sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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9<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-15SpeclalMinutesCouncil*9-19<strong>82</strong> 09 16.L2. OTHER MOTIONS (Contd... )Councillor ShepherdReg-CounclIIor McleanTHAT whereas the Canadian ImperialBank of Commerce, Pefferlaw ilranch,has served notice that it interrds toresfrict hours of business, sfartingOctober <strong>18</strong>th, 19<strong>82</strong>, from5 days a weekto ? days a week, with Tuesdays frornthe hours of lO a.m. co 3 p.m. andFrldays from the hours of I p.m. to6 p.*. rernainlng open;AND WHEREAS the Bank i.s notifying al<strong>lt</strong>heir customers , Ehat dur,irrg thesehours it shall remain open for chequecashing only and all account$ wi<strong>lt</strong>automaticatl"y be transferred to theirCannlngton, Ontario Branch, which islocated outside of <strong>Georgina</strong> Townshi_p;AND WHEREA$ thete is a ser:ious concernwlfh the Businesses and publ-lc sector,that , a<strong>lt</strong>hough a cheque may be cashedat this branch, any account has beerrtransferred fo another bank:AND I^IHEREAS, the bank's deci.sion torestrict hours of buslness and thenrestrlct any business to cheque cashlngonly ls an indication that ttre CanadianImperial Banlc of Commerce contemplatesa final- cl.ose downlAND IiHEREAS there has been a maiorirvof persons transfer their accot-rits tbother areas, subsequent fo the barrktsnotifi.cation;THEF-EFORE, BN IT RESOLVED THAT, IhCCouncil of the Township of Georg,inasupports the fransfer of its aceountsto any Bhnk, Trust Company or CreditUnlon which wishes to establ.ish lnPefferl.aw on a fuII banking weekbasis, (or preferably the existingbank), and Ehe Chief AdministrativeOfficer jmmedlately commencenegotiations ln order to brirrg aboutsatisfactory concluslons upon theundertaking that the lendi-ng orbanking institution selected beprepared to meef alI necessary bankingrequirements of the Municipality.Carrled.10.

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