Issue 35 OCTOBER 2011 - Scouts Queensland

Issue 35 OCTOBER 2011 - Scouts Queensland Issue 35 OCTOBER 2011 - Scouts Queensland
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Venturer ScoutsPhil McNicolBranch Commissioner (Venturer Scouts) IN THE PARK CULTURAL DAYOn Sunday, 11 September 2011 Ben Fitzgerald, Sarah Benne and Vanessa Kelly from Grovely VenturerScout Unit took part in the Nepal in the Park Fundraising Walk and Cultural Day. The Venturer Scoutsraised a total of $147.50 between them with the proceeds going towards funding for a Nepalese children’snursery in a remote village in Nepal, as well as other basic needs such as a clean water supply,health and educaon. This event is held annually in September but NAFA have a number of projectsand fundraising events throughout the year. Details can be found on their website at hp:// .Ben is currently working on his Cizenship tape and, in the course of meengwith Councillor Geraldine Knapp of The Gap Ward and Brisbane City Council,Ben learned about NAFA (Nepal Australia Friendship Associaon). Ben thencontacted Ross Hazelwood, NAFA Secretary, to enquire how the Grovely VenturerScout Unit could parcipate in the Fundraising Walk and Cultural Day.The walk started at 9am at the Simpsons Falls picnic grounds Mt Coot‐thaand wound its way up to Channel 7 at the top of Mt Coot‐tha before returningback to Simpsons Falls picnic grounds, a round trip of 6 kilometres.There were prizes for lucky hikers and those who fundraised themost money, as well as a children’s Spot‐the‐Animal compe‐ons. Those who did not parcipate in the walk spent their meparcipang in Nepalese cultural acvies, including food andentertainment, games for children, Nepalese cra and informaonstalls, dance lessons, and cooking demonstraons.Ben, Sarah and Vanessa have been invited to accompany Mr Hazelwoodand the NAFA team on their next 2 week visit to Nepal in January2013 as team parcipants as one of the villages they support has aScout group and is close to Baden Powell Scout Peak near Kathmandu.This will mean a lot of fundraising as they will have to provide fundsfor their flights if they choose to go, but once in Nepal they will stay with Nepalese families in the villagesthey visit and have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the culture and lifestyle of the Nepalese people, as well as teachEnglish in one of the schools provided by NAFA.As a point of interest, each year the Nepal Scout Organisaon take a party of Scouts from around the world on a 12‐13 day trek up BadenPowell Scout Peak as part of their Internaonal Scoung acvies. Ben is planning on parcipang in the September 2013 trek.More informaon about past treks to Baden Powell Scout Peak can be found at either hp:// or hp:// .Venturer ScoutHandbookA Handbook for bothVenturer Scouts &Venturer Scout Leaders$15.50SPECIAL OFFER!A limited number of disconnued Venturer Scout Polo shirts havebecome available. These are new shirts, sll inthe original packaging.Sizes ‐ 5 Medium, 1 Large, 4 Extra Large, and 2x 2XL‐ Special Price: $25.00 eachBE QUICK – THEY WON’T LAST LONG!12

RoversROVER SECTION REVIEW DISCUSSION PAPERThe 2020 Rover Secon Review Discussionpaper has been released forindividual Rovers and Crews to commenton. It is important for everyRover to have a look at the discussionpaper issues, as this will definitely bethe last opportunity for Rovers topass on comments to the ReviewTaskforce. Comments need to be forwarded to the QBRE Chair – QUEENSLAND AQUATIC ROVER MOOTThis year QARM will be held on 7‐9 October at Atkinsons DamScout Campsite. Apply now and make sure you don't miss out onone of the greatest events on the Rover calendar ‐ QARM! comesail the Seven Seas by day and Relax in the 'Lighthouse Bar' byNight! QARM 2011 is shaping up to be bigger and beer than everbefore!Applicaon forms can be found in the 'Forms' secon of the Roverwebsite! Price ‐ $70 (Includes all meals, all day acvies, all nightacvies and nightly entertainment) For more informaon pleasecontact the QARM Chairman, Brent Greenfield ‐ ROVER BLOOD DONATION CHALLENGERed Rover is the Queensland Rovers “Blood Donaon” Challenge.Mark the 15th October in your diary to turn up at the Brisbane CityDonor Centre in Edwards Street to “do your bit!” Start me is 1pmand the centre is near the train staon. For more info “CHALLENGE VALLEY”Queensland Rovers have been asked to organise and run one ofthe most important and most memorable parts of any Jamboree –the onsite “Challenge Valley” course. QBRE are looking for a groupof Rovers to lead this project. For more info SHOULDER KNOT’S BACK IN STOCKRover Shoulder Knot Colours (the 5 ribbons) are back in stock atthe Scout Supply Centre. While you are there, why not check outcopies of the tradional Rover Vigil parchment also on sale and agreat memento for all invested Rovers.REGION REPRESENTATIVESNominaons are sll open for 2011/2012 Rover Region Representaves.Rover Region Representaves are an important acviesand communicaon link between Crews, Regions and QBRE. Asregion representave, you are a voice for Rovering in your region.Your dues include regularly communicang with crews in yourregion, aending QBRE meengs (where possible) and parcipa‐on in two major rover conferences each year.Gavin BradyBranch Commissioner (Rovers) you are interested in becoming a Rover Region Representave,the term commences on 1 September and nominaon forms mustbe submied to – FUTURE OF BASH WORKING GROUPFuture of Bash Working Group Meengs ‐ Not designed to be atalkfest ‐ but meant for people seriously interested in being part ofthe group of Rovers willing to do the hard work including wringnew rules, doing research, wring submissions, etc if Qld Roversare to be successful in geng Bash up and running again! Regularmeengs are now being held. For more informaon, contact QBREChairmanFUTURE DATESRed Rover Blood Donaon Project – 15 Oct at the Blood BankQBRE Meeng – 16 October – Brisbane North Region Office,AlderleyWonargo Rover Night ‐ 28 OctoberQBRE Meeng – 20 November – Brisbane North Region Office,AlderleyNoosa Venture – 2‐4 December 2011Check out the Qld Rover Website for a copy of the 2011 Rovalendar!SOUTHPORT SCOUT DENFancy a weekend stay at Qld Rovers Southport Den? The Den is setup with basic kitchen, toilet and shower facilies and could be justthe thing for your next weekend away? For more informaon ContactDavid See onHAS YOUR CREW ADVISED IT’S CONTACT INFORMATIONDoes QBRE have a nominated mail, phone and electronic contactpoint for your Crew? There is now a crew contact list on the “UserOnly” secon of the website. To update or change your details(including crew meeng night) email YOU JOINED THE QLD ROVER WEBSITEIf you have not joined the Queensland Rover Website, it’s easy tojoin, just log onto the Qld Rover Website and follow the simpleinstrucons. If you have any problems logging on or aren’t receivingemails, contact CONTACTSChairman— Rebecca Jaenke Chairman— Pat Tiley Rovers— 0419 704 729Rover Website—

RoversROVER SECTION REVIEW DISCUSSION PAPERThe 2020 Rover Secon Review Discussionpaper has been released forindividual Rovers and Crews to commenton. It is important for everyRover to have a look at the discussionpaper issues, as this will definitely bethe last opportunity for Rovers topass on comments to the ReviewTaskforce. Comments need to be forwarded to the QBRE Chair – QUEENSLAND AQUATIC ROVER MOOTThis year QARM will be held on 7‐9 October at Atkinsons DamScout Campsite. Apply now and make sure you don't miss out onone of the greatest events on the Rover calendar ‐ QARM! comesail the Seven Seas by day and Relax in the 'Lighthouse Bar' byNight! QARM <strong>2011</strong> is shaping up to be bigger and beer than everbefore!Applicaon forms can be found in the 'Forms' secon of the Roverwebsite! Price ‐ $70 (Includes all meals, all day acvies, all nightacvies and nightly entertainment) For more informaon pleasecontact the QARM Chairman, Brent Greenfield ‐ ROVER BLOOD DONATION CHALLENGERed Rover is the <strong>Queensland</strong> Rovers “Blood Donaon” Challenge.Mark the 15th October in your diary to turn up at the Brisbane CityDonor Centre in Edwards Street to “do your bit!” Start me is 1pmand the centre is near the train staon. For more info “CHALLENGE VALLEY”<strong>Queensland</strong> Rovers have been asked to organise and run one ofthe most important and most memorable parts of any Jamboree –the onsite “Challenge Valley” course. QBRE are looking for a groupof Rovers to lead this project. For more info SHOULDER KNOT’S BACK IN STOCKRover Shoulder Knot Colours (the 5 ribbons) are back in stock atthe Scout Supply Centre. While you are there, why not check outcopies of the tradional Rover Vigil parchment also on sale and agreat memento for all invested Rovers.REGION REPRESENTATIVESNominaons are sll open for <strong>2011</strong>/2012 Rover Region Representaves.Rover Region Representaves are an important acviesand communicaon link between Crews, Regions and QBRE. Asregion representave, you are a voice for Rovering in your region.Your dues include regularly communicang with crews in yourregion, aending QBRE meengs (where possible) and parcipa‐on in two major rover conferences each year.Gavin BradyBranch Commissioner (Rovers) you are interested in becoming a Rover Region Representave,the term commences on 1 September and nominaon forms mustbe submied to – FUTURE OF BASH WORKING GROUPFuture of Bash Working Group Meengs ‐ Not designed to be atalkfest ‐ but meant for people seriously interested in being part ofthe group of Rovers willing to do the hard work including wringnew rules, doing research, wring submissions, etc if Qld Roversare to be successful in geng Bash up and running again! Regularmeengs are now being held. For more informaon, contact QBREChairmanFUTURE DATESRed Rover Blood Donaon Project – 15 Oct at the Blood BankQBRE Meeng – 16 October – Brisbane North Region Office,AlderleyWonargo Rover Night ‐ 28 OctoberQBRE Meeng – 20 November – Brisbane North Region Office,AlderleyNoosa Venture – 2‐4 December <strong>2011</strong>Check out the Qld Rover Website for a copy of the <strong>2011</strong> Rovalendar!SOUTHPORT SCOUT DENFancy a weekend stay at Qld Rovers Southport Den? The Den is setup with basic kitchen, toilet and shower facilies and could be justthe thing for your next weekend away? For more informaon ContactDavid See onHAS YOUR CREW ADVISED IT’S CONTACT INFORMATIONDoes QBRE have a nominated mail, phone and electronic contactpoint for your Crew? There is now a crew contact list on the “UserOnly” secon of the website. To update or change your details(including crew meeng night) email YOU JOINED THE QLD ROVER WEBSITEIf you have not joined the <strong>Queensland</strong> Rover Website, it’s easy tojoin, just log onto the Qld Rover Website and follow the simpleinstrucons. If you have any problems logging on or aren’t receivingemails, contact CONTACTSChairman— Rebecca Jaenke Chairman— Pat Tiley Rovers— 0419 704 729Rover Website—

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