sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


sc-82-155$pecial Councill[inutes-5-]982 09 169. Co!{lrrTTE}la) D3.AND OTHER }TSPOIITS :THAT the letter received from I{r. Laviolette datedAugust 30th, L98?, regarcling hls concerns ovel thereconstruction of the Simcoe Street Dock be referredto Township staff for a written reply"THAT Report No" T-82-fg of the Director of Financebe received for inforrnation.4.5.6.TIIAT the sum of $C,iff.7l be transferreO tiom theSick Leave Contingency Reserve to the GeorginaPublic Library Board bndget to covef the cost ofslck feave payments made to its staff members ontermination.THAT the l,{ayor proclaim the Week of Octobe,r 23rd,to 30th, lg82 &s "trVeek of the Child'r in theTownship of Georglna.WI{EREAS the Canadian Imperial Bank of Cornrnerce,PefferLaw Branch, has served notice to thebusinesses and public sector of Pefferlaw andsurrounding arear., that effective immediately thebank w111 be op6n for business only two days, from1O:OO a.m. to 3:O0 p.m. with no extended hours ofservice;AND I\IHEREAS, this deeision wiLl directly plaee thebusinesses in jeopardy of losing many customers,since it is an established fact that vrhen personsdo banking lrusiness in proximity to busj-nessestablishrnents, sane will benefit because of theconvenl.ence for customers ;AND WHEREAS the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commercehas resommended to' its patrons that they transfcrtheir accounts to their Cannington Branch, whichwill take business out of the downtoq'n area ofPefferlaw and elsewlrer:e in the vicinity- As we1l,persons wishing to cash their pay cheques will findit necessary to travel approximately I miles to thenearest bank, in order to do so. This decisj.on willalso place the employee$ of the bank on the recordof unenployed;AND ITIHEREAS this deqision witl drastl,eally affectany buslness regarding volume of sa1es, as well as,lurther affecting any planned expansions oy s,d,ditionsto any existing business s'uructure$;THBREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED TIIAT the Council of theCorporatlon of the Tolnship of Georgina stronglyopposes the final decisi.on of the Canadian Imperial"Bank of Commerce to remain open only two days a weckfrorn 1O:OO a.m. to 3:00 p"m. with no extended hoursavailable. AND, that the Council direct the Mayor,the Chief Administrative Officer and the Directorof Econornic Development, to approach the properexecutive personnel of the banks to exl:lain theserious concern and contemplated effects the decisionwl1I have on the Business Section, BusinessEnterprises outsidg the downtown core, Workers andSenior Citizens aIike.Carried6. . . . .

ItIrsc-82-I56SpeclalMirrutesCounclL-6* r.982 09 16-9- COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (Conrd.,.)c) REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR oF RECREATTON& pARKS:Tender Opening - PefferlawCommurrlty parkReport No. DR-82-12Moved by CouncillorShepherd.TI{AT Tenrler Contract No. P82-08-04, for theconstruction of fecreation facl_Iities andassociated works at the Pefferlaw CommunitvFark, be awarded to the }owest bidder, VirliniaAggregetes Ltd., in f,he amourif of 911,850-00.Carried,.Ildith the agreement of the Members of Council. thef,ol}or"ring Motiorr was introduced :Moved by CouncillorShepherdSeconded by Counclllor$econded by Councill.or Burrovrs-O'Grady-I?IAT the inconing Councll consider ttre feasibilifyof constructing a foot bridge over the pefferlawBrook and where fundlng woul,cl be avallable forsuch a project.-Gar'riedd )BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF ATIGUST :This was received for information..e) ANIMAL CONTROL REPORT FOR MONTH OF.JULY;This was received for lnformation.f} AI{IHAL CONTR,OL REPOR.T FOR I,IONTH OF AUGUST:firis was received for lnforrnafion.,7 . . - . ..

<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-155$pecial Councill[inutes-5-]9<strong>82</strong> 09 169. Co!{lrrTTE}la) D3.AND OTHER }TSPOIITS :THAT the letter received from I{r. Laviolette datedAugust 30th, L98?, regarcling hls concerns ovel thereconstruction of the Simcoe Street Dock be referredto Township staff for a written reply"THAT Report No" T-<strong>82</strong>-fg of the Director of Financebe received for inforrnation.4.5.6.TIIAT the sum of $C,iff.7l be transferreO tiom theSick Leave Contingency Reserve to the <strong>Georgina</strong>Public Library Board bndget to covef the cost ofslck feave payments made to its staff members ontermination.THAT the l,{ayor proclaim the Week of Octobe,r 23rd,to 30th, lg<strong>82</strong> &s "trVeek of the Child'r in theTownship of Georglna.WI{EREAS the Canadian Imperial Bank of Cornrnerce,PefferLaw Branch, has served notice to thebusinesses and public sector of Pefferlaw andsurrounding arear., that effective immediately thebank w111 be op6n for business only two days, from1O:OO a.m. to 3:O0 p.m. with no extended hours ofservice;AND I\IHEREAS, this deeision wiLl directly plaee thebusinesses in jeopardy of losing many customers,since it is an established fact that vrhen personsdo banking lrusiness in proximity to busj-nessestablishrnents, sane will benefit because of theconvenl.ence for customers ;AND WHEREAS the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commercehas resommended to' its patrons that they transfcrtheir accounts to their Cannington Branch, whichwill take business out of the downtoq'n area ofPefferlaw and elsewlrer:e in the vicinity- As we1l,persons wishing to cash their pay cheques will findit necessary to travel approximately I miles to thenearest bank, in order to do so. This decisj.on willalso place the employee$ of the bank on the recordof unenployed;AND ITIHEREAS this deqision witl drastl,eally affectany buslness regarding volume of sa1es, as well as,lurther affecting any planned expansions oy s,d,ditionsto any existing business s'uructure$;THBREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED TIIAT the Council of theCorporatlon of the Tolnship of <strong>Georgina</strong> stronglyopposes the final decisi.on of the Canadian Imperial"Bank of Commerce to remain open only two days a weckfrorn 1O:OO a.m. to 3:00 p"m. with no extended hoursavailable. AND, that the Council direct the Mayor,the Chief Administrative Officer and the Directorof Econornic Development, to approach the properexecutive personnel of the banks to exl:lain theserious concern and contemplated effects the decisionwl1I have on the Business Section, BusinessEnterprises outsidg the downtown core, Workers andSenior Citizens aIike.Carried6. . . . .

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