DRC Manager.ppt [Read-Only]

DRC Manager.ppt [Read-Only] DRC Manager.ppt [Read-Only]

<strong>DRC</strong> Tool Evolution• <strong>DRC</strong> Walker posted on Cadence Website•<strong>DRC</strong> Browser developed at Intel 8 years ago•<strong>DRC</strong> <strong>Manager</strong>, the 2004 version2

5The <strong>DRC</strong> <strong>Manager</strong>

<strong>DRC</strong> Sort CriteriaToolPopdownLayerPopdownRulePopdownDispositionPopdownPriorityPopdown7

Search – Works on all displayed columnsVSS SearchXXG? Search8

Grid of Sort ResultsBalance of selected fieldsNote flag, if anyPriority, if anyDisposition, if anyCheck box to multipleselect for dispositioning9

10Desired Information is Definable


12Utility – Right Menu Button

Select AllInternal <strong>DRC</strong>Deletenotallowed13

DispositioningActs on currently active <strong>DRC</strong>or all the selectedBottom Line Buttons14

15Adding a Note

Notes displayed on the Message LineNote indicatorKeyboardArrow KeysmoveUp/DwnNote content16


18<strong>DRC</strong> Display

Basic Mechanisms of the <strong>DRC</strong> <strong>Manager</strong><strong>DRC</strong>sGiven Integer PropertyRule Name<strong>DRC</strong> Data Table111, 136, 143, etc171Layer 1Layer 22, 53, 111, 123, etc1, 17, 18, 19, 44, etcAttachmentDialog Grid19

Attachment Name Code31 characters maxX w _ d r c _ 0 0 1 7 1 1 8 4Fixed “drc _”XY CoordinateID NumberPriority: H=high, M=medium, L=lowDisposition: W=waived, N=need to fix, F=fixedType: I = internal, X = external20

Attachment Data Contents• Tool acronym – PLA, DFE, etc• Rule Name• Rule Description• Layer• Actual Value• Net1 Name• Net2 NameDelimited string• Note or Waive ReasonThe first three items come from a structured value inthe EXTERNAL_VIOLATION_DESCRIPTION property21

First StepReconcile <strong>DRC</strong>s to Attachments• Get <strong>DRC</strong>s with ID properties and match withexisting attachments• Log ID numbers used• Attempt to match <strong>DRC</strong>s without IDs with existingattachments, assigns attachmment ID to <strong>DRC</strong>• Discard remaining attachments• Create new attachments for remaining <strong>DRC</strong>susing number gaps between numbers usedThis allows the Dispositions assigned to be persistantfor the dynamic internal (Allegro) <strong>DRC</strong>s22

Second StepCreate <strong>DRC</strong> Data Table• Entry indices created on the fly• Entry for each rule and layer – list of IDs• Prevents collision with Global Variables• Memory retrieved with gc()• Example:– drcData[‘formform] ] contains the dialog dbid– drcData[‘Trace_WidthTrace_Width] ] contains a list of integers of<strong>DRC</strong>s violating this rule– drcData[‘SURFACESURFACE] ] contains a list of integers of<strong>DRC</strong>s on this layerTable indices are composed of rule names withspaces replaced by underlines23

Grid Populated &Form Displayed24

Coding Hints• Create Table with nil as the default valueotherwise, if drcData[‘zoom<strong>DRC</strong>zoom<strong>DRC</strong>] ] is not definedthe conditional statement if( drcData[‘zoom<strong>DRC</strong>zoom<strong>DRC</strong>]will yield true. It’s s value is ‘unbound• Reconcilling <strong>DRC</strong>s to attachments yieldspersistent dispositions.• Rule names used as table indices should havespaces in their name replaced with underscores• "EXTERNAL_VIOLATION_DESCRIPTION“property value should be structured• A master attachment should save all dialogsettings and be used to initialize any new dialog,store settings, and import/export preferences25

Additional Features• Inline Invocation of Visibility & Disposition• Export Dispositions – written to a file to be read intoanother copy of the same design. Deals exclusively withattachments.• Export Settings – written to a file to be read into anotherdesign. Recreates the “Master” attachment.• Best solution would be to incorporate directly into Cadence26

27Command Line Invocation

?? Questions ??Settings saved in a “Master” attachment and restored28

Browser vs. <strong>Manager</strong>ProblemSolution• Not resizable? Attempted to maintain lists of dbids? Secondary Select By ID mechanism• Slow response to changing criteria? Limited information readily available? Used global variables?Sizeable Grid?Attachments?<strong>Only</strong> mechanism?Better Response?Definable Info?Uses Table29

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