About Methadone and Buprenorphine - Drug Policy Alliance

About Methadone and Buprenorphine - Drug Policy Alliance

About Methadone and Buprenorphine - Drug Policy Alliance

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Traveling with <strong>Methadone</strong>Traveling in the United StatesIt can be very stressful for methadonepatients to plan a trip. Rules vary fromplace to place throughout the UnitedStates, <strong>and</strong> many of them are unclear.If you are traveling within the UnitedStates, decide whether you want totravel with your medication or obtain itwhen you arrive at your destination.To be sure that your methadonetreatment is not interrupted, you willeither need to get enough methadonefrom your provider to cover you forthe entire time you’re away – or yourprovider/clinic will need to arrangefor you to be “guest medicated” at amethadone clinic located in the areawhere you will be staying.In either case, it is wise to make yourarrangements as early as possiblebefore you leave.Keep in mind that federal, state, <strong>and</strong>clinic regulations limit the amount ofmethadone that you can take withyou. These rules differ from place toplace, so check with your provider tofind out about the rules in the areasyou plan to visit.A comprehensive “<strong>Methadone</strong>Maintenance Treatment Directory”listing contact information foroutpatient methadone maintenancefacilities in the United States can befound on the Internet at:www.findtreatment.samhsa.gov.If you do not have access to theInternet, see the directory of statesubstance abuse agencies onpage 32.Traveling Abroad<strong>Methadone</strong> is a prescribed medication,<strong>and</strong> most countries allowvisitors to bring whatever prescriptionmedications they need with them. Insome places, however, methadonemay be considered an exception tothis policy.In many countries, methadone isnot available, <strong>and</strong> some countriesprohibit bringing it in. Some countriesalso have laws prohibiting formeraddicts or people with criminalrecords from entering. It may bedifficult to find out which laws are ineffect in which countries – <strong>and</strong> whichlaws are actually enforced.30<strong>About</strong> <strong>Methadone</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Buprenorphine</strong>

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