sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


4Councilc*82-r4Mlnrrtes-4- 1982 08 26.REPORTSOFTHEDIRECTOROFPLANNING(Confd'.')4.Review of Parking, RequlrementsNo. 911.AEtached is Report No. By*LawMoved by Reg,ional CouncillorMcleanSeconded by Councillor0rGrady.THAT Item 6 in the recommendations of Report No.F-8?-37 of the DlrectoT of Planning as follows,be deferr:ed for further study at a DevelopmentSommittee meetlng:TIIAT Section of By*Law Number 911be arnended to reduce the minlmum parking requlrementfor Senior Citizen residential uses to one sPace Pert$ro bedrooms .Carri.edMoved by CouncillorWi.nchSeconded by Regional Councillor Mclean.I1. TIIAT Section 5.23.1 of By-Law Number 911 beamended to reduce the size of tlte parking stallrequlred from 16.5 square metres to 13.75 squaremetres (2-5 X 5.5metres) for 9O degree parkirrgt2. THAT f,he requirements pertaining to angle parklngprovided in Section 5.?3.9 (C) of By-Law Number911 be amended Eo incorporate fhe guldelines pr:escribedIn Tabte 3 of Section l(2) of Report No' F-82*37,3. THAT the I.5 rnetre lof line and setback requlredtn Secti.on 5.23.7 of By*Law Number 911 be walvedwhen two adjacent owners operating similar usesagree to uti.Iize said area for Commercial, Industrlal'Instltutional or Multiple ,Ilesidential parking,4. THAT Businesses ln Urban af,ea$ be requested toconsider the trading off of auEomobile parkingspaces for bicycle parking at a ral-e of twobicycJe spaces Per autonobile spacer up to amaxl-mum of 1O7" of rhe total number: of spaces required.lJhere applicable the IocaI Business ImprovementArea Associatlon would be the most aPpropriafe forumfor considertng this concePt,5. TI{AT the Township provide adequate parlcing, atllunlclpaLfacllities for handicapped people,6. THAT the parking space requltements f,or Hotel/!{otel/Resort uses as prescrihed in Sectlon 5.23.1.? of By-LawNumber 911 be amended to establish patking for salduses on a basis of one sPace per units for the firstfwenty unils, and thereafter one space per fwo unitE.trlhere mtxed uses exist, addltlonal parking shall berequlred as per Section 5.23.2 of By-Law Numher 911.5. . . .

5Councll Minutesc-82-L4*5- 1982 08 26B.EPORTS OF THE-DIRECTQR-OF PLANNING: '(Contd' . . )t+- 7. THAT Section 5.23.I.2 be amended to incorporatea parklng requirement for warehouse uses of one. space per 95 square metres of gross leasablefloor area ,8. THAT Section 5.23.7 be amended to permit parktng forindustrial uses to be located ln the front yardsr.rbject to apDropriaEe sefback requirements'9. TITAT the Township encourage brrsinesses in theCentral Business DlsEricE, preferably throug,h lBusiness Improvemenr Area Associacions to considerthe development of Off-$treef parking lotsiGarried.Counci.llor Rogers arrlved at the meeting af this ttrfle (7.15 p.rn.5. 57. f,arkland or Cash-in-Lieu.Attachedis Report No. P*82-38.lMoved byCouncillorBurrowsSeconded by CouncillorO'Grady.THAT recommendafion No. 4 of Repor:t No. P*82-29 as follows,be deferred for furrher study on the area in question and itsuse for par:kland;'rThe owner shall convey lands in an amount flot exceeding .5% ofthe lands included in this draft plan of to theTownship of Georgina fof, Parks purposes Pursuant to Eheprovisions of The Planning Act; alternatively, the Murricipalitymay accepf cash iil lieu of said Conveyance, ancl under Eheprovisions of The Planrring Act, fhe Murrlcipality 1s herebyaufhorized to do so. I Defeated.Moved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by Councillorliinch.THAT the PIan of Strbdivlsion subrnirted by Douglas andDeborah Davy for Part of Lot 14, Concession 2 (NG), bedraft approved, sub-'iect to the followlng condit-ions bEingm€--5efor-e Tinal approval for regiscrarlon:1. Draft approval shall relate to a draft plan ofSubdivtsion prepared by D.R. Barcham, Ontario LandSurveyor, dated 1982 OZ 15, and revised as shown onSchedule'D' of Report P-82-29;2. The Road allowance included in thi.s Plan ofSubdivlsion shalI be dedicated as Publte Highway;3. The streer included in this plan of subdivision sha1lbe named to the sarisfaction of the Township ofGeorg,ina, and the Regional Plannlng Departrnent;4. The owner shall convey l.ands irr an amount ttog sxssgding,5"/. of the lands included in this draft ofSubdivision to the Towrrship of Georglna for Parkspurposes pursuant to the provisions of The Planning Act;alEernatlvely, the Municipality may accept cash in lieuof said Conveyance and uuder Ehe provislons of ThePlanning Act, the Municipallty is hereby auf,horizedto do so :6. . .

5Councll Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-L4*5- 19<strong>82</strong> 08 26B.EPORTS OF THE-DIRECTQR-OF PLANNING: '(Contd' . . )t+- 7. THAT Section 5.23.I.2 be amended to incorporatea parklng requirement for warehouse uses of one. space per 95 square metres of gross leasablefloor area ,8. THAT Section 5.23.7 be amended to permit parktng forindustrial uses to be located ln the front yardsr.rbject to apDropriaEe sefback requirements'9. TITAT the Township encourage brrsinesses in theCentral Business DlsEricE, preferably throug,h lBusiness Improvemenr Area Associacions to considerthe development of Off-$treef parking lotsiGarried.Counci.llor Rogers arrlved at the meeting af this ttrfle (7.15 p.rn.5. 57. f,arkland or Cash-in-Lieu.Attachedis Report No. P*<strong>82</strong>-38.lMoved byCouncillorBurrowsSeconded by CouncillorO'Grady.THAT recommendafion No. 4 of Repor:t No. P*<strong>82</strong>-29 as follows,be deferred for furrher study on the area in question and itsuse for par:kland;'rThe owner shall convey lands in an amount flot exceeding .5% ofthe lands included in this draft plan of to theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> fof, Parks purposes Pursuant to Eheprovisions of The Planning Act; a<strong>lt</strong>ernatively, the Murricipalitymay accepf cash iil lieu of said Conveyance, ancl under Eheprovisions of The Planrring Act, fhe Murrlcipality 1s herebyaufhorized to do so. I Defeated.Moved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by Councillorliinch.THAT the PIan of Strbdivlsion subrnirted by Douglas andDeborah Davy for Part of Lot 14, Concession 2 (NG), bedraft approved, sub-'iect to the followlng condit-ions bEingm€--5efor-e Tinal approval for regi<strong>sc</strong>rarlon:1. Draft approval shall relate to a draft plan ofSubdivtsion prepared by D.R. Barcham, Ontario LandSurveyor, dated 19<strong>82</strong> OZ 15, and revised as shown onSchedule'D' of Report P-<strong>82</strong>-29;2. The Road allowance included in thi.s Plan ofSubdivlsion shalI be dedicated as Pub<strong>lt</strong>e Highway;3. The streer included in this plan of subdivision sha1lbe named to the sarisfaction of the Township ofGeorg,ina, and the Regional Plannlng Departrnent;4. The owner shall convey l.ands irr an amount ttog sxssgding,5"/. of the lands included in this draft ofSubdivision to the Towrrship of Georglna for Parkspurposes pursuant to the provisions of The Planning Act;alEernatlvely, the Municipality may accept cash in lieuof said Conveyance and uuder Ehe provislons of ThePlanning Act, the Municipal<strong>lt</strong>y is hereby auf,horizedto do so :6. . .

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