sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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2Courrcil. l*li.rrut.e<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-r3-2- L98? 07 22 .4. I,lINLl'ilfiS OF PREVIOIJS MEITTINGS:'a) lljnrrl-cs of tlre Regular CourrciI Mceting o.Junc 24th, 19<strong>82</strong>Moved by Regional Councillor MclqanSeconded by CouncillorLyorrs.'TI{AT the Minrrtes of the Regul.ar Meeting of' Courrcil of Jtrrre: 24th, 19<strong>82</strong>, be adopted.Carried..5. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THA MINUTI]S:a) Councillor Lyons, regarding pagc 14, item 13,reported that t-he probleil with g,o-car:t,s, ski.doosetc., driving ar:onnd the Cemetery on Blacl'. RiverRoad, has becn resolvecl,6 . DEPTITA'f lONS :a) Mr. Terry Fitzpatriclc regardirrg, It{ossi"ng,L.on prrrk.Mr, Fitzpatrick addressed tlre members of Cor,rncilregarding his concerns in Mossington Parl< Campground,with the removal of trees arrd t-he dumping of fiII inEhe area, as we}l as the overa).I confrols ttrat r+ouldreglll.ate the campground. I{e presented a Fr,rf,itionto Council asking for an inqtriry j.nto t-he activitiesln tlre Par:k, r+hictr was r:eceived and referred to theChief Administrative Officer.Af this cime the following report was lntroduced withthe agreemenf of the Members of Council.MOSSLNTjTON I'ARK CAI'IPGROUND;Attached is Report No. P-8?-33 r:egardinEi the expansion ofCamp Sit.es at Mossington I'ark,This was reccived for informaEion.The Chtef Administrative Ofllicer h'as directed tochechinto the effi,ciency ofthe currerrt f.icerncing,lly*Law and report back fo Council .b) Mr. Davtd Doidge addressed rnembers of Council reg,arcling"a drainage problcm on Par-t of Lots 1l arrd 1?, Concessiorr6 (NG), He stated that the Rrouwer $od frarms hacl bc+enfll.ling i..n a natur:al water:cotrrs;e withoL<strong>lt</strong> permj.ssionfrom the Siouthl-ake Simcoe Conservatlon Authoritv. whictrhad been causirrg, extensiv€r floocling, and clamag,e rb'ttrcneig,hbouring farms ..Mr. Mcl Sedore also addressecl members of Cotrncllregarding, thls prolrlem, statinp', thaf, the larrd was bui.l-tiip higtrer than t-he culver(: whictr cros$eri [he roed andtht$.was causing" sievere flooding of his propertyAt thts time, with the a;lrcernent of members of Courlci.l.,the followlng, Moti.on rvas introduced.3. . . .

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