sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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ICouncilc-<strong>82</strong>-r4Minuf,es*19- 19<strong>82</strong> 08 26.9. COMMITTBE AND OTHER REPORTS (Contd..-)4) TiIe Drainage LoansByron Lockie,R'R. #3, Sutron l'lest'Penelope Bayly, R.R. #3, Sutton West,- Report No. IJC*<strong>82</strong>-IO.Moved by Counc:'-l.Ior l'linchSeconded bY Councill-orLYons.1. A Ratlng By-Law be passed in the amor'rnt of$10,300 to meet the Loan request as sutrmittedby Byton L,ockie , and2. A Rattng, By-Law be passed in the amolrnt of$2,500.ij0 to meet the loan requesr as submittedPenelope BaYl.y , andby3. THAT both of these Rating By-laws be forwardedto the Regional Municipal<strong>lt</strong>y of York for l)ebentureapprovalCarriedi) ANIMAL CONTROL REPOBT FOR MONTH OF JUNEIThi.s was received for information.i) REPOII.T ON THE NUMBER OF FIRE CALLS FOR THE-T'IONTH OF JUNE :This was recelved for lnformation.k)BUILDINGDEPARTMENTREPORTFORMOi-{THOF.IUJ,Y:This was received for information.}O.BY-I.AbIS:Councillor Winch THAT By*Law No' 8?--106(TR-I)Reg-Councillor Mclean being a Ey-La*-to amend theTraffic Contr:ol By-Law No.8O-4oB(TR-f) of rhe Corporarlonof fhe Township of Geor:gina, benow read a firsr, second andthird times, passed atrd numberedby the }{ayor and Clerk.CarrledBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>*106Passed, si.gned and seal-ecl by theMayor and Clerk.?o . . . .

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