Anterior Hip

Anterior Hip

Anterior Hip

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9. Urinar yDo you urinate more than 5-6 times a day?Do you get up at night to urinate? (If yes, how many times____)Do you have burning or pain with urination?Has your urine ever been bloody, black or brown?Do you have trouble starting your urine flow?Do you have a constant feeling that you need to urinate?Do you leak urine when you cough, sneeze, laugh or sleep?Other:apple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple No10. GynecologicalAre you pregnant?Are you currently breastfeeding?Number of pregnancies ______ live births_____Are you on hormones?Are you taking calcium supplements?Have you had or are you having unusual vaginal bleeding?Other:apple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple No11. SkinDo you have skin problems? If yes, list:________Does your skin itch or burn?Do you bruise easily?Do you have trouble stopping even a small cut from bleeding?Do you have psoriasis?Do you have any moles or birth marks that arechanging shape/color?Do you have open sores?Is your skin excessively dry?Do you have any skin rashes?Other:apple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple No12 . PsychosocialHave you ever been diagnosed with a psychological disorder?(Depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts? If yes, list:_______)Do you smoke?If yes, how many per day? ____If yes, how many years? _____Do you drink alcohol?How many drinks daily? ___ Weekly?____ Weekends? ____Do you use other substances? (cocaine, marijuana etc)If yes, type of substance? _______Frequency? Daily______ Weekly_____ Weekends _____Other:apple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple Noapple Yes apple No

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