Manual on sea level measurement and ... - unesdoc - Unesco

Manual on sea level measurement and ... - unesdoc - Unesco Manual on sea level measurement and ... - unesdoc - Unesco


Sea Level Measurement and Interpretation4. Datum Control and LevellingIt should be clear that the measurements made by atide gauge provide the relative movement of the sealevel with respect to the land. Of course, neither landnor sea levels are constant over long periods of time.There are vertical movements of the land associatedwith a range of natural processes, such as co-seismicactivity (earthquakes), in addition to glacial isostaticadjustment (post-glacial rebound) and plate tectonicsand with a range of human activities (e.g. groundwater pumping). For a review of the geological signalsin tide gauge records, see Emery and Aubrey (1991).Long-term changes in sea level relate to variations inocean currents, to changes in the volume of water inthe oceans and therefore to climate change. It is clearthat, to understand sea level changes properly, the differentsea level and land signals have to be decoupled.This is achieved by careful definition of the tide gaugedatums, by local levelling procedures, and by makingindependent measurements of changes in the landlevels, using modern geodetic techniques. Such techniquesderive from the use of very high resolution GPSreceivers and absolute gravimeters.4.1 Datums and BenchmarksFor sea level observations, a land benchmark is usedas the primary reference point. The benchmark is aclearly marked point located on a stable surface, suchas exposed rock, a quay wall or a substantial building.When a benchmark is on a horizontal surface, it normallytakes the form of a round-headed brass bolt, thehighest point of the domed head being the referencelevel (Figure 4.1). When on a vertical surface, it canbe in the form of a horizontal groove in the surfaceor on a metal frame attached to the surface, having ahorizontal reference edge to which a measuring staffsupport can be fixed.Figure 4.1 A brass boltbenchmark at Newlyn, UK,which functions as a referencepoint for height measurementsin the UK and as theTGBM of the Newlyn gauge.It is poor practice to depend upon the stability of asingle benchmark. It is recommended that there be aminimum of five within a few hundred metres, or atmost one kilometres, of the tide gauge. These shouldbe connected individually by high-precision levellingand shown to maintain the same relative elevationas time progresses. If no changes are observed overlong periods, it is safe to assume that the area of landaround the gauge is ‘stable’. The area could, of course,exhibit vertical movement with respect to a much widerarea. This can be demonstrated by wide-area levellingor from surveys using space geodetic techniques.It is desirable, although not essential, that all benchmarksbe tied into a country’s national levelling network, andperiodically checked with respect to that network. Thebenchmarks will then be given elevations referred tothe datum of the national network. However, nationallevelling networks tend to be redefined at intervals. Forthat reason, in sea level studies, it is best not to rely onnational levelling for any scientific purpose, although,28IOC ong>Manualong>s and Guides No 14 vol IV

Sea Level Measurement and Interpretationof course, it may provide useful ancillary information. Itis important that the benchmarks be clearly identified,by the inscription of a name or number. In addition,they should be unambiguously documented in the tidegauge metadata, with a description of the mark itself,photographs, national grid reference and a local map.4.1.1 Tide Gauge Benchmark (TGBM)The tide gauge benchmark (TGBM) is chosen asthe main bench mark for the gauge from the set ofapproximately five marks described above. The TGBMis extremely important, since it serves as the datum towhich the values of sea level are referred. The choiceof TGBM is somewhat subjective; in principle, it shouldbe the ‘most stable’ or ‘most secure’ mark of the set,although, if the area is largely stable, then the choiceshould be fairly arbitrary. Often the nearest mark to thegauge is chosen. Over a period of time it may be necessaryto redefine the TGBM, if the original is destroyedas a result of local development. The benefit of havinga set of five local marks, regularly interconnected byhigh-precision levelling, is that it allows a new TGBMto be defined in terms of the old one, if circumstancesrequire it.In some countries the historical practice has beennot to define one mark as the TGBM, but to use aweighted average of several marks. For GLOSS, it isrecommended that the single, unique TGBM approachbe adopted as the standard.4.1.2 GPS Benchmark (GPSBM)The GPS benchmark (GPSBM) is another special markof the available set that is the reference mark for GPSmeasurements near the gauge. In some busy ports, theGPSBM may be several hundred metres from the TGBMand the gauge. As with the other marks, it must beconnected by high-precision levelling to the TGBM atregular intervals. (See section 4.4.1 for details on GPSmeasurements at tide gauges).4.1.3 Gauge Contact Point (CP)The contact point (CP) of a tide gauge is a type of‘benchmark’, or vertical reference mark, associatedwith the gauge itself. After a geodetic connection hasbeen made between the TGBM and the CP, the gauge’ssea level data can be expressed in terms of the TGBMdatum. The essential point to note is that the CP comeswith the gauge; if a different type of gauge is installedat the site, it will have a different CP which will requirere-levelling to the TGBM.For conventional float and stilling well gauges, theCP is often located at the top of the well inside thetide gauge hut. Sometimes, in older stations, the CPis located in a most difficult and inaccessible locationfor levelling purposes and new stations should takecare to provide ready access. For acoustic gauges withsounding tubes, the CP is located at a point at the topof the gauge on the container holding the acoustictransducer. Similarly, for radar gauges, the CP will bea mark on the transducer. For ‘B’ gauges, the CP willbe at the top of the vertical supporting tube which isknown relative to the ‘B’ datum level.In the case of float gauges located in a tide gauge hut,the CP should not be used as the TGBM itself, as it isalways possible for the building and the well to graduallysettle over a long period. With a good set of localbenchmarks, this settling will be evident by check levellingbetween TGBM and CP.4.1.4 Tide Gauge Zero (TGZ)The tide gauge zero (TGZ) is the level for which thegauge would record zero sea level. In practice, the sealevel may not fall to this level. In a conventional floatgauge arrangement, the TGZ can be related to the CPafter dipping checks in the well have been performed.This is done using a calibrated tape set to zero at theCP. Measurements are made by lowering the tape untilit reaches the water and an electrical circuit is completed.The level of sea water in the well can then berelated to the CP and to all other local datums.4.1.5 Revised Local Reference (RLR) DatumThe revised local reference (RLR) datum at a gauge siteis a datum defined as a simple offset from the TGBM,such that values of sea level expressed relative to the RLRdatum have numerical values around 7,000 mm. Theconcept of the RLR datum was invented by the PSMSLso that long time-series of sea level change at a sitecould be constructed, even if parts of the time-series hadbeen collected using different gauges and different, butgeodetically connected, TGBMs. The approximate valueof 7,000 mm was chosen so that the computers of thetime (the late 1960s) would not have to store negativenumbers. The RLR datum is defined for each gauge siteseparately and the RLR at one site cannot be related tothe RLR at any other site, without additional knowledgeof connections between TGBMs at the different sites.When sea level data are contributed to the PSMSL, orto a sea level centre, it is essential that full informationon the geodetic relationships between TGBM and TGZetc. accompany the data. Without this information, itis impossible for the PSMSL to include such data in theRLR data set.4.1.6 National Levelling NetworkMost countries have, during the last one hundredyears, implemented national levelling networks that aredefined usually in terms of mean sea level (MSL) at oneIOC ong>Manualong>s and Guides No 14 vol IV29

Sea Level Measurement <strong>and</strong> Interpretati<strong>on</strong>of course, it may provide useful ancillary informati<strong>on</strong>. Itis important that the benchmarks be clearly identified,by the inscripti<strong>on</strong> of a name or number. In additi<strong>on</strong>,they should be unambiguously documented in the tidegauge metadata, with a descripti<strong>on</strong> of the mark itself,photographs, nati<strong>on</strong>al grid reference <strong>and</strong> a local map.4.1.1 Tide Gauge Benchmark (TGBM)The tide gauge benchmark (TGBM) is chosen asthe main bench mark for the gauge from the set ofapproximately five marks described above. The TGBMis extremely important, since it serves as the datum towhich the values of <strong>sea</strong> <strong>level</strong> are referred. The choiceof TGBM is somewhat subjective; in principle, it shouldbe the ‘most stable’ or ‘most secure’ mark of the set,although, if the area is largely stable, then the choiceshould be fairly arbitrary. Often the nearest mark to thegauge is chosen. Over a period of time it may be necessaryto redefine the TGBM, if the original is destroyedas a result of local development. The benefit of havinga set of five local marks, regularly interc<strong>on</strong>nected byhigh-precisi<strong>on</strong> <strong>level</strong>ling, is that it allows a new TGBMto be defined in terms of the old <strong>on</strong>e, if circumstancesrequire it.In some countries the historical practice has beennot to define <strong>on</strong>e mark as the TGBM, but to use aweighted average of several marks. For GLOSS, it isrecommended that the single, unique TGBM approachbe adopted as the st<strong>and</strong>ard.4.1.2 GPS Benchmark (GPSBM)The GPS benchmark (GPSBM) is another special markof the available set that is the reference mark for GPS<strong>measurement</strong>s near the gauge. In some busy ports, theGPSBM may be several hundred metres from the TGBM<strong>and</strong> the gauge. As with the other marks, it must bec<strong>on</strong>nected by high-precisi<strong>on</strong> <strong>level</strong>ling to the TGBM atregular intervals. (See secti<strong>on</strong> 4.4.1 for details <strong>on</strong> GPS<strong>measurement</strong>s at tide gauges).4.1.3 Gauge C<strong>on</strong>tact Point (CP)The c<strong>on</strong>tact point (CP) of a tide gauge is a type of‘benchmark’, or vertical reference mark, associatedwith the gauge itself. After a geodetic c<strong>on</strong>necti<strong>on</strong> hasbeen made between the TGBM <strong>and</strong> the CP, the gauge’s<strong>sea</strong> <strong>level</strong> data can be expressed in terms of the TGBMdatum. The essential point to note is that the CP comeswith the gauge; if a different type of gauge is installedat the site, it will have a different CP which will requirere-<strong>level</strong>ling to the TGBM.For c<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>al float <strong>and</strong> stilling well gauges, theCP is often located at the top of the well inside thetide gauge hut. Sometimes, in older stati<strong>on</strong>s, the CPis located in a most difficult <strong>and</strong> inaccessible locati<strong>on</strong>for <strong>level</strong>ling purposes <strong>and</strong> new stati<strong>on</strong>s should takecare to provide ready access. For acoustic gauges withsounding tubes, the CP is located at a point at the topof the gauge <strong>on</strong> the c<strong>on</strong>tainer holding the acoustictransducer. Similarly, for radar gauges, the CP will bea mark <strong>on</strong> the transducer. For ‘B’ gauges, the CP willbe at the top of the vertical supporting tube which isknown relative to the ‘B’ datum <strong>level</strong>.In the case of float gauges located in a tide gauge hut,the CP should not be used as the TGBM itself, as it isalways possible for the building <strong>and</strong> the well to graduallysettle over a l<strong>on</strong>g period. With a good set of localbenchmarks, this settling will be evident by check <strong>level</strong>lingbetween TGBM <strong>and</strong> CP.4.1.4 Tide Gauge Zero (TGZ)The tide gauge zero (TGZ) is the <strong>level</strong> for which thegauge would record zero <strong>sea</strong> <strong>level</strong>. In practice, the <strong>sea</strong><strong>level</strong> may not fall to this <strong>level</strong>. In a c<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>al floatgauge arrangement, the TGZ can be related to the CPafter dipping checks in the well have been performed.This is d<strong>on</strong>e using a calibrated tape set to zero at theCP. Measurements are made by lowering the tape untilit reaches the water <strong>and</strong> an electrical circuit is completed.The <strong>level</strong> of <strong>sea</strong> water in the well can then berelated to the CP <strong>and</strong> to all other local datums.4.1.5 Revised Local Reference (RLR) DatumThe revised local reference (RLR) datum at a gauge siteis a datum defined as a simple offset from the TGBM,such that values of <strong>sea</strong> <strong>level</strong> expressed relative to the RLRdatum have numerical values around 7,000 mm. Thec<strong>on</strong>cept of the RLR datum was invented by the PSMSLso that l<strong>on</strong>g time-series of <strong>sea</strong> <strong>level</strong> change at a sitecould be c<strong>on</strong>structed, even if parts of the time-series hadbeen collected using different gauges <strong>and</strong> different, butgeodetically c<strong>on</strong>nected, TGBMs. The approximate valueof 7,000 mm was chosen so that the computers of thetime (the late 1960s) would not have to store negativenumbers. The RLR datum is defined for each gauge siteseparately <strong>and</strong> the RLR at <strong>on</strong>e site cannot be related tothe RLR at any other site, without additi<strong>on</strong>al knowledgeof c<strong>on</strong>necti<strong>on</strong>s between TGBMs at the different sites.When <strong>sea</strong> <strong>level</strong> data are c<strong>on</strong>tributed to the PSMSL, orto a <strong>sea</strong> <strong>level</strong> centre, it is essential that full informati<strong>on</strong><strong>on</strong> the geodetic relati<strong>on</strong>ships between TGBM <strong>and</strong> TGZetc. accompany the data. Without this informati<strong>on</strong>, itis impossible for the PSMSL to include such data in theRLR data set.4.1.6 Nati<strong>on</strong>al Levelling NetworkMost countries have, during the last <strong>on</strong>e hundredyears, implemented nati<strong>on</strong>al <strong>level</strong>ling networks that aredefined usually in terms of mean <strong>sea</strong> <strong>level</strong> (MSL) at <strong>on</strong>eIOC <str<strong>on</strong>g>Manual</str<strong>on</strong>g>s <strong>and</strong> Guides No 14 vol IV29

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