sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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Councll Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>*r4*r6- 19<strong>82</strong> 08 ?6.I 69.'COMT'IITTEIIANDOTHERREPORTS:f) REPORTS OF THE DIRTiCTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT;1) Mini<strong>sc</strong>ry of Natural Resources Land Use Strategy. RePort No. ED-<strong>82</strong>-02.Moved by CouncillorRog,etseconded bY CounclllorSmockum.THAT the Council of the Corporation of theTownship of Georgi,na request that the Ministry. ofNaf,ural Resourcei ente1. into dl<strong>sc</strong>ussionl with theT.ownshlp of Georg,ina on their planni-ng for thes-hort--fal1s of beach arear picnic opportunities,and overnight camPing.:CarriedAt this time tshe Mayor vacated his Chair:' and RegionalCouncillor Mclean assumed the Chair, with the agreement ofthe Members of Council.2l Sutton Business Improvement Area.Report No. ED-<strong>82</strong>-O3.Moved byCounclllotLyonsSeconded by CouncillorSmockum.THAT fhe Council. of the Corporation of theT,ownshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> proceed' on behalf of theutton Business people, instructing the CIerk to -Dr,EDare and forwardLetters of Int-errt as outlinedirr bection 2I7 (2) of The Municipal Act.Carrled.Atthls time Mayor Dales resumed the Chair.3 ),Sutton StreetDancea t'lemorandum to Mayor and Councillloved by Councillor LyonsSecondedby Councillor' Rogers.TIIAT the SuEton High Street Business Persons (B.I'A)'be permitted to hold anrrold Time" Street Dance on.saturday, September 4th, I9<strong>82</strong>;TIIAT Higtl Street easE of Marlcet Srreet to Middle Streetbe cl,oeed fromT p.m. Eo l.3O a.m,. on this evening,.Carrled.Moved by CounclllorLyonsSe.oonded by Counc'illorOtGrady'THAT Councll continue past the hour of11 p-nr. to complete the buslness on the Agenda.CarriedI7lrlrliI'itff

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