Introduction to Sports Biomechanics: Analysing Human Movement ...

Introduction to Sports Biomechanics: Analysing Human Movement ...

Introduction to Sports Biomechanics: Analysing Human Movement ...


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INDEX<br />

288<br />

muscle length–tension relationship 251<br />

muscle tension<br />

development 248, 249, 250–2<br />

EMG and 264<br />

muscle tension–time relationship 252, 253<br />

muscle <strong>to</strong>rque 273<br />

maximum 275<br />

measurement 273–5<br />

position, maximum 275<br />

muscular endurance under isokinetic conditions<br />

275–6<br />

musculoskeletal system, human 225<br />

myofibrils 241<br />

natural frequency, force plate 207, 208–9, 210<br />

needs analysis 49, 50–1, 56<br />

neuromuscular junction 243, 279<br />

neutralisers 247<br />

New Studies in Athletics 50<br />

New<strong>to</strong>n 165<br />

New<strong>to</strong>n’s first law 184<br />

New<strong>to</strong>n’s law of friction 167<br />

New<strong>to</strong>n’s laws of linear motion 184<br />

New<strong>to</strong>n’s second law 181, 184, 185<br />

New<strong>to</strong>n’s third law 166, 184<br />

noise (random errors) 126, 133–4<br />

removal 134–7, 153–7<br />

sources 124<br />

normal force 166<br />

normal stress 279<br />

nutation 201<br />

Nyquist sampling theorem 128, 203<br />

objectivity 54, 55, 107–9<br />

opposition, thumb 229<br />

optical axis, camera 124, 127<br />

organismic constraints 72<br />

osteoblasts 234, 235<br />

osteoclasts 235<br />

osteocytes 232<br />

panning, camera 133<br />

parallax error 123–4<br />

partition ratio 256<br />

patella 234, 257<br />

path line 172<br />

pec<strong>to</strong>ralis major muscle 244<br />

pelvic girdle 279<br />

movements 229–32<br />

pennate (penniform) muscles 245<br />

performance<br />

evaluation 54–5<br />

ideal (model) 59<br />

models of optimal 57<br />

parameters or variables 61, 119<br />

performance criterion 61, 62<br />

objective 61<br />

subjective 61, 72<br />

perimysium 241, 243, 248<br />

periosteum 234<br />

peroneus longus muscle 256–7<br />

perspective error 123–4<br />

phase analysis 9, 61, 78–82<br />

ballistic movements 78–80<br />

long jump 62, 63<br />

more complex movements 81–2<br />

running 80–1<br />

phase angle 103, 111<br />

phase planes 86, 103–6, 111, 119<br />

phase plot 111<br />

pho<strong>to</strong>graphic plane 123<br />

piezoelectric 220<br />

pilot pro<strong>to</strong>cols 51<br />

pivot joints 239<br />

pixels 121<br />

planar motion 93<br />

plane joints 238–9<br />

planes of movement 3–4, 41, 225<br />

plantar flexion 5, 225–6<br />

plasticity 279<br />

point model 87–8<br />

points of inflexion 112, 114<br />

stationary 114<br />

polarisation 280<br />

position–time graph 90–2<br />

POSSUM 45, 46<br />

posterior tilt, shoulder girdle 229<br />

postures, reference 4, 5, 225<br />

power, whole body 211, 213<br />

power spectrum 280<br />

pressure<br />

centre of see centre of pressure<br />

measurement 201, 213–15, 216<br />

pressure drag 175–6<br />

pressure plates/pads/insoles 213–14<br />

pre-stretch 76, 250<br />

prime movers 246<br />

principles, movement see movement principles<br />

projectile 75<br />

projectile motion 139–45<br />

drag forces 175–6<br />

optimum projection conditions 145<br />

projection parameters 142–4<br />

projection angle 75, 143, 144, 145

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