sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


I 0Counci-lc-82-r4l4inutes*to* 198208 26 .7 . COMMTINICATIONS ( Contd . . - )( I )South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority ExecutiveCommif[ee Minutes of a meeting held on August10rh. 1982.Thls was received for information.(m) South Lake Slrncoe Conservatlon Author:ity ExecutiveCommit,tee l'li.nutes of a held on AugusE17rh, 198?-.Thls was teceived for lnformation.(n) Bruce Crawford, Chlef of York Reg,iona1 Folice hasforwarded the criminal statistlcs r:el.aEive to theToronship of Georgina for rhe year 19BI thecorrespondjnB statistics for the six monEhs of 1982as reque$ted bY Council.This was received for information,With the agreement ofof buslness was changed onitem:EhetheMembers of CouncilAgenoa to deal withthe orderthe followingREPORTS OF THE TOI^INSHIP HNGINEER:9. (b)4. Appllcation under the Shoreline PropertyAssistance Act - Andrea GolclbergPart Lots 6, 7 and 8, Plan 83.Attachedis RePort No. TE-82*36.Mr. Goldberg addressed rhe Councll memtref,sat this time regatding his appllcation.Corrnclllor Burrows left Lhe meeEing at lhis time(9.37 p.rn. ).. l"loved by F,egional Councillor t'lcleanSeconded by CouncillorLYons.TIIAT the application submitted by Andrea Goldbergfor a Loan under the SHoreline Property AssistanceAct representing, Part Lots 6, 7 and 8, PIan 83,be appioved, subject to indemnifi.cation and approPriateualver cl"ause of the lingi.neering responsibilityregarding this aPPlication.Carried..11.

Councll l4irrutesc*82-14*13: 1982 08 26.r 39 . CO}{MITTIITI AND OTHER, REPORTS ( Contd . . . )b) REPORTS OF THE TOt,lNSl{IP IINGINEER:I). Clostng of the 8th Concessi.on Road Allowance (G)Report No. TH'-82-32.Moved by CouncillorOrGradySeconded by Rep-ional Councillorl{clean.THAT Report No. TE-82- 3?- of the TownshipEng,ineer be deferred to next Committee of theWhole meeting of 1982 Og 02.Carried2) Ptrrchase of Street Light System.R.eport No. TE-82-34.Moved by Reglona1 Counci.llorMcleanSeconded by Council, lorRog,ers.t. THAT the Council of the Township of Georgina lsin favour of purctrasing all- street lights owned byOntari.o Hydro in the Tortnship of Georgina at acost as of January lst, 1.983, of $189,48L0O andthat the purchase be financed by Ontario Hydro overa period of five years as set out in the letEer fromOntario Hydro dated July 28th, 19822. THAT Ontario Hydro be requested to pf,epare a PurchaseAg,reement for fhe sereet lig,ht plant as set out in(I) above, for the consideration of the Counci.l of theTownship of Georglna.Carrled.3) Tender Openings * Unassumed Roads Birch St.Si.dewalk Reconstruction - Market Stl-eeEChurch Streef. Report No. TE-82-35.Moved by CouncillorO'Gr:adySeconded by CounclllorRogers.THAT Item No. 5 of Report No. Tl*8?-35be deteted :as follows'THAT in the evenE Ehat the substdy level for fherehabi.l.iEation of rhe Pefferlaw Dam remains at the 65%subsidy fromthe Ministry of Natural, Resource$, Chen thesidewalk on the west side of The Queenswav South fromSlmcoe Street to Church Stieet in bu r""onstr:uctedln 1982 provided fhat the cost is comparable to che UnitPrice set oLlt in the low bid for Ehe sldewalk Tender.above-menl-ioned,Carrled.L 4 ,

I 0Counci-lc-<strong>82</strong>-r4l4inutes*to* 19<strong>82</strong>08 26 .7 . COMMTINICATIONS ( Contd . . - )( I )South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority ExecutiveCommif[ee Minutes of a meeting held on August10rh. 19<strong>82</strong>.Thls was received for information.(m) South Lake Slrncoe Conservatlon Author:ity ExecutiveCommit,tee l'li.nutes of a held on AugusE17rh, 198?-.Thls was teceived for lnformation.(n) Bruce Crawford, Chlef of York Reg,iona1 Folice hasforwarded the criminal statistlcs r:el.aEive to theToronship of <strong>Georgina</strong> for rhe year 19BI thecorrespondjnB statistics for the six monEhs of 19<strong>82</strong>as reque$ted bY Council.This was received for information,With the agreement ofof buslness was changed onitem:EhetheMembers of CouncilAgenoa to deal withthe orderthe followingREPORTS OF THE TOI^INSHIP HNGINEER:9. (b)4. Appllcation under the Shoreline PropertyAssistance Act - Andrea GolclbergPart Lots 6, 7 and 8, Plan 83.Attachedis RePort No. TE-<strong>82</strong>*36.Mr. Goldberg addressed rhe Councll memtref,sat this time regatding his appllcation.Corrnclllor Burrows left Lhe meeEing at lhis time(9.37 p.rn. ).. l"loved by F,egional Councillor t'lcleanSeconded by CouncillorLYons.TIIAT the application submitted by Andrea Goldbergfor a Loan under the SHoreline Property AssistanceAct representing, Part Lots 6, 7 and 8, PIan 83,be appioved, subject to indemnifi.cation and approPriateualver cl"ause of the lingi.neering responsibilityregarding this aPPlication.Carried..11.

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