sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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3Council" Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-r4-3- 198? 08 26.REPORTS OF THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING ( Contd . . )9.( c )to Bv*Law Number 911-<strong>82</strong>-I73(PL-5)and takes the position that theobjecrions do not mer<strong>lt</strong> repealingthe said By-Law i i2. THAT Report P-<strong>82</strong>-34 which details LheMunlclpalityrs position to the ob-iecflonsreferred to in l. above, be aEtached as anappendix to the Affidavit of the Clerk tobe forwarded to the Ontario Municlpal lSoard.iA recorded vote was requested.The Clerk recbrded the vote as follows:Regional CounclllorCouncillor LyonsCounclllor OtGradyCouncillor SmockumCounclllor l{inchMayor DalesMclean* Yea- yea- Yea* Yea* Yea- yeaCouneillorBurrows- NayYea - 6Nay * ICarried .3.Proposed Zoning Amendment$ as per MunicipalProperty Inventory(ParE of Lot I, Con. 2 (NG) and Block A,Plan 549 .Attached is Report No. P-<strong>82</strong>*36.Moved by CouncillorSeconded by CouncillorO'GtadyLyonst.2.THAT BlockrAr, Plan 549 (G), be rezoned fvom UrlranResidentlal (RI) to Urban Residential (RI) with aSpecial provision Eo provide a minimum Lot frontage andarea of 2SmeEres (92 feet) and 1,58O Sq. Mel.res(l7,OOO Sq. feeE) respectively and further to providefor Ehe reduced Lot ar:ea that would be created in theevent that Part 5 as shown in Schedule rA' ln RepotfNumber P-<strong>82</strong>-36 is conveyed to the abutting propertyowner to the South iTHAT land de<strong>sc</strong>ribed as Part of Lot 1, Concesslon 2,(NG) be rezoned from rural (RU) ro Urban Residential(Rl) wfth a special. provision to provlde a mlnimurnfloor area of 140 sq. Metres (1,506 sq. ft) fordwel-ling,s to be constructed thereon.Carried.4.

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