Wings March 8- 14, 2009.pmd - Parokya ni San Vicente Ferrer ...

Wings March 8- 14, 2009.pmd - Parokya ni San Vicente Ferrer ...

Wings March 8- 14, 2009.pmd - Parokya ni San Vicente Ferrer ...

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Palaagyan ____________ Sa PagpadayonGERRY MONERA, BEC -updatesSadtong nagligad nga Biernes,Pebrero 13, 2009 sa alas 10:30 sangaga nag abot sa aton <strong>Parokya</strong> angisa sa amon upod sa PhilippineCatholic Lay Mission (PCLM)nga si Sis. Adelfa Salva nga amoang amon Field Coordinator nganaghalin pa mismo sa PCLM Centersa Ma<strong>ni</strong>la agod sa pagbisita saamon kag sa pagpatigayon sangakon personal evaluation sa mgabarangay kag sitios nga akonginbuligan sa pagpabalay sang BEC.Ga<strong>ni</strong> sang nagligad nga Sabado kagDomingo, Pebrero <strong>14</strong>-15, 2009nangin upod namon sia sa pagbuylogsa mga Cluster Meeting nga ginhimosa mga barangay agod sa pagobserbarkag sa pagpahibalo sa mgaBPC Officers sang iya tinutuyo.Ang Parish BEC Team amo ang unanga naghiwat sa si<strong>ni</strong>ng evaluationnga gindumalahan <strong>ni</strong> Sis. Adelfabisan sa tunga sang mabaskog ngaulan i<strong>ni</strong> nagpadayon sadtongnagligad nga Domingo sang gab i ngaginhimo sa SVF Parochial School.Ang Cluster 1 nga ginbug-osan sa 7ka kapilya, Sitio Pandan, SitioPanusoon, Sitio 30, NabitasanProper, Gua-an, Sitio Paho kagNapnud Proper amo ang ikaduhanga nagpatigayon si<strong>ni</strong> nga evaluationnga ginhiwat sa kapilya sang SitioPaho sadtong Pebrero 19, 2009 saalas 2:00 sang hapon. Kahapon sangaga ang Cluster 2 nga ginbug-osansang Bigke, MV Hechanova, SitioPang-pang, Guinobatan kagPoblacion naghiwat man si<strong>ni</strong> ngaevaluation nga ginhimo sa SVF ParochialSchool.Pagkahapon, ang BarangayLapayon nga amo ang akon pilotarea sa pagbalay sang BEC naghiwatsi<strong>ni</strong> nga evaluation kag karon ngahapon ang Brgy. Calaboamagapatigayon sa si<strong>ni</strong> nga evaluation.I<strong>ni</strong> nga personal evaluationginahiwat antes matapos ang amonduha (2) ka tuig nga misyon saparokya agod makita kagmahibaloan sang PCLM konnakabulig bala ang amon presensyasa katilingban kag sa mga programasang parokya nga ginpatigayon. Isai<strong>ni</strong> ka palaagyan agod akon makitaang akon kaluyahan kag kusog saakon pagpadayon sa misyon ngaginbugay sang Dios sa akon kag isaman i<strong>ni</strong> ka paagi agod mas manginmabakod ang akon commitment sapag-alagad sa Mahal nga Dios.Sa pihak nga bahin, sang nagligadnga mga semana ang kada BarangayPastoral Council (BPC) naghiwatman sang ila evaluation sa mgahilikuton nga ila ginpatigayonsadtong nagligad nga tuig 2008 kagnanginmabinungahon i<strong>ni</strong> bisan walaang amon presensya paagi sa dakunga bulig nga ginpaambit sa atonmga utod nga mga katapo sang ParishBEC Team.Sa kaangtanan si<strong>ni</strong> nga evaluationnangin palaagyan sa mga kataposang BPC agod ila makita ang ila mgakakulangan, kaluyahon kag kusog samga nagligad nga hilikuton. Paagisa rekomendasyon sa ila ginhiwatnga evaluation nangin basehan sa ilapaghimo sang plano, ga<strong>ni</strong> ang SitioPaho amo ang una nga BPC nganaghimo sang ila 1 year plan kagkaron nga ang Sitio Pang-pang kagCalaboa magahiwat sang ila plano.Isa man i<strong>ni</strong> ka daku nga paghangkatsa mga BPC Chairmen ang ginhimosa Sitio Paho, Sitio Pang-pang kagCalaboa, tungod kay ang paghimosang plano isa sa mga importantenga bagay nga dapat himuon sangBPC sa ila katilingban antes sapagpadayon sang iban nga mgahilikuton.Kabay nga ang kada isa sa mganangin katapo sang BPC magtinguhasa pagpadayon sa paghimo sang ilakatungdanan nga ila ginbaton bilangmanugbulig sa aton parokya sapagpatigayon sa mga programa satagsa-tagsa ka mga barangay bisansa tunga sang madamo nga mgapagtilaw kag kabudlayan nga atonmasugata sa padayon ngapagbantala sang Maayo nga Balitasang aton Ginoo. Kabay pa.PANGAMUYOPARA SA NAPANIBAG-ONGA PUNGSOD PILIPINASO <strong>San</strong>tos nga Kasingkasing <strong>ni</strong> JesusAng kahimtangansang amon pungsodNagatulod sa amon sa pagsabatsa labing madaliSa mga palaligban sa si<strong>ni</strong>ng panahon.Tungod sang amon pagtuo sa ImoKag sang amon gugmasa si<strong>ni</strong>ng pungsod,Buot namon nga magpakigbahinsa mga hilikutonNga magadala sang pagbag-osa katawohan,Sa mga pa<strong>ni</strong>malay,kag sa bug-os nga kailingban.Upod sa amon <strong>San</strong>to Papanga si Bendicto,Nagapangamuyo kamiNga amon sumpungon ang kaimolonSa pagtukod sang paghidaitsa amon nasyonPaagi sa pagdula sang kasakonsa amon tagipusoonKag sa tanan namonnga mga hilikuton.Dira sa makagagahom nga gugmasang imo Kasingkasing,Makita namon ang kaisogsa pagpatigayon sang pa<strong>ni</strong>bag-oSa amon kabuhikag sa bug-os namon nga pungsodGinapangayo namon sa Imoang isa ka mabinungahon ngapagpalapnag sang pagtuluohannga KristianoDira sa sahi sang amon pamolitikakag pang-ekonomiya.Samtang ginahanda ang pi<strong>ni</strong>liaynga palaabutonGa<strong>ni</strong> sa si<strong>ni</strong> nga katuyuanAmon ginahaladAng amon mga pangamuyokag mga buhat,Ang tanan nga kalipay kag kasakitsa si<strong>ni</strong> nga adlaw.O <strong>San</strong>tos nga Kasingkasing <strong>ni</strong> Jesusnga labing mahigugmaonPaagi sa Putli nga Kasingkasing<strong>ni</strong> Maria nga takus bansagonHimoa kami nga maisogkag mapinasensyahonKag tudloi kami nga magpangamuyokag magbuhat sang amon hilikutonNga may paglaum kag paghigugmasa tanan nga tion.Amen.Marso 8- <strong>14</strong>, 20093

The Real ____________ Presence of GodReflectionsMay tatlo anay ka mangingisdanga nagpaindis-indis kon sa diinmay mas madamo nga isda. Silingsang taga-Masbate, “ Sa amon yapare, paghaboy mo sang bu<strong>ni</strong>t,waay 30 segundos alsa ka dasongapisikpisik ang isda.“Waay na pare,” sugpon sang taga-Negros, “sa amon ‘ya indi kanakinahanglan nga maghaboy pasang mo bu<strong>ni</strong>t, ituntun mu langsa tubig, hala sa dason gapisikpisikna ang isda.“Waay kamo sa amon pare,” sabatsang taga-Leganes, “ sa amon saLeganes antes mo ituntun ang imobu<strong>ni</strong>t sa tubig hawanan mo anaysang isda ang tubig agud maytuntunan ka sang imo bu<strong>ni</strong>t,”Daog nanaman ang taga-Leganes.Sin-o pa abi ang magdaog kay taga-Leganes man ang nagsugid si<strong>ni</strong>.Sa masami sugid sugid man langkita. Te, kon amo kita sina kaabilidadan ang masunod ngapamangkot amo ang: Te?,napaambit man bala naton i<strong>ni</strong>ngaton mga abilidad sa iban? Konmaayo gid man kita, nagmaayoman bala ang sitwasyon sang atonnga kaingod balay?Ang panahon sang Kwaresma,panahon sang pagpangmuyopagpuasa, kag pagpaambit. Ta<strong>ni</strong>imbes itikal naton,magpamalandong kita sa mgaginbuhat sang Dios sa aton -- sapagsakripisyo <strong>ni</strong> Jesus sa aton.Ta<strong>ni</strong>, magpuasa kita, indi lang sapag-sakrispisyo kundi paramakatipon kita sang substantialpara dako nga kantidad ang atonmahatag nga limos sa mga imolkag nagakinahanglan.The grace we ask for has to do with our twosenses of hearing and seeing. We pray todistinguish between the Word of God andprojecting our selfish desires into God’sWord. Hearing differs from liste<strong>ni</strong>ng andwe pray to allow the Word of God into thecenter of our lives where we can listen to itand to what that Word calls us.We are invited also to pray for seeing betterin Christ’s Light so to become familiarwith the path that leads to true life. Thelight for which we pray is not the same asclarity of course. Our readings for this liturgyand the spirituality of Lent call us toa faith and a liste<strong>ni</strong>ng which lead to ourtrusting God.The First Reading and the Gospel for thisSunday’s liturgy present us with two experiencesof liturgy, in a way. There is agoing up, a preparation or calling together,a central act of faith, a “Word of God”, asurprising revelation of the “real presenceof God, and a going onward.We hear first of the terrifying story ofAbraham’s being tested by God. He is calledto take his only son, Isaac, to a distant placeand sacrifice him by the k<strong>ni</strong>fe and thenbur<strong>ni</strong>ng him on an altar which Isaac wouldhelp build. Abraham takes his son whohelps carry the fire and the wood and offthey go in a journey of trust. Upon arrivalat a divinely-pointed-out hill, the dirtydeed is set in motion, no questions asked,except by Isaac who asks about the lamb tobe slain.At the point of the k<strong>ni</strong>fe’s being about toenter Isaac who has been bound and placedon the altar, the voice of the Lord’s messengercalls for a timeout. Abraham hasproven his faith so that he is not only thefather of Isaac still, but the “Father ofFaith” and the eternal model for the Peopleof God. A ram is tangled up in a near-bybush and so God has provided the meansfor the sacrifice rather than AbrahamA promise is then made by the Messengerof God that, through Abraham, as he continuesliving in faith, his descendants whowill increase through this same Isaac, willflourish and possess a land of blessing.The Gospel presents us with the “Transfiguration”.Peter, James and John go up ahill with Jesus. They have a most intimateencounter with Jesus, God the Beyond, andof course, themselves. Jesus dazzles His followerswith some state of glorification.Moses and Elijah are seen conversing withJesus. Moses is the “man of the Law” andElijah the “man of Prophesy”. Jesus is thefulfillment of the Law and the prophets andthe “voice” again ordains Him as “My belovedSon.” The terrified trio is encouragedalso to, “Listen to Him.”Immediately, there they are, just the fouragain and nobody else, no other sounds.They leave with this experience and theirquestions about what all this was about.Ipakita naton ang aton pagtuo! They are charged also not to speak aboutit until the “rising from the dead”, and4 Marso 8- <strong>14</strong>, 2009they did not understand this either, butthey kept on walking back down from thishill of intimacy.Most of us orient our lives, in varying degrees,toward and from the Eucharistic liturgy.We try also to be people who pray,what ever that means. Abraham and Isaachave an extreme close calling with God.Peter, James and John experience an unusualconvention and commu<strong>ni</strong>on. All fivego off into the regular, back-down-the-hillliving of their lives. Their faith seems to bestrengthened, but at the same time theirunderstanding seems to experience befuddlement.They would naturally be askingthemselves about the “realness” of whathad just happened.One of the great joys of human intimacy isthat it goes beyond reason. I enjoy askingcouples whom I have the privilege to be preparingfor marriage, “Why do you love her/him?” The relationships I trust the mostare those who fumble around for wordswhich might express some good reasons.Love is not reasonable. When there aremany verbal reasons, I suspect this is atransaction and not a transfiguration.Devotion, prayer, liturgy are such calls tosimple and honest closeness, that to try tofigure it out and explain it cheapens it andflattens it out into a practice rather than adelight.As with Abraham, Isaac, Peter, James andJohn, we go toward a time of being met bythe Holy, given something of ourselves bythe encouragement and comfort of God’spresence and then sent away, but alwaysthe little question, “Was that really real?”“Was I talking to myself, comforting myself,judging myself?” Intimacy does notlead to comprehending, but to the sending,the living, the transfiguring, or changing,because we are so loved.I love the Eucharist for so many reasons,but the very prime reason is that it defiesadequate intellectual explanation and I lovethat freedom from the factual, the scientific,the demand of my arrogant mind. TheEucharist is more than a transfiguration;it is a total trans from a something to aSomebody. The Somebody’s changing of theother somebodies who gather around theHoly Place is also unexplainable, but real.The closer we allow Jesus to come towardand within us, the more we, individuallyand communally, are transfigured and representedto the world. The world cannotadequately explain our living as His Newand Real Presence. We will never know ifour prayer was real. Abraham is our Fatherof Faith and our brothers of faithwalked down that hill with questions,doubts and wonderings about what inHeaven’s Name was all that about? Questionsdo not dampen faith, cheap answersdo. Living the faith is the proof of intimacy,just as living out married love intensifiesand proves the leap.“I will walk before the Lord, in the land ofthe living. I believed, even when I said, “Iam greatly afflicted.” - Psalm, 116

Sometimes we see a change in aperson’s looks or appearance. Thishappens whenever he puts somethingon his face or on his ears or wheneverhe puts on some kind of outfit orclothes. Usually these things are doneto make one’s self appear beautiful,attractive, or presentable, especiallywhen one is attending a specialoccasion or joi<strong>ni</strong>ng some contestwhere looks count. At least an effortis made to put on one’s best face.Today’s Gospel scene tells of thechange in our Lord’s appearance. Inother words, Jesus is trans figured.This event, which serves as a preludebefore things come to a head for Himin Jerusalem, happens on top of amountain and is again witnessed byHis select group of disciples-Peter,James, and John. It reveals hissuffering to come and the glory thatawaits Him in the end in order tostrengthen the disciples for the hardtimes or the ordeal ahead of them.Interestingly enough God chooses amountain to be the site of an importantevent or where He will make arevelation. In the book of Exodus Godon Mt. Sinai discloses to Moses Hisplan for Him to liberated the Israelitesfrom slavery in Egypt.. god called theprophet Elijah to go to Mt. Horeb tomeet Him. The Beatitudes wasdelivered by our Lord on a mountainand his crucifixion and death likewisetook place on a mountain.In this mountain top event, as we aretold, Jesus e’s clothes become dazzlingwhite the two pillars are seenconserving with Lord-Moses, whorepresents the law, and Elijah, whorepresents the prophets. The law andthe prophets make up the OldTestaments and Jesus is thefulfillment of the Old Covenant.But what is their conversation allabout. There is no mention of it intoday’s Gospel of Mark. However,Luke tells us that it is about Jesus e’simminent suffering and death inJerusalem. So it is about the purposeand mea<strong>ni</strong>ng of his coming into thisworld which is to fulfill what the lawand the prophets all have for told.In the middle of their conversationthe voice of the father in heaven isheard saying: “This is my own belovedThe Transfiguration ____________ of JesusSTEVE C. FERNANDEZ, ReflectionsSon. Listen to Him.” At his baptismat the Jordan the same words wereheard in heaven just after he had comeout of the water. At the wedding ofCana practically the same words wereuttered by Mary to the people aroundwhen there was no longer wine: “ Dowhatever, He tells you.”Yes, we must learn to listen to him.We have to as our Lord is the Wordincarnate, the Word made fleshaccording to St. John the Evangelistand being such is the completeexpression of the Father. We ought toin light of the prevailing culture ofdeath and moral decay whichpermeates our society. A life which isnot in accord with His words whichmirror the Father’s will is withoutdirection and mea<strong>ni</strong>ng. His wordslead us to the road of peace, harmony,goodwill, holiness, and life. The Bibleis God’s love letter for us His childrento read and follow or live.Indeed it takes faith to listen if not tofollow Christ. Faith is leads to liste<strong>ni</strong>ngor following. Because of their faith inChrist, the brothers James and Johnfollowed Him when He called themto come after him, leaving behindtheir occupation which could be thesource of their security.Abraham was a man of great faith,following what God had asked of Himdespite the difficulties involved. He wasasked to leave his land and so his oldand pagan ways behind for an unknownplace. Yes, he heeded His call and thishe did out of his unquestio<strong>ni</strong>ngfaithfulness to Him.In another acid test, God asked him tooffer his son as a holocaust at Mt.Muriah. Without any second thoughtsAbraham did what he had been askedto do. But just as he was about toslaughter his son, God’s messenger hadcome to stop him. Considering whathe had done,Abraham came to beknown as the Father of Faith.Moreover, at the transfiguration scene,Peter is so overwhelmed by the blissfulmoment he is relishing that he togetherwith the rest wants to stay for good.That is why he proposes setting up threetents-one each for Moses, Elijah, andJesus. But the Lord turns him downfor they have to go down yet to fi<strong>ni</strong>shtheir work ahead of them. Theres notur<strong>ni</strong>ng back on the road to calvary.The Lord brings the three up themountain to prepare them for hiscrucifixion, suffering, and death tocome. He wants them to have a tasteor a glimpse of his glory, Jesus fullyknows that the hard and painfulmoments He will go through will onlycrush their spirits to smitherines. Thedisciples as His followers will beexperiencing the same fate. The Lordis telling them that this glory is thereward that awaits Him at the end ifonly hes is faithful to His mission. Yes,there is no shortcutting the struggle forlife and suffering must come first andthen resurrection, not the other wayaround, or else it is like putting the horsebefore the cart.All this meant to give the disciples a shotin the arms-to five them courage andstrength when the sailing gets rough fortheir master and themselves. At leastthey have some bright moments to lookback on to pump them up in the hardtimes ahead.This mountaintop event is also for usChristians. Trials, hardships, problems,and crosses come our way. They arethe means by which we can attain theglory of heaven. A Christian isinseparable from the shadow of thecross. We must be willing to sacrificeor suffer and remain faithful to Godbecause we have something to hope forin the end. When we are in bad anddifficult times or making sacrifices doingHis will, just remember Christ whosuffered and was glorifies.Let us not be Christians by conve<strong>ni</strong>ence,choosing only what is easy and pleasantand avoing what is difficult and painful.Let us follow Christ and be like Him. Lifeon earth is just short and so is oursuffering but the glory of heaven is withoutend. According to St. Paul, our sufferingis nothing compared to the glory whichwill be revealed to us in the end.God will give us the grace of strength, thatwill see us through the difficult and tryingmoments of our life let alone the crucibleof discipleship. Let us just focus ourattention on the glory of heaven to come,living our life not for today but for thefuture. What matters is not today buttomorrow. Our suffering here has an endbut the glory of heaven is forever.Marso 8- <strong>14</strong>, 20095

Kids Corner. Mga gi<strong>ni</strong>kanan, updi <strong>ni</strong>nyo ang inyo mga kabataan sapagsabat sa si<strong>ni</strong> nga puzzle. Samtang ginapangita <strong>ni</strong>la ang mga tinaga,amatamat isaysay sa ila ang ebanghelyo subong nga Domingo.KATAPUSAN NGA PAHIBALO: SA MGA NATUNGDAN NGA TAG-IYA SANG PANTEON NGAMADUGAY NA NAGPASAR: NATAPOS NA ANG ISA KA BULAN NGA PLASO NGA GINHATAG SAINYO. MAY DUGANG NGA BALAYRAN SA MGA AMOROSO NGA PANTEON. SA INDI MAKABAYADSANG ILA TUIGAN NGA BALAYRAN INI AMON IPAGAMIT SA KON SIN-O ANG MAGKINAHANGLAN.MAGKADTO LANG SA OPISINA SANG PAROKYA SA SINI NGA KAANGTANAN. MGA PANTEONNGA NAGPASAR SA BULAN SANG PEBRERO, 2009 (Deadline: MARSO, 2009)Ngalan sang Patay Nich No. Ngalan sang Tag-iyaPetsawww.svfshrine.comLapit na lang matapos ang pagpatahom sang aton belfry.Dako gid inyo mabulig sa pagpatapos si<strong>ni</strong>. Makigangotlang sa opisina kon paano kamo makabulig. Salamat6 Marso 8- <strong>14</strong>, 20091. Anto<strong>ni</strong>o Idao <strong>14</strong>4 Mrs. Priscila Idao 2/21/092. Samson Cadapan 153 Felizardo Cadapan 2/7/093. Jua<strong>ni</strong>ta Gonzales 181 Marilyn Tolentino 2/9/094. Ernesto Guadalupe 195 Mrs. Regina Guadalupe 2/23/095. Patricio Zamora 226 Carmela Lavilla 2/8/086. Marina Somodio 232 Mrs. Ofelia Sotio 2/23/097. Crisanto Alvaran 298 Mauro Bayona 2/22/098. Maria Solatorio LXVI Eliseo Solatorio 2/23/099. Francisca Poblacion XCI Ato Lamanero 2/13/0910. Restituto Sabran CCXXXVI Mrs. Patria Solito 2/16/0911. Remedios Lamanero CCCIX Romeo Lamanero 2/16/0912. Niño Maulas 8-c Rene Maulas 2/1/0913. Ernesto de la Cruz 9-c Mrs. Meldy Castete 2/8/09<strong>14</strong>. Dio<strong>ni</strong>sio Duran 27-c Miss Celia Duran 2/10/0915. Josyl Arellano 62-c Mrs. Celia Arellano 2/17/0916. Agapito Pudadera X-b Mrs. Teresita Pudadera 2/8/0917. Felicisima Caballero. XVII-c Mrs. Inocencia Mijares 2/22/0918. Nelly Sabando XXXII-c Ma. Angelica Gracilla 2/<strong>14</strong>/0919. Zenaida Villanueva LXI-c Federico Villanueva 2/27/0920. Julieta Gentoleo LXII-c Miss Soledad Gentoleo 2/28/0921. Manuel Cerilla, Sr. LXXVI-b Joelory Cerilla

Shrine of St. Vincent <strong>Ferrer</strong> [<strong>Parokya</strong> <strong>ni</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Vicente</strong> <strong>Ferrer</strong>], Leganes, Iloilo, the PhilippinesMarso 8- <strong>14</strong>, 20097

Rt. Rev. Msgr. Ramon A. Pet, HPMISAParish Priest/RectorRev. Ryan Fernando S. TevesParochial VicarGilma GuinalonJoecilyn BuenafeParish SecretaryMISALunes-Sabado6:15 a.m. & 7:00 a.m.Mierkoles:Novena & Misa 5:00 p.m.Biernes:Novena kay <strong>San</strong> <strong>Vicente</strong> taposang nahauna nga misaDomingo:6:00 a.m., 7:30 a.m.,9:00 a.m. & 4:00 p.m.KOMPESYONSabado - 5:00 p.m.Primer Huwebes - 5:00 p.m.Iban nga adlaw - Magpahibalo sa opisinaKASALMierkoles:Ordinaryo 7:00 a.m.Iban nga adlaw:Areglohon sa opisinaisa ka bulan antes ang kasalBUNYAGSabado:Ordinaryo 11:00 a.m.Seminar 10:00 a.m.Domingo:Special 11:00 a.mSeminar antes sang bunyagIban nga adlaw:Areglohon sa opisinaLUBONGMartes:Libre 2:30 p.m.Iban nga adlaw:Areglohon sa opisinaBADLISSANG MGA NAGAMASAKITKon grabe: Bisan ano nga oraskag adlaw. Sa iban nga kahimtangan:Areglohon sa opisinaBENDISYON<strong>San</strong>g mga salakyan, imahen sang mga santoskag iban paSa tapos sang tagsa ka MisaOFFICE HOURS:Martes - Domingo8:00 - 11:00 a.m.2:00 - 4:00 p.m.Wala sing opisina sa adlaw nga Lunes.Ang Palapak ginahiwatsa tapos sang tagsa ka Misa8 Marso 8- <strong>14</strong>, 2009ofShrineSt. Vincent<strong>Ferrer</strong>Marriage Banns<strong>Parokya</strong> <strong>ni</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Vicente</strong> <strong>Ferrer</strong>Leganes, Iloilothe PhilippinesTelephone No.: +63 33 3297893catholicwings@aol.comwingssvf@yahoo.com.phwings.svfshrine@gmail.comhttp://www.svfshrine.comMisa Sa SemanaThe couples below wish to contract Holy Matrimony.If you know of any impediment or seriousSANG KWARESMAMARSO 8 – IKADUHA NGA DOMINGOdefects that will prohibit marriage please inform 6:00 a.m. – Misa Pro Populothe Parish Priest or contact the Parish Office. 7:30 a.m. – Misa - para sa nagkalainlainSECOND PUBLICATIONnga katuyoanALFREDO DEQUITO, JR. 21 years old, a resident of 9:00 a.m. - Chanted Mass – +Aquilino, AdrianoNapnud, Leganes, Iloilo, son of Alfredo Dequito, Sr. andand All Souls in PurgatoryErlinda Diano; and AMOR VILLAREAL. 22 years old,By: Mamerta Soberano & Familya resident of Casalsagan, Pototan, Iloilo, daughter of Jose 4:00 p.m. - Jerusalem MassVillareal and Angeles Patrimo<strong>ni</strong>o.- Brgy. Mass – Sitio Paho- Brgy. Mass – Sitio PandanJIMMY C. BASA, 26 years old, a resident of Pontoc, MARSO 09 – LUNESLemery, Iloilo, son of Isidro Basa and Felisa Calmerin; 6:15 a.m. – Mass Intention – +Leonor Solatorioand RAZIL P. ALMENDRALEJO , 20 years old,By: Eliseo Solatorio & Familya resident of Guihaman, Leganes, Iloilo, daughter of Raul 7:00 a.m. – Mass IntentionAlmendralejo and Evelyn Pineda.Thanksgiving of Ian Mae Arnaizfor passing the Nursing Board ExaminationBy: Arnaiz FamilyFIRST PUBLICATIONBERNARDO CIA, 23 years old, a resident of Agdayao, MARSO 10 – MARTESPassi, Iloilo, son of Loreto Cia and Liberty Suprecencia; 6:15 a.m. – Mass Intention – +Socorroand ROSARIE JINON, 18 years old, a resident of BaludBy: Gustilo FamilyLilo-an, Zarraga, Iloilo, daughter of Narciso Jinon and 7:00 a.m. – Mass Intention – Thanksgiving for theRosalinda Aldefolio.birthday of Marc Christian VincentGEORGE J. MOSO, a resident of Leganes, Iloilo, son ofPalencia By: Edgar and MinviluaHonorato Moso and Elna Jamandre; and WINNIEPalencia & FamilyMARSO 11 – MIERKOLESJAMANDRE. a resident of Brgy. Ingore, La Paz, Iloilo6:15 a.m. – Mass Intention – +Feliciano, Dio<strong>ni</strong>sioCity, daughter of Wilfredo Jamandre and Lo<strong>ni</strong>e Dezor.& Maria by: Judith Sodustal & Family7:00 a.m. – Mass Intention – +Ricardo Jareol (IstSVF Commu<strong>ni</strong>ty welcomes the newly baptized:Death An<strong>ni</strong>versary) By: Mrs. CorazonKryzel Ann A. Baxinela, Jed M. Docejo, Leander H.Jareol & ChildrenVillanueva. Happy Birthday! Mark Christian Vincent4:45 p.m. – Nobena (Mother of Perpetual Help)Palencia, John Kyle Joseph Reyes, Kleo Jone Macaya,5:00 p.m. – Mass IntentionMARSO 12 – HUWEBESMrs. Ana Gatungay. Let us pray for our dear departed:6:00 a.m. – Mass Intention- Thanksgiving for theAnthony Tayo, Hermenegildo Jaurigue, Erwin Penetrante,birthday of Sol Rago GanonRosita Solas, Reynaldo Gonzales, Nelly V. GustiloBy: Rago and Ganon Family7:30 a.m. – Mass Intention– +<strong>Vicente</strong>, Regio,Felicidad, Isabel & MarterianoCollection Reportby: Mrs. Justina Patriarca & Family<strong>March</strong> 1- 7, 2009MARSO 13 – BIERNESSunday Mass Collection P 23, 470.85 6:15 a.m. – Mass Intention – Thanksgiving for theLove Offering P 12, 821.00birthday John Kyle Joseph ReyesUS$ 1.00By: Mr. & Mrs. Joh<strong>ni</strong>e Reyes & FamilyPalapak P 7, 076.45 7:00 a.m. – Mass Intention – +Pablo, Digna, PadyDaily Weekday, Funerals P 4, 557.20& Sally By: Edmundo & Maria TeresaDe la Mota & FamilyUS$ 1.00* + Jorge Landoy (26 th Death An<strong>ni</strong>verSVF Special Fund P 807.55sary) by: Landoy FamilyMother of Perpetual Help P 80.00* + Estrella, Be<strong>ni</strong>to, Eustacio, Exequiel &Blessings P 190.00All Souls in Purgatory by: EufrosinaWINGS P 4, 046.60Someros-Soldevilla & FamilyL2000 P 1, 350.00 MARSO <strong>14</strong> – SABADO6:15 a.m. – Mass Intention – (Pro Defunctis)Ang inyo bulig+ Maria, Pepito, Abner, Cesar &kinahanglanon guid saAll Souls in Purgatorypagpatapos sang ATONBy: Miss Resureccion Celiz & Familynga Kampanaryo. Ang* + Ian Franz & Gregorio by: Estandarte Family* + For the Aborted Babies by: A Devotteeinyo Love Offering kag* + Crisostomo & Raymundocontribution saby: Regino <strong>Vicente</strong> Villanueva & FamilyLeganes 20007:00 a.m. – Mass Intention – +Pelagionagakadto diri. Para saBy: Mr. & Mrs. Rodrigo Guintivano,Sr. & Familydugang nga donation8:00 a.m. – Kasal – Gerald Hombrebueno &palihog pakigangotJayzyl Soberanolang sa aton opisina. 9:00 a.m. – Mass – Fiesta-Brgy. LapayonSalamat sa inyo 2:00 p.m. – Funeral Mass – Erwin Penetrantekaalwan. -4:00 p.m. – Brgy. Mass – Cari Mayorwww.svfshrine.comFor comments email us at: wings.svfshrine@gmail.com or wingssvf@yahoo.com.ph or catholicwing@aol.com

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