sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


22Cbuncil MinutesC.82-14-27.- 1982 08 26.10.PY-LAVIS,'CouncillorCounclllorSmockumLyonsTHAT Bv-Law No. 82*110(FUT-I)being a By-Law to authorize theMayor ancl Clerk to execute anEasement AgreemenE between RonaldJames Lawrence and Elizabeth AnneLawrerrce and the Township ofGeorginn, be now read a first,secontl and third times, Dassedand numbered by the Mayor and theC1erk.lCarried ....r... ..BY-LAtl NO. SZ*IIO(PUT*I)Passed, slqned and sealed by theI{ayor and Clerk. l:11 . OTHER MOTIONS :Reg-CounciIIor I'lcl-eanCouncilJ.or SmockumTHAT ]"tem 7 (h) of r-he Cotrncill4eeting C-8?-14 be r:ef-erred to staffto report on the ramlfications, ifany, of passing this r:esoluEion.Carried.12 . OTHBR BUSINESS :(a) l'layor Da]es announced the following evenLs to treheld tn the Township in ttre near futur:e:The Hard Times f)arrce to be held in Pefferlaw onSaturday night the Z8th AugusE - Councillors j.nvited toattend.Satrrrday, the 28th Aug,trst, 198?, the opening Ceremoniesof the Highland Games at 12.3O p.m.(b) If was requested that Ehe Director of EconomicDevelopment send a lettcr of appreciati.on to l,Ir.Schorti.nghui.s for the Geraniums planted at Ehe CivlcCent-re si5in.(c) CouncJ.llor t{j.nch asked if anythir-rg can be donewith reg,ard to the shortag,e of ruirter Eo householderson Shorecrest Dri.veThe Chief Officer was directed tosend a letter to the l4inistr:y of Environnenr regardlng,this matter.t23

t'23Corjncil Mlnute$c-82-14*23-t98? 08 26.13. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PR.OCEEDTNGS:CouncillorCounclllorl,linchLyonsTHAT By-Law No. S?-11I(COU-?-)beinq, a By-Law to confirn theoroceeding,s of Council held atlts meeting of 26th August, 1982,be now read a first, $econd andthird, passed and numberedby the l4ayor and C]erk.CarrledBY-LAti NO. 82-111.(COU-z)Passed, slg,ned ^r,a **it*,tMayor and theOn Motlon,Meeting adjourned1"?.36 a.m.

22Cbuncil MinutesC.<strong>82</strong>-14-27.- 19<strong>82</strong> 08 26.10.PY-LAVIS,'CouncillorCounclllorSmockumLyonsTHAT Bv-Law No. <strong>82</strong>*110(FUT-I)being a By-Law to authorize theMayor ancl Clerk to execute anEasement AgreemenE between RonaldJames Lawrence and Elizabeth AnneLawrerrce and the Township ofGeorginn, be now read a first,secontl and third times, Dassedand numbered by the Mayor and theC1erk.lCarried ....r... ..BY-LAtl NO. SZ*IIO(PUT*I)Passed, slqned and sealed by theI{ayor and Clerk. l:11 . OTHER MOTIONS :Reg-CounciIIor I'lcl-eanCouncilJ.or SmockumTHAT ]"tem 7 (h) of r-he Cotrncill4eeting C-8?-14 be r:ef-erred to staffto report on the ramlfications, ifany, of passing this r:esoluEion.Carried.12 . OTHBR BUSINESS :(a) l'layor Da]es announced the following evenLs to treheld tn the Township in ttre near futur:e:The Hard Times f)arrce to be held in Pefferlaw onSaturday night the Z8th AugusE - Councillors j.nvited toattend.Satrrrday, the 28th Aug,trst, 198?, the opening Ceremoniesof the Highland Games at 12.3O p.m.(b) If was requested that Ehe Director of EconomicDevelopment send a lettcr of appreciati.on to l,Ir.Schorti.nghui.s for the Geraniums planted at Ehe CivlcCent-re si5in.(c) CouncJ.llor t{j.nch asked if anythir-rg can be donewith reg,ard to the shortag,e of ruirter Eo householderson Shorecrest Dri.veThe Chief Officer was directed tosend a letter to the l4inistr:y of Environnenr regardlng,this matter.t23

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