Legal Brochure 2013 - Dorset Orthopaedic

Legal Brochure 2013 - Dorset Orthopaedic

Legal Brochure 2013 - Dorset Orthopaedic

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IntroductionEvery year, many individuals lose limbs through accident or negligence.As experts in limb loss and injury issues, we have supported nearly 20,000patients on their own personal road to recovery.We understand that the quality of lifefor amputees is directly linked to thequality of care they receive. For most,ensuring that they can afford the levelof care they need in the future is ofprimary concern.Janet Hanham, orthotic client<strong>Dorset</strong> <strong>Orthopaedic</strong>were very efficient. It’sbeen great to have thefreedom to wear differentshoes that I can chooseand have tailor madeWorking with personal injury lawyersor case managers, we prepare expertlegal reports that can be used toassist the Court with calculating thecosts that clients may be entitled to,following accident or negligence.Frequently Asked QuestionsAlthough each case is individual, there are many questions that we are askedabout our expert legal services. Here are the most popular questions:CASE STUDYRetired Healthcare AssistantJanet Hanham, orthotic clientFollowing a car accident in 2006,Janet suffered various injuriesand severe damage to her legand has since struggled to findsuitable shoes.Orthotist Andrew Collins actedas Janet’s expert witness andconsulted her on orthoticsolutions.We were then able to provideJanet with custom-designed shoesincluding some bespoke Broguesfor her daughter’s wedding.Do you take on both Claimantand Defendant instructions?Yes. Our clinicians are happy to takeon report instructions from bothClaimants and Defendants. We haveseen an increase of Joint Instructionsin recent times. In all cases our expertsendeavour to provide impartialopinions and recommendations.Can your experts see aclient at home?Yes. Our experts regularly visit clientsat home with both prosthetic andorthotic needs.Can a report be prepared whereamputation has been cited asa future possibility should limbsalvage fail?Yes. ‘Pre-amp’ reports can be preparedwhere the possibility of need for futureamputation has been mentioned,usually by an orthopaedic surgeon.We can conduct ‘desktop style’ reports(without seeing the client, but withaccess to their medical reports).Can you provide in-housetraining or presentations toPersonal Injury and MedicalNegligence Lawyer groups?We regularly undertake presentationsat solicitors’ offices covering prostheticand orthotic products and techniques,especially updating on newdevelopments that can greatly affectcosts. We also attend legal conferencesand hold legal open days.WE HOLD LEGAL CLINICS at our Ringwoodheadquarters and at our Midlands clinic in Burtonupon Trent, as well as monthly satellite clinics inLeeds, Newcastle, Glasgow, London and Taunton.

Expert WitnessWe are experts in the preparation of comprehensive expert witness reportsto support claims for compensation. Our Prosthetists and Orthotists acceptinstructions for reports to be used as part of the litigation process or inaccordance with the Rehabilitation Code.Our clinical team provide both prosthetic and orthotic reports that cover individualneeds, aims and expectations, along with a full justification for the type of supportthat may be required in the future.ReportsMalcolm Hingle, prosthetic client©bnps.co.ukReports for litigation purposesQuantum reports are prepared on behalf of solicitors acting for the Claimant,for the Defence, or as Joint Instructions. This type of report is used for a mediumto long-term overview of a case. Our reports include an independent expertopinion and prognosis, as well as estimated costs for private rehabilitation.Reports for rehabilitation purposesOur clinicians work alongside case managers and insurance companies offeringimmediate needs assessments, giving an overview of short to medium-termprosthetic or orthotic care in accordance with the Rehabilitation Code.These reports are not for use in Court proceedings but are used to instigate afast, effective rehabilitation programme.By using a multidiscipline approach, incorporating our other rehabilitationservices such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy and counselling, we areable to encourage a faster recovery with a strong support system.Mid-case Treatment BenefitsWe are often asked if there is any evidence regarding the benefits ofmid‐case prosthetic or orthotic treatment.In almost every case we see clientsattend with basic, and oftenuncomfortable, NHS prostheses ororthoses that can hinder full mobility.This can have a profound effect onthe client’s ability to return to work,to socialise and to return to certainhobbies or sports they enjoyed preinjuryor amputation.We encourage the early privateprovision of improved prosthetic andorthotic rehabilitation which is likely toinclude specialised physiotherapy, gaitre-education or life coaching.It is generally accepted that cases aremore successfully settled when a midcaseinterim payment has been madeand the client has been fitted withimproved prosthetics and orthotics.From an expert perspective thisshows clear evidence regarding theeffectiveness of prescription, intentof the client and overall benefits tomobility and function.Trial fittings of specialised devices(electronic knees, ankles and handsfor example), can also prove extremelyuseful during a case.© <strong>Dorset</strong> <strong>Orthopaedic</strong> <strong>2013</strong>. All information correct at time of going to print. Images not to scale. All trademarks acknowledged.I quickly realisedthat <strong>Dorset</strong> <strong>Orthopaedic</strong>was leading the field inprosthetic rehabilitation;so I wanted to be withthe top companyCASE STUDYEx-Police DetectiveMalcolm Hingle, prosthetic clientIn July 2006, Police DetectiveMalcolm was on ‘CovertSurveillance’ duty followingsuspected drug dealersundercover, when a car collidedwith his motorbike, severelydislocating his knee andfracturing his arm.In 2011, after fifty-six operations,Malcolm’s left leg was eventuallyamputated above his knee.Following thirty years of service,Malcolm unfortunately had to takeearly retirement from the Police.David Hills, <strong>Dorset</strong> <strong>Orthopaedic</strong>Managing Director, acted ashis Expert Witness and with thesupport of his legal case, Malcolmwas prescribed the groundbreakingGenium Knee thathe wears day to day.Malcolm also wears a Comfort FitSocket that has been customdesignedfor a cycling prosthesis.

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