowel Writers’Award-winner Michael Hilliard Mulcahy, directed by PeterSheridan (the Shawshank redemption, 47 roses) the pastis a powder keg waiting to explode – the only question iswho will strike the first match.the DeVeLopMent oF thIS pLay haS Been SupporteD By FIShaMBLe:the new pLay coMpany’S new pLay cLInIc ScheMe.venue Pavilion Theatre,Dún LaoghaireDates Oct 3-4time 8pmPriCe €20venue Axis: BallymunDates Oct 5-6time 8pmPriCe €20Duration 2hrs (approx.,incl. interval)47

three outstanding productions from the pastyear have been selected for the fifth edition ofthe successful reviewed programme, an initiativeof Culture ireland, irish theatre institute and<strong>Dublin</strong> theatre festival. this curated programmeis presented during the festival to an inviteddelegation of international programmers andpresenters from key festivals and venuesworldwide and offers an opportunity to promoteirish theatre as well as reviving successful irishwork for festival audiences.junk ensemble’s installation Bird with boy is acaptivating fusion of music, movement and song,HotForTheatre’s eternal rising of the Sun tells thepowerful story of Gina who dances her way out of atroubled past and Phillip McMahon’s play pineapple,produced by Calipo and Drogheda Arts Festival, isa witty and deftly observed tale of loyalty andfriendship in a changing city.revieWeD48 dublintheatrefestival.com

junk ensembleirelanD“Beautiful, delicate,superb; you’d be luckyto see it.” the sunDaY timesPhoto © Luca TruffarelliConceived and Created byJessica KennedyMegan KennedyJo Timminsvisual Design byValerie ReidCostume Design byEmma DowneyPerformersDean AndrewsJasper CahillJustine CooperMichael GillickFionn Dwyer‐HylandEddie KayTom KellegherFionn McNeillLiv O’DonoghuemusiciansTom LaneBryan O’ConnellrevieWeD A showcase ofsuccessful Irish productionsrestaged in partnership withCulture Ireland and IrishTheatre InstituteBirD With BoYBird with boy is an immersive dance installation about thingsthat end before they should. Created by multi-award winningjunk ensemble and Jo Timmins, the work is performed inan old house unravelling with fractured stories. Littered withmoving images and live music, this piece is made up of boys,birds and snow.Winner of Best Production at ABSOLUT Fringe 2011, Birdwith boy is performed by three dancers, two musicians andsix boys from Company B, Ireland’s only contemporarydance group for younger boys.junk enSeMBLe are part oF project cataLySt, an InItIatIVe oFproject artS centre.venue 12 Henrietta StreetDates Oct 4-7times 6pm & 9pmPriCes €15 – €20Duration 1hr 10mins(no interval)49

hotfortheatreirelanD“one of the most powerful andlingering performances…” the irish timesPhoto © Niamh Burke KennedyWritten and Performed byAmy ConroyDirected byVeronica Coburnlighting Design byEamon Foxsound Design byJulia BenedictrevieWeD A showcase ofsuccessful Irish productionsrestaged in partnership withCulture Ireland and IrishTheatre Institutevenue The LirDates Oct 3-7matinée Oct 6times 6pm. Matinée 3pmOct 7, 4pmPriCes €15 – €20Duration 1hr 10mins(no interval)eternal risingof the sunTo err is human, to dance divine.Meet Gina Devine. She’s hopeless… a hopeless dreamer:fame, fortune, and water fights with Michael Jackson – achance to flee her formidable past. She wants to soar… tofly… to dance. But Gina is hopeless, as everyone knows.This is the compelling journey of Gina’s transformation: apoignant account of redemption and release. On the heelsof multiple awards and the international success of I alice I, HotForTheatre brings you an inspiring story of salvationand deliverance.Nothing is impossible… well maybe the moonwalk, but Gina’sgotta dance.eternaL rISInG oF the Sun waS orIGInaLLy proDuceD By IrIShtheatre InStItute For hotFortheatre.aMy conroy IS part oF SIx In the attIc – an IrISh theatre InStItutereSource SharInG InItIatIVe.50 dublintheatrefestival.com

Calipo theatre Company inassociation with Droghedaarts festivalirelanD“it is compassionate butunsentimental, hopefulbut worldly wise… itsjuice carries a bittersweet tang.” the irish timesPhoto © Ros KavanaghWritten byPhillip McMahonDirected byDavid Horanset Design byPaul O’Mahonylighting Design bySinead McKennaCostume Design byEmma Frasersound Design byIvan Birthistle andVincent DohertyrevieWeD A showcase ofsuccessful Irish productionsrestaged in partnership withCulture Ireland and IrishTheatre InstitutePineaPPleRoxanna is only interested in herself, boys and BacardiBreezers. Paula lives for others – her kids, her friends andfor her sister Roxanna.In a tumbledown flat in Ballymun, Paula thinks she’s incontrol; but when the unknown shows up at her door,everything changes. Can Paula afford to take a chanceon love, or will she always sacrifice her own happinessfor others?Produced in 2011, pineapple is the beautifully tender andbitingly funny play from acclaimed writer Phillip McMahon(alice in Funderland, all over town, Danny & chantelle).venue The LirDates Oct 4-7PrevieW Oct 3matinée Oct 6times 8pm. Matinée, 12 noonOct 7, 12 noonPriCes €12 – €20Duration 1hr 30mins(no interval)51

<strong>Dublin</strong> theatre festival and the ark join forces onceagain to present a season of acclaimed internationalproductions for families and schools.Welcoming four world class theatre companies, this year’sFamily Season introduces audiences to delightful newcharacters and adventures. Join story-teller Polarbear fora gripping tale of international assassins and secret codes;be utterly charmed by Belgian clown duo Okidok’s ha ha ha,a show brimful of laughter as its title suggests; visit anenchanting world full of birdsong and birdhouses in white;and finally meet a muddy potato, much in need of a bath!Whether you are little or not, this year’s Family Season willenthral and delight.familYseasonBooking anD informationPlease contact The Ark on 01 670 7788 orvisit www.ark.ie. All schools performancesare €6.50 and public performances €10.For public bookings, you can also contactthe Festival Box Office.familY seasonProgrammerMaria Flemingtheatre programmer, the arkPlease see the Timetable of Events atthe back of the brochure for times and abreakdown of schools/public performances.52 dublintheatrefestival.com

Catherine Wheelstheatre CompanysCotlanDCreated byAndy ManleyDirected byGill RobertsonDesigned byShona Reppemusic byDanny KrassPhoto © Douglas McBridePerformersSean HayRoss AllanWhitevenue The ArkDates Sept 28 – Oct 4Duration 40mins(no interval)For a full Festival timetablesee page 70Autism-friendly performanceof white on Sept 29, 11am.For further information pleasecontact The Ark on01 670 7788 orboxoffice@ark.ie.Welcome to the beautifully strange world of white. Fullof birdsong and birdhouses, it gleams and dazzles andshines in the night. Two friends look after the birdhousesand make sure the eggs stay safe. Their world is bright,ordered and white. But high up in the trees, all is not white.Colour appears. First red… then yellow… then blue…Nominated for a Broadway Drama Desk Award, white isa playful, highly visual show for very young children andis a perfect first time theatre experience.AgE 2-4“giggly joyous... and a reminder whythis scottish company is an innovatorin children’s theatre.” the guarDian53

okidokBelgiumDevised andPerformed byXavier Bouvier andBenoit DevosPhoto © Bertrand Groisardha ha havenue The ArkDates Oct 6-7Duration 60mins(no interval)For a full Festival timetablesee page 70Acclaimed clown duo Okidok delight young audienceswith their improbable skits and impressive physical routines.A ball falls from the sky, a door opens into the great beyond;the unusual and the inventive meet at every turn. Theirextravagant make-up and costume evoke the great traditionof Russian clowning, but they have their own inimitable style.Performed all over the world, ha ha ha has been turningaudiences of all ages helpless with laughter for over ten years.AgE 4+“Brilliant. they have that magicformula which appeals toall ages.” le soir54 dublintheatrefestival.com

Batterseaarts CentreukConceived andCreated byPolarbearDramaturgyYael ShavitDesign ConsultancyMarie Blunckmouth oPen,storY JumP outvenue The ArkDates Oct 9-11Duration 60mins(no interval)For a full Festival timetablesee page 70Polarbear makes things up: stories, jokes, adventures –a master maker-upper. But where did it all begin? Mouthopen, Story jump out is about the moment that startedit all and how one little decision set off a chain reactionthat changed his life forever. International assassins,secret codes, dog-eating boa constrictors and moreemerge when a father disappears and a boy discoversa talent for telling tales. Come and join Polarbear in thisinteractive storytelling show about how and why wemake things up.a Bac proDuctIon, co-coMMISSIoneD By SouthBank centre.AgE 9+“a dream factory generating the theatreof tomorrow…” the times on BaC55

shona reppesCotlanDCreated andPerformed byShona ReppeCo-created byAndy ManleyPhoto © Douglas McBridePotato neeDsa Bathvenue The ArkDates Oct 12-14Duration 35mins(no interval)For a full Festival timetablesee page 70Potato has mud on his face. Potato has mud in his ears.Potato needs a bath (just don’t get soap in his eyes!)There is going to be a party and everyone is ready – exceptPotato. Onion is practising his guitar, Aubergine is wearing hernew necklace and Peach is bouncing on the bed with excitement.Potato needs a bath – but he has other ideas – because Potatoloves mud!A gentle and light-hearted new show for young childrenfeaturing fruit, vegetables and original music.AgE 3-5“shona reppe’s ingenious stage set andmagnetic narration are more than enoughto keep a roomful of pre-schoolers raptwith attention.” timeout, neW York56 dublintheatrefestival.com

sPeCial eventsthe Wooster grouparchiveto mark the Wooster group’s first visitto <strong>Dublin</strong>, its archivist Clay hapaz hascurated a programme of screenings thatspans three decades of this remarkabletheatre company’s career. all screeningswill take place in the irish film institute.tiCkets €7.50, see all 5 screenings for €25rumstiCk roaDA work-in-progress reconstruction of thegroundbreaking 1977 production. rumstickroad was an attempt to understandSpalding Gray’s mother’s suicide using audiotaped conversations, family letters, dance,slides, and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy.rumstick road will be introduced byElizabeth LeCompte, the director of TheWooster Group.oct 1, 5pm (90mins)the roaD to immortalitYA program of clips from route 1 & 9, L.S.D.(…just the high points…), and Frank Dell’sthe temptation of St anthony.The 1980s trilogy features fiercejuxtapositions and syntheses of theatre,video, music, dance, raucous vaudeville,stilted TV soap opera, naked talk shows,and meditations on lust and death,religious ecstasy, and social repression.oct 3, 5pm (80mins)house/lightsThe Wooster Group’s 1999 OBIE-winningcollision of Gertrude Stein’s Doctor FaustusLights the Lights with Joseph Mawra’sB-movie classic, olga’s house of Shame.oct 6, 11am (75mins)three PlaCes in rhoDe islanDand the emPeror JonesClips from the seminal 1970s trilogy,comprised of Sakonnet point, rumstickroad, nayatt School as well as point judith(an epilog).Plus the video re-conception of the emperorjones, with original music by David Linton andan OBIE-winning performance by Kate Valk inthe title role.oct 6, 12.25pm (85mins)to You, the BirDie! (PhèDre)The Wooster Group’s 2002 OBIE-winningproduction of Paul Schmidt’s version ofRacine’s phèdre, set in a mobile modernistlandscape of sliding plexiglass panels,omnipresent monitors, hidden cameras,and badminton…oct 6, 2pm (75mins)preSenteD In aSSocIatIon wIth the IrISh FILM InStItute.Drama in the airthe BaCon sliCer<strong>Dublin</strong> Theatre Festival in association withRTÉ’s Drama On One are proud to presentthe Bacon Slicer by Andrew Fox, winner ofthe 2012 PJ O’Connor Award for Radio Drama.Friends Brian and Declan are in for theevening, in the company of Brian’s motherwith good supplies of alcohol. As the beercans empty, the conversation shifts to murder,in a wickedly black comedy of assassination,planned from the couch.This new radio play will be recorded inStudio One, Montrose, with an audiencepresent, and broadcast live on RTÉ Radio 1on Oct 7, 8pm. For further information seewww.rte.ie/dramaonone57

in DevelopmentJulie feeneYBirDBird is the first opera by acclaimed composerperformerJulie Feeney, commissioned by<strong>Dublin</strong> Theatre Festival, Cork MidsummerFestival, Galway Arts Festival and KilkennyArts Festival. Bird is the inaugural commissionfrom Festival Firsts, an initiative of IFCN (IrishFestivals’ Co-production Network).Julie Feeney’s avant garde approach toher one-of–a-kind sound is certain to bringan innovative and exciting vision to theopera stage. Based on Oscar Wilde’s muchlovedstory, the happy prince, with scoreand libretto by Feeney, Bird will featuresoloists, chorus, orchestra and a creativeteam including director Mikel Murfi andfashion designer Joanne Hynes.thIS DeVeLopMent phaSe anD preSentatIonhaVe Been FunDeD By the artS councILopera project awarDS.Project arts Centre, oct 4, 1pmthe emergenCY room/DouBle m artsanD events nYriverrunadapted and performed by Olwen Fouéréthrough the voice of the river in Finneganswake by James Joyce.A work-in-progress celebrating the elementalfigure of ALP (Anna Livia Plurabelle), in herguise as the river ‘Life’ (Liffey), on her coursefrom the twilight of dawn to her end in Joyce’sfamous ‘book of the night’. Developed incollaboration with New York based composerMikel Rouse.Project arts Centre, oct 5, 12 noontheatreclub: historYSt. Michael’s Estate is a 14 acre site inInchicore, in <strong>Dublin</strong>’s south inner city. Forhundreds of years, it was a place wherepeople lived. This is where our history wasmade. There’s nothing there now but poppies.HISTORY is a story about Ireland’s future.HISTORY, a new project by THEATREclub,is a Public Art Commision from <strong>Dublin</strong> CityCouncil to mark the regeneration of St.Michael’s Estate. THEATREclub are makinga trilogy of work about the social history ofIreland: HEROIN (2010) and THE FAMILY(2012) are the first two parts, HISTORY willbe the third and final part.theatreclub are part oF project cataLySt,an InItIatIVe oF project artS centre.Project arts Centre, oct 5, 3pmreadingsPlaY onPlay On is the Festival’s new artistdevelopment programme to discover andencourage new playwrights.Following an open call, 30 playwrights wereselected and offered individual meetingsand writers’ groups to inspire them to writenew plays, with the artistic support ofinternational playwriting mentor GrahamWhybrow, inviting an artistic response to thequestion: “Who are we and what are we doingto each other in contemporary Ireland?”These two programmes of script-in-handreadings will showcase the quality and rangeof their work. Play On is a catalyst: it aims toget new plays written to get new plays on.SupporteD By IrISh theatre truSt.Project arts Centre, oct 9 & 10, 1pmfishamBle: the neW PlaY ComPanYanD arts anD DisaBilitY irelanDmainstreamBy Rosaleen McDonaghDirected by Jim Culleton“we share a history, we share a memoryand they both share my heart.”It’s that time of the year. A time that Eoin,Mary Anne and Jack all remember. Theyhave all agreed to take part in a documentary.They have lied to each other about what theyare going to say on camera. They have a lotto explain.Rosaleen McDonagh's new play is abouttruth, lies and the mainstreaming of peoplewith disabilities.Project arts Centre, oct 13, 12 noon58 dublintheatrefestival.com

aBBeY theatremaeve’s houseWritten and performed byEamon MorrisseyDirected by Oonagh MurphyMaeve Brennan (1917-1993) was one ofour greatest short story writers. Althoughshe lived in New York, she set most of herfinest stories in the house in which shewas brought up, in Ranelagh, <strong>Dublin</strong>. Bycoincidence actor Eamon Morrissey wasbrought up in the same house.Using some of her delightful contributionsto the New Yorker magazine and her <strong>Dublin</strong>stories, Morrissey, in Maeve’s house, tellsof the life, times, and writings of this brilliant,witty, yet tragic woman.abbey theatre, on the Peacock stage,oct 11 & 12, 1pm. tickets €6artists’ eventsirish theatre instituteinternational theatre exChangeThe annual International Theatre Exchangeis a one day gathering of influential worldwidearts presenters and producers. Invitedby Irish Theatre Institute, they will engagewith Irish companies and artists who have‘ready for export’ productions or are workingon projects with an attractive internationaldimension. Comprising bespoke one-toonemeetings and networking events, theExchange is a must for all Irish theatreproducers with an eye to buildinginternational touring networks. Sinceits inception in 1994, ITI has pioneeredinternational networking and promotionfor Irish theatre companies and artists. Inthe past two years alone, as a result of thisevent, Irish work has been invited to performin London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Hong Kong,Auckland, Sydney, Tasmania, Tampere, Paris,Wiesbaden and New York.For further information and to book online,visit www.irishtheatreinstitute.ieBook early as spaces are limited.DCC Wood Quay venue, oct 4SupporteD By the artS councIL anDcuLture IreLanD.the next stageDuBlin theatre festival in assoCiationWith theatre forumDescribed by past participants as “careerchanging”, a “rare amount of inspiration”and “a once in a lifetime opportunity”, TheNext Stage is an artist development strandof the Festival. This challenging programme,spanning all 18 days of the Festival, is anintense combination of exposure to thehighest quality theatre and activeparticipation. In addition to a busy scheduleof performances, there is a series of talks,masterclasses and physical workshops ledby some of the world's leading theatremakers. Past workshop leaders/ speakersinclude Colm Tóibín, Stephen Rea, Ivo vanHove, Fiona Shaw, Deborah Warner, LloydNewson, Emma Rice, Arpad Schilling, DeclanDonnellan, Anne Bogart and Tim Crouch.The intention is to expose 18 artists to a rareselection of world class art during the festival,to broaden and deepen their experience,to create an opportunity for engagementwith the visiting artists through workshopsand interviews and to encourage futurecollaborations between the participants.By application only. For further informationsee www.theatreforumireland.comSupporteD By the artS councIL theatreDeVeLopMent FunD.sept 27 – oct 13Panel Discussionsa series of lively panel discussionscurated by Dylan haskins on themesand topics arising from this year’sfestival programme. all paneldiscussions are free. tickets onthe door. Please arrive on time.small DifferenCes BetWeennations: narCissism or neCessitY?Ireland and the UK are closely intertwinedyet there are enduring differences in allspheres including the arts and culture. Thecurrent evolution of the relationship betweenIreland and the UK in the context of theeconomic shifts and the visit of QueenElizabeth suggest a political will for a positive59

shared narrative between Ireland and the UK.But what impact does this have on art andcultural exchange?Has the rather lopsided relationship Irelandhas with the UK cast a shadow which cutsIreland off from European influences andpartnerships? Are artists and cultural leadersin Ireland and now in Scotland and Walesfocused on the narcissism of small differences?In this session, leading international playwrightsfrom Ireland and England will discussthe dynamics of Irish and British theatre andthe relevance of national identity in their work.thIS eVent IS part oF the next Door neIGhBourSproGraMMe In SeVen artS FeStIVaL In IreLanDIn 2012. throuGh the next Door neIGhBourSproGraMMe, BrItISh councIL IreLanD anDthe artS councIL/an choMhaIrLe eaLaíon, InparaLLeL wIth the LonDon2012 oLyMpIc GaMeSanD the cuLturaL oLyMpIaD, wILL BeStrenGthenInG anD DeepenInG the reLatIonShIpBetween uk anD IreLanD In the artS.Project arts Centre, sept 29, 4pmBig lights Will insPire You?New York is a place of constant reinvention,supported by a strong tradition ofexperimentation, and has given birth tocountless movements in contemporary artand culture, from Pop Art to hip hop andgenerations of innovative theatre and dancepractitioners. With three companies fromNew York City presenting in the festival, thepanel will discuss the unique opportunitiesthe city offers and if it can hold onto itsinfluential role in an era where culture isglobalised and there is no centre?oreilly theatre, Belvedere, oct 6, 4pmWriting DuBlin noWIn recent years there has been a proliferationof new cultural, academic, business andpolitical initiatives in <strong>Dublin</strong>, pointing the wayto an alternative vision for our city.If we agree that a new <strong>Dublin</strong> is desirable, whyhave so many recent plays by Irish writersbeen concerned with histories of the city? Isit necessary to conclude certain historiesbefore we can move forward? Or is theexamination of these histories a morepractical means of imagining a better future?Panel includes Fintan O' Toole (The IrishTimes), Grace Dyas (THEATREclub) and more.Project arts Centre, oct 13, 2pmarts – sCienCe osCillations: Withariane koekAs head of Collide@CERN, Ariane Koek hascreated an artists’ residency programme atthe world’s largest particle physics laboratoryand home to the Large Hadron Collider. In thisevent Koek and other cultural programmersdiscuss ambitions, challenges and dangerswhen negotiating the oscillations betweenscience and art in their respectiveorganisations.preSenteD In aSSocIatIon wIth ScIence GaLLery,an InItIatIVe oF trInIty coLLeGe DuBLIn. preSenteDaS part oF DuBLIn cIty oF ScIence 2012.science gallery, oct 4, 6pmpublic Face III will be visible on the cityskyline throughout the Festival – look up,see how the city’s feeling.international CritiCs’ forumIrish Theatre Magazine hosts its annualInternational Critics' Forum, at which leading theatre critics from home andabroad offer lively discussion and analysisof the highlights of the Festival programme.The panel will be chaired by the academicand critic, Patrick Lonergan. Audienceparticipation welcome.preSenteD In aSSocIatIon wIthIrISh theatre MaGaZIne.Project arts Centre, oct 12, 4pmYoung CritiCs’ PanelYoung Critics is a programme of the NationalAssociation for Youth Drama (NAYD). Everyyear, 16 youth theatre members from acrossIreland come together to watch, workshop,discuss and critique high quality national andinternational theatre, bringing their uniqueperspective to the Festival. This event isopen to people of all ages.For further information, see www.nayd.ieand www.dublintheatrefestival.comProject arts Centre, oct 5, 1.15pm60 dublintheatrefestival.com

theatre CompanyCountrYfestival CluBat the heart of every festival lies the festival Club. after immersing yourselfin the world’s best theatre, this is where to go to unwind. now in our sixthyear at the odessa Club, we are thrilled to have the best of irish musicaltalent to add to your festival entertainment. keep an eye on the festivalwebsite for more details.Booking for all festival Club events is through the festival Box office.kaleiDosCoPeDate Oct 3time 9pmPriCe €10Photo © Tom Soldana CaPital iDeaDate Oct 10time 9pmPriCe €15Kaleidoscope is a night of ancient, classicaland contemporary music presented in theintimate setting of the Odessa Club andcurated by violinist Cliodhna Ryan and cellistKate Ellis. It has been described by The IrishTimes as “one of those life-saving, spiritlifting,pioneering cultural ventures we keephearing about”.Kaleidoscope returns to <strong>Dublin</strong> TheatreFestival with an evening of music inspiredby the ground-breaking and pioneeringcreativity of the American spirit presentedin this year’s Festival programme. Limitedcapacity – please book early.www.kaleidoscopenight.comJohn Kelly is one of Ireland’s best-knownbroadcasters. For many years he haspresented some of the best-loved andmost critically acclaimed music and artsprogrammes on the Irish airwaves. He is alsoan accomplished writer. His books includethe Little hammer and Sophisticated BoomBoom and his radio play The Pipes wasbroadcast earlier this year by RTÉ.For a capital Idea John will be joined byspecial guests for an intimate and informalevening of music, conversation and song,celebrating our capital city, its culturalachievements and its unique character.Variations on a theme of <strong>Dublin</strong>.the odessa ClubLocated in the heart of the city centre,the Odessa Club is the perfect place wheremembers can eat, drink, network and party.If you are a small or large party, the clubcaters for all; with intimate corners to losethe night away in and two large event roomswith a capacity of 200.admission to the Festival club is restrictedto sponsors, visiting companies, invitedguests, and Friends of the Festival. tobecome a Friend, please see page 65.Festival club passes are required for entry.admission to the club events above areticketed and available to the general publicfrom the Festival Box office.For more info on the Odessa Club see www.odessa.ie or call 01 670 308061

the festival is delighted to have the luxury hotels of theDoyle Collection as our official accommodation Providerfor this year’s festival. treat yourself to these amazingdeals which will also include tickets to the festival!for further information visit: www.doylecollection.comaccommodationthe Westbury hotel• Overnight accommodation in asuperior room• Two course dinner plus glass of wineper person in Cafe Novo• Full Irish breakfast in Wilde –The Restaurantfrom €299 per packageBooking +353 (0)1 679 1122westbury@doylecollection.comthe Croke Park hotel• Overnight accommodation in asuperior room• Three-course dinner in The Sideline Bistro• Full Irish breakfast in The Sideline Bistrofrom €189 per packageBooking +353 (0)1 871 4444crokepark@doylecollection.comfinal Callthe festival is delighted to continue finalCall, a standby scheme where a limitednumber of €10 tickets will be availablefor certain shows on the day of theperformance.Tickets can be purchased in person atthe Festival Box Office between 4pm and6pm and will be sold on a first-come firstservedbasis.festival feedsfestival feeds is the perfect way tosample some of the best restaurants inthe city as exclusive menus will be createdat unbeatable prices for festival goers.Treat yourself to the best the city can offerat a fraction of the price. Special promotionalrates will be available to Festival goers from arange of the city’s best restaurants over theFestival period. Just mention Festival Feedswhen booking to avail of this special offer!for further information on all special offers visit:www.dublintheatrefestival.com63

64 dublintheatrefestival.com

theatre CompanyCountrYBe our frienDDirected byGavin Quinnthe seleCtsee stories through a friend’s eyesDesignAedin CosgroveThe inimitable Pan Pan return to the Festival with a parable -Priority booking, best seats in the house at discounted rates,lighting Designcomplimentary tickets to Festival shows and year-roundMark Bartonoutings are just some of the benefits you can enjoy as a Friendof the CastFestival.Andrew Bennettor perhaps more properly, a cautionary tale – aboutmemory. This is King Lear as never seen before: throughthe lens of one of Ireland’s most respected contemporarytheatre companies.Your friendship enables the Festival to continue to developand Judith Roddythe best of new Irish work, support and engage with artistswhile presenting major International theatre on <strong>Dublin</strong>’s stages.Using a cacophony of references, Pan Pan present a reimaginingof Shakespeare’s famous play of consequenceand madness. Starring Andrew Bennett and Judith Roddy,father and daughter are trapped in an effort to expressBring stories to life with festival membership startingfrom just €115!something true - nothing will come of nothing, after all.Following the phenomenal success of The Rehearsal,for more information, see www.dublintheatrefestival.comor call 01 677 8439Playing the Dane (winner of Best Production and Best SetDesign at the 2010 Irish Times Irish Theatre Awards), PanPan turn their attention to another Shakespeare play, onceagain reinvigorating a familiar text and offering an originaltestament to the endless possibilities of theatre and theineradicable presence of Shakespeare in our lives.65

frienDs’ memBershiP formPlease ComPlete anD return this seCtion:NameAddressWoulD You like to Be a memBer of the frienDs’netWork to reCeive Details BY email on the theatreneWs anD sPeCial offers in relation to the festival?Yes NoTelEmailPlease Choose Your level of Commitment:Friend (single membership) €115 Producer €365Friend (double membership) €210 Supporter €735Best Friend €165 Director €1699Please inDiCate Your methoD of PaYment:I enclose a cheque made payable to <strong>Dublin</strong> Theatre Festival for atotal of € orhoW DiD You hear aBout the frienDs of the festival?Existing Member AdvertisementFestival Brochure OnlineFriends’ Brochure Other (please specify)to give the gift of frienDshiP, fill in Details BeloW:Gift toGift fromAddressPlease debit my Visa/Mastercard/Laser for a total of €Card number / / / /Expiry Date /Security CodeSignature of CardholderName of CardholderAddress of Cardholder if different from aboveTelEmaili would like the gift to be sent direct:To the recipient To meMemberships can also be processed over the phone, online or viaemail. Please contact Maeve Whelan on 01 677 8439 or via emailmaeve@dublintheatrefestival.com66 dublintheatrefestival.com

Booking infogeneral informationfestival Box office44 East Essex Street, Temple Bar, D. 2Mon – Fri 10am – 6pmSat 10am – 5pm (Sept 22 – Oct 13 only)Sun 12noon – 3pm (Sept 30 – Oct 14 only)Phone01 677 8899. Lines open during Box Office hours above.opensPublic Booking: 15 Aug 10amPriority Booking: 25 July 1pmBecome a Friend of the Festival to avail of PriorityBooking. See page 65 for details on how to become aFriend and avail of the many Friends’ benefits on offer.ConcessionsConcessions are available in person for senior citizens, Actors’Equity, unwaged, and full time students with appropriate ID.final CallThe Festival is delighted to continue Final Call, a standbyscheme where a limited number of €10 tickets will be availablefor certain shows on the day of the performance. Tickets canbe purchased in person at the Festival Box Office 4pm – 6pmand will be sold on a first- come first-served basis.groupsA group discount is available (to groups of 11+) to mostperformances. Please contact the Box Office for details.gift vouchersGift vouchers are available at the Festival Box Officein person, over the phone and online.Please arrive on time!If you are picking up your tickets at the venue’s Box Office onthe night, please ensure you do so 30 minutes before showtime. We will do everything possible to ensure efficiency at theBox Office but Festival shows are busy and you may need toqueue. If you already have your tickets please arrive at thevenue 15 minutes before show time. Latecomers will not beadmitted and refunds are not available.Booking feesBooking fees are charged on phone sales at €2 per ticket andpartly help to cover the costs of our temporary Box Office.Booking fees can be avoided if tickets are bought online or inperson at the Festival Box Office.no refund/exchangeThe Festival has a policy of no refund or exchange on alltickets purchased.noteAll offers are subject to availability, and all informationis correct at the time of going to print. Management reservesthe right to change the cast or performance in the event ofany unforeseen circumstances.festival aCCessspecial assistanceIf a member of your party is a wheelchair user or needs specialassistance in the auditorium please inform Box Office at thepoint of booking.open houseThe Festival is pleased to continue this popular initiativecreated to increase access to our world-class theatreprogramme. Open House offers significantly reduced ticketprices for selected Festival shows, welcoming communitygroups and organisations including welfare groups, parentsupport groups, refugee associations, special needs groupsand their carers, and registered charities.The Festival will make a number of €10 tickets available toOpen House participants on a first come first served basis.Application forms are available fromopenhouse@dublintheatrefestival.comFurther information from 01 677 8439 or on the Festivalwebsite. Please get in touch, we would love to hear from you.audio DescriptionAudio description provides audiences who are blind andvisually impaired with a live commentary on the visual elementsof a theatre performance through individual headsets. Advancebooking at the Festival Box Office is required. Programmenotes will be read 15 minutes prior to the start of theperformance and will be available in audio format throughwww.adiarts.ie. The performance of conversations on ahomecoming at the Gaiety Theatre on 13 Oct 1pm will beaudio-described.CaptioningCaptioning is similar to television subtitling and givesaudiences who are deaf and hard of hearing access tolive performance. The actors’ words appear on a display unitwithin view of the stage at the same time as they are spoken.Speaker names, sound effects and offstage noises are alsoshown. A captioned performance of the talk of the town inProject Arts Centre will take place on 13 Oct 2.30pm.These services are provided by the Festival and facilitated byArts & Disability Ireland with funding from the Arts Council.festival fever!<strong>Dublin</strong> festival season<strong>Dublin</strong> Theatre Festival is delighted to be part of <strong>Dublin</strong>Festival Season this September and October, which alongwith ABSOLUT Fringe, Open House and Culture Night, willpresent the best of theatre, music, art and architecturethroughout the city.For further information visit www.dublinfestivalseason.com<strong>Dublin</strong> Festival Season is an initiative of Fáilte Ireland in cooperationwith <strong>Dublin</strong> City Council.aBsolut fringe september 8-23Occupy Your Imagination with ABSOLUT FRINGE thisSeptember as the Festival takes charge of the city for16 days. In true Fringe fashion the Festival will be marchingto the beat of its own drum, presenting you with the newand the next, the here and the now. To celebrate turning 18,ABSOLUT Fringe presents some of the brightest, brashestand most anticipated performances from home andabroad. Join in to experience theatre, dance, live art andoutdoor spectaculars that will raise spirits and voicesthroughout the city.67


venues 2012tickets can be booked at the Festival Box office or through the box officein theatres where numbers/websites are provided. Festival Box officebooking information and booking fees are detailed on page 67. Venue boxoffice booking fees vary and should be confirmed directly with the venuebox office at the point of booking. please note that locations for all venuesnot currently on this map can be found on the Festival website.1. aBBeY theatre26 Lwr Abbey St., D. 101 878 7222.www.abbeytheatre.ie2. the ark, a Cultural Centrefor ChilDren11a Eustace St., Temple Bar, D. 201 670 7788www.ark.ie3. axis: BallYmunMain St., Ballymun, D. 901 883 2100www.axis-ballymun.ie4. BorD gáis energY theatreGrand Canal Square, Docklands, D. 20818 719 377www.ticketmaster.iewww.bordgaisenergytheatre.ie5. CiviC theatreTallaght, D. 2401 462 7477www.civictheatre.ie6. DraíoChtThe Blanchardstown Centre, D. 1501 885 2622www.draiocht.ie7. festival Box offiCe44 East Essex St., Temple Bar, D. 201 677 8899www.dublintheatrefestival.com8. gaietY theatre53/54 South King St., D. 20818 719 300www.ticketmaster.iewww.gaietytheatre.ie9. gate theatreCavendish Row, Parnell Sq., D. 101 874 4045/874 6042www.gatetheatre.ie10. henrietta st.12 Henrietta St., Phibsborough, D. 111. irish film institute6 Eustace St., Temple Bar, D. 201 679 3477www.ifi.ie12. the laB1 Foley St., D.113. the lir, national aCaDemYof DramatiC artTrinity Technology and EnterpriseCampus, Pearse St. (at Grand CanalQuay) D. 214. the neW theatre43 East Essex St., Temple Bar, D. 215. oDessa13 Dame Ct, D.201 670 3080www.odessa.ie16. oreillY theatreBelvedere,6 Great Denmark St., D. 117. Pavilion theatreMarine Rd., Dún Laoghaire, Co. <strong>Dublin</strong>01 231 2929www.paviliontheatre.ie18. ProJeCt arts Centre39 East Essex St., Temple Bar, D. 201 881 9613www.projectartscentre.ie19. samuel BeCkett theatreTrinity College, D. 2Sat/Sun after 6pm, enter throughNassau St. entrance.01 896 2461 (from Sept 17)20. sCienCe gallerYThe Naughton Institute,Trinity College, Pearse St., D. 201 896 4091www.sciencegallery.com21. smoCk alleY theatre7 Lwr. Exchange St., D. 801 677 0014www.smockalley.comParkingPark Rite is offering Festivalcustomers a special evening rateof €4 from 6pm onwards in allPark Rite car parks, many of whichconveniently serve Festival venues.To avail of this offer go to the ticketoffice in the relevant car park.See map for car park locations.The following venues have theirown car parking facilities:• Axis: Ballymun• Civic Theatre• Gate Theatre69

timetaBleshoWvenuePagetues25 SeptWeD26 Septthur27 Septfri28 Septsat29 Septsun30 SeptDuBlinersGaiety Theatre4PrevieW7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm2.00pm7.30pm1.00pm6.30pmDruiDmurPhY: Conversationson a homeComingGaiety Theatre8DruiDmurPhY:a Whistle in the DarkGaiety Theatre10DruiDmurPhY: famineGaiety Theatre12the talk of the toWnthe seleCt (the sun also rises)Project Arts Centre (Space Upstairs)OReilly Theatre, Belvedere1416PrevieW7.30pm7.30pmPrevieWPrevieWPrevieW7.30pm 7.30pm 6.00pm1.30pm 1.30pm7.30pm 7.30pmhamletOReilly Theatre, Belvedere18the Coming stormSamuel Beckett Theatre20everYone is king learin his oWn homeSmock Alley Theatre22PrevieW7.30pmPrevieW7.30pmPrevieW6.00pmmYsterY magnetSamuel Beckett Theatre24tristan unD isolDeBord Gáis Energy Theatre265.00pmthe last summerGate Theatre28PrevieW7.30pmPrevieW7.30pmPrevieW7.30pmthe PiCture of Dorian graYAbbey Theatre, on the Abbey stage30PrevieW7.30pmPrevieW7.30pmPrevieW7.30pmhalCYon DaYsSmock Alley Theatre32the BoYs of foleY streetThe LAB34PrevieW11am –3pm,PrevieW11am –3pm,11am –3pm,11am –3pm,11am –3pm,4.30pm –9pm4.30pm –9pm4.30pm –9pm4.30pm –9pm4.30pm –9pmPolitikSamuel Beckett Theatre36shiBariAbbey Theatre, on the Peacock stage38Your Brother. rememBer?Project Arts Centre (Cube)40the 14th taleProject Arts Centre (Cube)42the house that JaCk filleDProject Arts Centre (Cube)44have i no mouthProject Arts Centre (Cube)45PrevieW7.45pm7.45pm2.45pm7.45pm4.30pmreCorDThe New Theatre46BeYonD the BrooklYn skYCivic Theatre, Tallaght478.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pmBeYonD the BrooklYn skYDraíocht, Blanchardstown47BeYonD the BrooklYn skYPavilion Theatre, Dún Laoghaire47BeYonD the BrooklYn skYAxis: Ballymun47BirD With BoY12 Henrietta Street49eternal rising of the sunThe Lir50PineaPPleThe Lir51WhiteThe Ark5310.15am 11.00am 2.00pm12.15pm 2.00pm4.00pm4.00pmha ha haThe Ark54mouth oPen, storY JumP outThe Ark55Potato neeDs a BathThe Ark5670 dublintheatrefestival.com

AutismFriendlyPerformanceSchoolsPerformanceTalking Theatrea series of pre andpost-show talks.please refer to showpage for further detailsRunning Onmon1 Octtues2 OctWeD3 Octthur4 Octfri5 Octsat6 Octsun7 Octmon8 Octtues9 OctWeD10 Octthur11 Octfri12 Octsat13 Octsun14 OctDuration2hrs 45mins7.30pm7.30pm1.00pm7.30pm7.30pm1.00pm1hr 50mins7.30pm3.30pm3.30pm7.30pm3.30pm2hrs 30mins7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm2hrs 45mins7.30pm7.30pm7.30pm7.30pm2.30pm7.30pm1.00pm6.00pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm2.30pm7.30pm1.00pm6.00pm1hr 45mins3hrs 30mins7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm3.30pm7.30pm2.30pm3.30pm7.30pm7.30pm2.30pm7.30pm2hrs 40mins1hr 45mins1hr 20mins50mins7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm6.00pm 5.00pm 5hrs2.30pmPrevieW7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pmPrevieW PrevieW2.00pm7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm11am –3pm,4.30pm –9pm11am –3pm,4.30pm –9pmPrevieW PrevieW7.30pm 7.30pm8.00pm11am –3pm,4.30pm –9pm11am –3pm,4.30pm –9pm11am –3pm,4.30pm –9pm7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pmPrevieW PrevieW8.00pm 8.00pm11am –3pm,4.30pm –9pm1.30pm7.30pm6.30pm9.30pm 9.30pm 9.30pm 9.30pm 9.30pm12.00pm 12.00pm 12.00pm 12.00pm6.00pm3.00pm 3.00pm 3.00pmPrevieW7.30pm8.00pm6.00pm 6.00pm 6.00pm1.00pm 1.00pmPrevieW7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm8.00pm8.00pm6.00pm9.00pm8.00pm6.00pm9.00pm8.00pm6.00pm9.00pm6.00pm 6.00pm 6.00pm 3.00pm6.00pmPrevieW8.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm10.15am 10.15am 10.15am12.15pm 12.15pmPrevieW8.00pm6.00pm9.00pm4.00pm12.00pm 12.00pm8.00pm11am –3pm,4.30pm –9pmPrevieW7.30pm11am –3pm,4.30pm –9pmPrevieW PrevieW8.00pm 8.00pm7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm11am –3pm,4.30pm –9pm11am –3pm,4.30pm –9pm7.45pm11am –3pm,4.30pm –9pm8.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm7.45pm2.30pm7.30pm2.00pm7.30pm3.30pm7.30pm11am –3pm,4.30pm –9pm2.30pm8.00pm5.45pm7.45pm3.30pm2hrs2hrs 45mins1hr 10mins60mins1hr 30mins1hr 40mins60mins60mins60mins60mins1hr 55mins2hrs2hrs2hrs2hrs1hr 10mins1hr 10mins1hr 30mins40mins1.00pm4.00pm1.00pm4.00pm10.15am 10.15am 10.15am12.15pm 12.15pm 12.15pm10.15am 2.00pm12.15pm 4.00pm2.00pm4.00pm60mins60mins35mins71

theatre CompanyCountrYBookingonlinewww.dublintheatrefestival.comPhone01 677 8899Lines open during Box Office hours belowin Personfestival Box office44 east essex streettemple Bar<strong>Dublin</strong> 2Mon – Fri 10am – 6pmSat 10am – 5pm (Sept 22 – Oct 13 only)Sun 12noon – 3pm (Sept 30 – Oct 14 only)opensPublic Booking: 15 aug 10amPriority Booking: 25 July 1pmBecome a Friend of the Festival to avail of priorityBooking. See page 65 for details on how to become aFriend and avail of the many Friends’ benefits on offer.72 dublintheatrefestival.com72

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GRANT AIDED BY<strong>Dublin</strong> Theatre Festival44 East Essex Street,Temple Bar, <strong>Dublin</strong> 2Bookings01 677 8899www.dublintheatrefestival.comA Fresh Design. www.fresh.iePRESENTING PARTNEROFFICIAL ACCOMMODATION PROVIDEROFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER

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