About Methadone and Buprenorphine - Drug Policy Alliance

About Methadone and Buprenorphine - Drug Policy Alliance

About Methadone and Buprenorphine - Drug Policy Alliance

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All manufacturers add inactiveingredients, such as fillers, preservatives<strong>and</strong> flavorings. <strong>Methadone</strong> isdispensed orally in different forms,which include:• Tablets, also called diskettes.Each one contains 40 milligrams ofmethadone, is dissolved in water, <strong>and</strong>then is administered in an oral dose.• Powder is also dissolved in water.• Liquid methadone can be dispensedwith an automated measuring pump.Dosages can be adjusted to as smallas a single milligram.Patients have different opinions aboutthe various types of methadone.Each methadone provider usuallyoffers a single type of the drug <strong>and</strong>obtains its supply from one source,which means that patients generallydo not get to choose which form ofmethadone they get.For most people, a single dose ofmethadone lasts 24 to 36 hours.How is methadone different fromheroin <strong>and</strong> other opioids (forexample, morphine or dilaudid)?<strong>Methadone</strong> lasts longer. The bodymetabolizes methadone differentlythan it does heroin or morphine.When a person takes methadoneregularly, it builds up <strong>and</strong> is stored inthe body, so it lasts even longer whenused for maintenance. Most peoplefind that once they’re stabilized ona dose of methadone that’s right forthem, a single oral dose will “hold”them for at least a full 24-hour day.For some, the effect lasts longer; forothers it lasts a shorter time.Stability is easier on oralmethadone. Most people who areon a stable, appropriate dose ofmethadone for several weeks will notfeel any significant sense of being“high” or “dopesick.” Some patientsmay feel a “transition” – or temporary,mild glow – for a short time severalhours after being medicated,however. Others may feel slightly“dopesick” prior to taking the day’sdose but most will feel very little orno effect from the proper dose ofmethadone once they have stabilized.www.drugpolicy.org9

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