sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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ItIr<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-I56SpeclalMirrutesCounclL-6* r.9<strong>82</strong> 09 16-9- COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (Conrd.,.)c) REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR oF RECREATTON& pARKS:Tender Opening - PefferlawCommurr<strong>lt</strong>y parkReport No. DR-<strong>82</strong>-12Moved by CouncillorShepherd.TI{AT Tenrler Contract No. P<strong>82</strong>-08-04, for theconstruction of fecreation facl_Iities andassociated works at the Pefferlaw CommunitvFark, be awarded to the }owest bidder, VirliniaAggregetes Ltd., in f,he amourif of 911,850-00.Carried,.Ildith the agreement of the Members of Council. thef,ol}or"ring Motiorr was introduced :Moved by CouncillorShepherdSeconded by Counclllor$econded by Councill.or Burrovrs-O'Grady-I?IAT the inconing Councll consider ttre feasibilifyof constructing a foot bridge over the pefferlawBrook and where fundlng woul,cl be avallable forsuch a project.-Gar'riedd )BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF ATIGUST :This was received for information..e) ANIMAL CONTROL REPORT FOR MONTH OF.JULY;This was received for lnformation.f} AI{IHAL CONTR,OL REPOR.T FOR I,IONTH OF AUGUST:firis was received for lnforrnafion.,7 . . - . ..

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