sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


3c--82-16Council Minutes -3- 1982 0923.4. DEPIJTATIOMi (Contd.. . . )Moved by CounclllorButrows:Seconded by CouncillorRog,ers.THAT the retention pond tn the Orsl Subdlvi.sionbe soclded.DefeatedMoved by R.egional Councillor l{clean. Seconded by Counclllor LyonsTHAT the retention pond tn the Orsl Subdivisionbe properly re-seeded.CarriedMoved by CouncillorBurrowsSeconded by CouncillorRogersTHAT the Town.s.hip Hnglneer investig,ate the feasibitityof requiring" Ilod-Aire l-lornes lo provide adequaceproiection around the clrainage orrlletto prevel-rt childrenfrom enter:_ng, subject to Councilrs approval.Moved by CouncillorBurrowsCatried'Seconded by CouncillorRogersTHAT the vacant lots wlthin the Orsi Subdivlsion bemalntained in accotdance wittr the Subdivision Agreement.Carrled.Moved by CouncillorBurrowsSeconded by CouncillorRogersTHAT payment be made of the outstandtng Eaxes nowdue on the Orsl Subdivision properties-still retainedby the Developer .Carried.Moved by CouncillorBurrowsSeconded by CouncillorRogersTHAT the minimum square foot areas of the homes in theOrsi Subdlvision be lr5OO square feet.A recorded voEe was requested.The Clerk recorded the vote as follows:4. . . . .

c*82-16Council Mlnut:es-4- 1982 09 23.4, DEPUTATIONS (Contd.Reg-Councillor Mclean - yeaCounclllor Burrow$ - yeaCouncillor: Rogers - yeaMayor Dales* YeaCouncillorCouncillorCouncitlorCouncillorYea -Nay -LyonsOrGradvShepherdtlinch44- Nay- Nay- f.tay- NayMotion LostMoved hy Regional Counctllor McleanSeconded by Counclll_orLyons.THAT the square footage of thl homes proposed forStage II of fhe Orsi Subdtvision, be deferred i" tt* -Councll-meeting of Octoher l4th, 1992, for f,rrin*idlscussion .Carried.5. COMMIJNICATIONS ;a) Memo to Mayor and Memt,ers of Council, from theTreasurer, Mr. Stan Armstrong reg,arding a donationln the amount of $l,ooo.oo received fr6m the r'lest parkMenrs Softball'Leag,ue towards the cost of i""l"fff"gplayground equipment and a rhird dtamond in ilesi part.Thls was recelved for information,b) Minutes of the Meeting of the conservation and communityRelations Advisory Board of the South Lake StmcoeConservation Authority held on September loth,-igAZ.Thls was recelved for information.The Chief AdminisrraEive Offlcer to investisatethe disposition of item No. CC*g2_32 of tt"-eJ,rfsorvBoard Minutes, regarding the returning of old ,uii"iyriglt of ways to the original ovrnersl and reporE backto Council.c) Borough of Etobicoke seeking endorsement of a resolutlonrequesting_the Province of 0ntario to Drovide Eax refundsto help offset the loss of tax revenLle thaE hasresulted from home owners who have used urea formardehyrJefor insulatlon.5.

c*<strong>82</strong>-16Council Mlnut:es-4- 19<strong>82</strong> 09 23.4, DEPUTATIONS (Contd.Reg-Councillor Mclean - yeaCounclllor Burrow$ - yeaCouncillor: Rogers - yeaMayor Dales* YeaCouncillorCouncillorCouncitlorCouncillorYea -Nay -LyonsOrGradvShepherdtlinch44- Nay- Nay- f.tay- NayMotion LostMoved hy Regional Counctllor McleanSeconded by Counclll_orLyons.THAT the square footage of thl homes proposed forStage II of fhe Orsi Subdtvision, be deferred i" tt* -Councll-meeting of Octoher l4th, 1992, for f,rrin*idl<strong>sc</strong>ussion .Carried.5. COMMIJNICATIONS ;a) Memo to Mayor and Memt,ers of Council, from theTreasurer, Mr. Stan Armstrong reg,arding a donationln the amount of $l,ooo.oo received fr6m the r'lest parkMenrs Softball'Leag,ue towards the cost of i""l"fff"gplayground equipment and a rhird dtamond in ilesi part.Thls was recelved for information,b) Minutes of the Meeting of the conservation and communityRelations Advisory Board of the South Lake StmcoeConservation Authority held on September loth,-igAZ.Thls was recelved for information.The Chief AdminisrraEive Offlcer to investisatethe disposition of item No. CC*g2_32 of tt"-eJ,rfsorvBoard Minutes, regarding the returning of old ,uii"iyrig<strong>lt</strong> of ways to the original ovrnersl and reporE backto Council.c) Borough of Etobicoke seeking endorsement of a resolutlonrequesting_the Province of 0ntario to Drovide Eax refundsto help offset the loss of tax revenLle thaE hasresu<strong>lt</strong>ed from home owners who have used urea formardehyrJefor insulatlon.5.

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