sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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20Councll MinuEe<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-14zo19<strong>82</strong> 08 26.LO . SY-LAWS ( Contd . . . )Courrci.l.lor WtnchReg*Councillor McleanTIIAT By-Law No. 9IL-<strong>82</strong>-179(PI,-S)being a By*Law Eo amend By*Law No,911 betng a By-Law to r:egulate theuse of lands and the characcer,location and u$e of buil,ding,s andstructures withtn the Township ofGeorgi.na, be now read a first,second and thi.rd times, passed andnumbered by the Mayor and Cl erk.(t{unicipal Properry Invenlory) .Carri,ed ,.,-'-- --..,.BY*LAW NO. 91L-<strong>82</strong>-L79(PL-5)Councillor hlinchReg*Councillor Mcl.,eanPassed, signed and sealed by thel4ayor and Clerh.:TI{AT By-Law No. 91}-<strong>82</strong>*1BO(PL-5)being a By-Law to amend By-LawNo. 91I, being a By-Law to reg,ulaEe. the use of lands and the character .locafion and use of buildi,nss andstTuctures wil-hin the Townshi-u of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be now read a fir:st,second and fhitd times, passed andnumbered by the l4ayor and Clerk.(Municipal Property Inventory )CarriedBY-LAW NO. 911-<strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>0(PL-5 )Pass,ed, slgned and sealed try thefiayor and Clerk.R.eg,-Cor-rnci<strong>lt</strong>or McleanCouncillor O'GradyTSIAT By-Law No. 91I*<strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>f(PL-5)being a By-Law to arnend By-l.aw No.91), bei,ng a By-Law to regulate theuse of lands arrd the character.locatiori and use of buildinpSs andst.rlrctures wj.thi.n the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> be now read a' first,second and [htrd times,. passed'rrumbered andby the Mayor and Clerk,(J.<strong>lt</strong>. Bartrer DevelopmenLs, l.ot2, Con. 7 (NG).Garried.$Y-LAW NO. 911- <strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>1( PL- 5 )Passed, si.gned and se,aled by rh,eFlayor and Clerk-Cormcillor WlnchS{eg-CounciIIor l.lcl.eanTIIAT Bv-Law No. 911-<strong>82</strong>-<strong>18</strong>?(PL-5)being a By*Law Lo ;amencl By-Law No.911, being a l3y*Larv to reE',ulate thetrse of lands and the character..nocati.on and use of buildings andstructures withi.n the Tor,lnshio of<strong>Georgina</strong>, tre now read a firsfi,s,econd and thircl times, passed andnumbered by the Mayor and Cl.erk.(Lyrrx Developments - Pt. LoE 12,Con . 3 t NG ) .Carrled.8Y-LAld NO. 9ll-<strong>82</strong>-1<strong>82</strong>( PL*5 )Passed, signed and sealed t-ry theMayor: arrcl Clerk.2L,....

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