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Manual on sea level measurement and ... - unesdoc - Unesco Manual on sea level measurement and ... - unesdoc - Unesco


Sea Level Measurement and InterpretationPressure Transducers in Stilling WellsEquipment Pressure transducers are often placed in stilling wells, where these are available. This provides a protected and secureenvironment for the sensors and can augment measurements made by a float gauge. The comments above on pressuresensors are equally valid for this type of installation.Accuracy Approximately 1 cm of sea level. The absolute accuracy may be limited by the characteristics of the stilling well.Cost Band 2.Comments Problems associated with the use of stilling wells are well documented. (see Float Gauges).Bubbler Pressure GaugesEquipment Complete systems are available commercially, but considerable assembly work is required to construct an operational tidegauge. The equipment comprises an air supply (normally from a compressor), a gas control system, a connecting pipe, asub-sea pressure outlet, a pressure transducer at the landward end and the various data logging and support electronics.Operation The instrument supplies air from the high pressure supply at a reduced pressure and at a constant rate through the system.The pressure required to bubble the air through the sub-sea outlet at this rate is a measure of the sea level above theoutlet. A differential pressure transducer vented to the atmosphere alleviates the need to measure atmospheric pressureseparately, thereby producing a pressure reading proportional to sea level height. The sub-sea outlet is open at the base,has a large surface area relative to its volume and has a small exit port approximately half way from the base. This designreduces the effect of wave action and provides a very stable datum.Installation The outlet and part of the connecting tube are the only components in the sea. Such a configuration increases the reliabilityof the system and makes replacement relatively simple. All other components of the system are housed nearby.RequirementsThe system requires external power for continuous operation, and backup operation is relatively limited, owing to thelimited air supply.Location Bubbler systems can be used at virtually any location, even on shelving beaches. Connecting tubes can be several hundredmetres in length. As with most pressure measuring systems, regions with large variations in seawater density may cause significanterrors.Calibration Calibration is concerned with the pressure sensor accuracy and may need to be repeated at intervals. Calibrations suppliedby leading pressure transducer manufacturers are acceptable provided occasional means of fixing the datum valueare used.Accuracy In general, an average accuracy of 1 cm of sea level is achievable, but this may degrade under large-wave conditions.Cost Band 2.Record of Use Used extensively in the United States and the United Kingdom for their national tide gauge networks.CommentsAt a few locations, a secondary bubbler system has been installed at the mid-tide level as part of the United Kingdomnetwork. This can be used to fix the datum of measurements in the same fashion as the ‘B’ gauges discussed above.26IOC ong>Manualong>s and Guides No 14 vol IV

Sea Level Measurement and InterpretationFloat GaugesEquipment A float in a stilling well is the tried and tested method of measuring sea level directly, rather than through an indirectparameter such as pressure or sound.Operation A stilling well filters out wave activity at periods shorter than the maximum tidal period, which might be 2 hours in shallowwater regions. In modern installations the float drives a shaft encoder or potentiometer the output of which is fed toan electronic data logger. In the past, chart recorders were extensively used, but are no longer acceptable as the principaldata-recording method, as they contain many sources of inaccuracy and require labour-intensive digitization.Installation Stilling well installations require heavy civil engineering work in areas of large tidal range. Many stilling wells exist throughoutthe world, as they are of robust construction, but new installations are less common, owing to the engineering cost.RequirementsA suitable building is required above the well to protect the well and its associated measuring equipment.Location Requires a sea wall or vertical structure for installation.Calibration Stilling wells can suffer from several defects which have been well documented. For example, density variations betweenthe inside and outside of the well in regions of stratification cause errors. Siltation and marine growth can cause changesto the dynamic response of the well. Absolute calibration usually involves dipping the well with a calibrated tape at periodicintervals.Accuracy Approximately 1 cm of sea level.Cost Band 1–2.Record of Use Used extensively in the United States and the United Kingdom for their national tide gauge networks.CommentsStilling wells have been used worldwide for a considerable period and are still used, both as the primary system and asbackup system for a modern tide gauge.Radar GaugesEquipmentOperationInstallationRequirementsLocationRadar tide gauges have so far been little used for GLOSS purposes, because it is a very recent technology. However, theyoffer a complete ready-to-go package which is relatively easy to install above the sea surface and seem to have advantageswith respect the acoustic sensors.Radar gauges measure the time of flight either from a pulsed radar or the phase change between a transmitted andreceived carrier wave, to determine the distance to the sea surface. They are much less affected by air temperature thanacoustic gauges.The installation requirements are relatively simple. The device requires a rigid structure to position it above the sea withsufficient clearance to avoid spurious reflections from any adjacent structures. As with many tide gauges, all ancillaryequipment (data logger, modem, satellite communications, battery backup), needs to be housed in an adjacent building.No need of a protective tube.Requires a site with vertical clearance sufficient to mount the device clear of the maximum sea surface, including wave action.CalibrationIn essence the device is self calibrating. However, for GLOSS purposes, a reflective target is mounted at a known distancebelow the radar transmitter.Accuracy Accuracy is expected to be approximately 1 cm of sea level.Cost Band 2–3.Record of Use So far these gauges have been used for relatively short periods experimentally by Spain and the United Kingdom.CommentsRadar tide gauges may consume excessive power if used in a continuous mode. In burst mode, they provide sufficientaccuracy for measuring most tidal parameters, but their use in a rapid sampling mode may be limited by this, althoughtests are being made in Spain for higher-frequency sampling.IOC ong>Manualong>s and Guides No 14 vol IV27

Sea Level Measurement <strong>and</strong> Interpretati<strong>on</strong>Pressure Transducers in Stilling WellsEquipment Pressure transducers are often placed in stilling wells, where these are available. This provides a protected <strong>and</strong> secureenvir<strong>on</strong>ment for the sensors <strong>and</strong> can augment <strong>measurement</strong>s made by a float gauge. The comments above <strong>on</strong> pressuresensors are equally valid for this type of installati<strong>on</strong>.Accuracy Approximately 1 cm of <strong>sea</strong> <strong>level</strong>. The absolute accuracy may be limited by the characteristics of the stilling well.Cost B<strong>and</strong> 2.Comments Problems associated with the use of stilling wells are well documented. (see Float Gauges).Bubbler Pressure GaugesEquipment Complete systems are available commercially, but c<strong>on</strong>siderable assembly work is required to c<strong>on</strong>struct an operati<strong>on</strong>al tidegauge. The equipment comprises an air supply (normally from a compressor), a gas c<strong>on</strong>trol system, a c<strong>on</strong>necting pipe, asub-<strong>sea</strong> pressure outlet, a pressure transducer at the l<strong>and</strong>ward end <strong>and</strong> the various data logging <strong>and</strong> support electr<strong>on</strong>ics.Operati<strong>on</strong> The instrument supplies air from the high pressure supply at a reduced pressure <strong>and</strong> at a c<strong>on</strong>stant rate through the system.The pressure required to bubble the air through the sub-<strong>sea</strong> outlet at this rate is a measure of the <strong>sea</strong> <strong>level</strong> above theoutlet. A differential pressure transducer vented to the atmosphere alleviates the need to measure atmospheric pressureseparately, thereby producing a pressure reading proporti<strong>on</strong>al to <strong>sea</strong> <strong>level</strong> height. The sub-<strong>sea</strong> outlet is open at the base,has a large surface area relative to its volume <strong>and</strong> has a small exit port approximately half way from the base. This designreduces the effect of wave acti<strong>on</strong> <strong>and</strong> provides a very stable datum.Installati<strong>on</strong> The outlet <strong>and</strong> part of the c<strong>on</strong>necting tube are the <strong>on</strong>ly comp<strong>on</strong>ents in the <strong>sea</strong>. Such a c<strong>on</strong>figurati<strong>on</strong> increases the reliabilityof the system <strong>and</strong> makes replacement relatively simple. All other comp<strong>on</strong>ents of the system are housed nearby.RequirementsThe system requires external power for c<strong>on</strong>tinuous operati<strong>on</strong>, <strong>and</strong> backup operati<strong>on</strong> is relatively limited, owing to thelimited air supply.Locati<strong>on</strong> Bubbler systems can be used at virtually any locati<strong>on</strong>, even <strong>on</strong> shelving beaches. C<strong>on</strong>necting tubes can be several hundredmetres in length. As with most pressure measuring systems, regi<strong>on</strong>s with large variati<strong>on</strong>s in <strong>sea</strong>water density may cause significanterrors.Calibrati<strong>on</strong> Calibrati<strong>on</strong> is c<strong>on</strong>cerned with the pressure sensor accuracy <strong>and</strong> may need to be repeated at intervals. Calibrati<strong>on</strong>s suppliedby leading pressure transducer manufacturers are acceptable provided occasi<strong>on</strong>al means of fixing the datum valueare used.Accuracy In general, an average accuracy of 1 cm of <strong>sea</strong> <strong>level</strong> is achievable, but this may degrade under large-wave c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s.Cost B<strong>and</strong> 2.Record of Use Used extensively in the United States <strong>and</strong> the United Kingdom for their nati<strong>on</strong>al tide gauge networks.CommentsAt a few locati<strong>on</strong>s, a sec<strong>on</strong>dary bubbler system has been installed at the mid-tide <strong>level</strong> as part of the United Kingdomnetwork. This can be used to fix the datum of <strong>measurement</strong>s in the same fashi<strong>on</strong> as the ‘B’ gauges discussed above.26IOC <str<strong>on</strong>g>Manual</str<strong>on</strong>g>s <strong>and</strong> Guides No 14 vol IV

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