Introduction to Sports Biomechanics: Analysing Human Movement ...

Introduction to Sports Biomechanics: Analysing Human Movement ...

Introduction to Sports Biomechanics: Analysing Human Movement ...


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Impulse of a force<br />


New<strong>to</strong>n’s second law of linear motion (the law of momentum) can be expressed symbolically<br />

at any time, t, as F = dp/dt = d(m v)/dt. That is, F, the net external force acting<br />

on the body, equals the rate of change (d/dt) of momentum (p = m v). For an object of<br />

constant mass (m), this becomes: F = dp/dt = m dv/dt = m a, where v is velocity and a is<br />

acceleration. If we now sum these symbolic equations over a time interval we can write:<br />

∫F dt = ∫d(m v); this equals m∫dv, if m is constant. The symbol ∫ is called an integral,<br />

which is basically the summing of instantaneous forces. The left side, ∫F dt, of this<br />

equation is the impulse of the force, for which the SI unit is new<strong>to</strong>n-seconds, N s. This<br />

impulse equals the change of momentum of the object (∫d(m v) or m∫dv if m is<br />

constant). This equation is known as the impulse–momentum equation and, with its<br />

equivalent form for rotation, is an important foundation of studies of human dynamics<br />

in sport. The impulse is the area under the force–time curve over the time interval of<br />

interest and can be calculated graphically or numerically. The impulse of force can be<br />

found from a force–time pattern, such as Figure 5.2 or 5.12, which is easily obtained<br />

from a force platform.<br />

The impulse–momentum equation can be rewritten for an object of constant mass<br />

(m) as F ∆t = m ∆v, where F is the mean value of the force acting during a time interval<br />

∆t during which the speed of the object changes by ∆v (the Greek symbol delta, ∆,<br />

simply designates a change). The change in the horizontal velocity of a sprinter from<br />

the gun firing <strong>to</strong> leaving the blocks depends on the horizontal impulse of the force<br />

exerted by the sprinter on the blocks (from the second law of linear motion) and is<br />

inversely proportional <strong>to</strong> the mass of the sprinter. In turn, the impulse of the force<br />

exerted by the blocks on the sprinter is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction <strong>to</strong><br />

that exerted, by muscular action, by the sprinter on the blocks (from the third law of<br />

linear motion). Obviously, a large horizontal velocity off the blocks is desirable. However,<br />

a compromise is needed as the time spent in achieving the required impulse (∆t)<br />

adds <strong>to</strong> the time spent running after leaving the blocks <strong>to</strong> give the recorded race time.<br />

The production of a large impulse of force is also important in many sports techniques<br />

of hitting, kicking and throwing <strong>to</strong> maximise the speed of the object involved. In javelin<br />

throwing, for example, the release speed of the javelin depends on the impulse applied<br />

<strong>to</strong> the javelin by the thrower during the delivery stride and the impulse applied by<br />

ground reaction and gravity forces <strong>to</strong> the combined thrower–javelin system throughout<br />

the preceding phases of the throw. In catching a ball, the impulse required <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p the<br />

ball is determined by the mass (m) and change in speed (∆v) of the ball. The catcher<br />

can reduce the mean force (F) acting on his or her hands by increasing the duration of<br />

the contact time (∆t) by ‘giving’ with the ball.<br />


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