Introduction to Sports Biomechanics: Analysing Human Movement ...

Introduction to Sports Biomechanics: Analysing Human Movement ...

Introduction to Sports Biomechanics: Analysing Human Movement ...


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as those of Figure 3.11) and that we can pair joint angles of interest easily <strong>to</strong> show<br />

how they co-vary. These graphs show coordination patterns qualitatively, which can<br />

facilitate comparisons, for example between individuals and for one individual during<br />

rehabilitation from an injury. We can also compare patterns between, for example,<br />

running and walking; most of these comparisons have been based on methods <strong>to</strong><br />

quantify angle–angle diagrams. Such a reduction of a rich qualitative pattern <strong>to</strong> a few<br />

numbers seems bizarre <strong>to</strong> me and ignores the saying ‘a picture is worth a thousand<br />

words’. Few attempts have been made <strong>to</strong> distinguish patterns qualitatively; one of the<br />

very few is known as ‘<strong>to</strong>pological equivalence’. Two shapes are <strong>to</strong>pologically equivalent<br />

if one can just be stretched – albeit by different amounts in different places – <strong>to</strong> form<br />

the other; two shapes are not <strong>to</strong>pologically equivalent if one has <strong>to</strong> be ‘folded’ rather<br />

than just stretched <strong>to</strong> form the other. Simplistically, this means that if the shapes have<br />

different numbers of loops, they are not <strong>to</strong>pologically equivalent; they are then qualitatively<br />

rather than just quantitatively different, as for the ankle–knee, but not the hip–<br />

knee or ankle–hip couplings when comparing the running angle–angle diagrams in<br />

Figure 3.13 with those for walking in Figure 3.15. You should also note that the<br />

number of changes in the coordination of the two joints during one stride differs<br />

between running and walking. For example, in the previous paragraph, we noted seven<br />

such changes for the hip–knee coupling in running; Figure 3.15(a) shows only six such<br />

changes for walking, all from in-phase <strong>to</strong> anti-phase or vice versa.<br />

Disadvantages of angle–angle diagrams include their unfamiliarity compared <strong>to</strong> time<br />

series. Also, it is not obvious from the diagram which way round the figure proceeds –<br />

clockwise or anticlockwise – or where key events, such as <strong>to</strong>e-off and <strong>to</strong>uchdown in<br />

gait, occur; the latter is also true <strong>to</strong> some extent for time series. Some criticism can be<br />

Figure 3.16 Angle–angle diagram with time (data) ‘points’. The ‘distance’ on the graph between two successive points shows<br />

how much each angle – for the knee the horizontal ‘distance’, for the hip the vertical ‘distance’ – changes in one time interval<br />

(here 1/50 s).<br />


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